Skyscanner API (Flights) avatar

Skyscanner API (Flights)

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Skyscanner API (Flights)

Skyscanner API (Flights)

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3 days trial then $12.00/month - No credit card required now

Get the best flight itineraries and calendar prices from Skyscanner! Supports one-way and round trips with various filters. It's fast and costs little!



Simulates user country.

Value options:

"United States": string"Afghanistan": string"Albania": string"Algeria": string"American Samoa": string"Angola": string"Anguilla": string"Antarctica": string"Antigua and Barbuda": string"Argentina": string"Armenia": string"Aruba": string"Australia": string"Azerbaijan": string"Bahamas": string"Bahrain": string"Bangladesh": string"Barbados": string"België": string"Belize": string"Benin": string"Bermuda": string"Bhutan": string"Bolivia": string"Bosnia and Herzegovina": string"Botswana": string"Brasil": string"British Virgin Islands": string"Brunei": string"Burkina Faso": string"Burundi": string"Cambodia": string"Cameroon": string"Canada": string"Cape Verde": string"Caribbean Netherlands": string"Cayman Islands": string"Central African Republic": string"Chad": string"Chile": string"Christmas Island": string"Città del Vaticano": string"Cocos (Keeling) Islands": string"Colombia": string"Comoros": string"Congo": string"Cook Islands": string"Costa Rica": string"Cuba": string"Curacao": string"DR Congo": string"Danmark": string"Deutschland": string"Djibouti": string"Dominica": string"East Timor": string"Ecuador": string"Egypt": string"El Salvador": string"Equatorial Guinea": string"Eritrea": string"España": string"Estonia": string"Ethiopia": string"Falkland Islands": string"Faroe Islands": string"Fiji": string"France": string"French Polynesia": string"Fürstentum Liechtenstein": string"Gabon": string"Gambia": string"Georgia": string"Ghana": string"Gibraltar": string"Greenland": string"Grenada": string"Guadeloupe": string"Guam": string"Guatemala": string"Guernsey": string"Guinea": string"Guinea-Bissau": string"Guyana": string"Guyane Française": string"Haiti": string"Honduras": string"Hrvatska": string"Iceland": string"India": string"Indonesia": string"Iran": string"Iraq": string"Ireland": string"Israel": string"Italia": string"Ivory Coast": string"Jamaica": string"Jordan": string"Kazakhstan": string"Kenya": string"Kiribati": string"Kosovo": string"Kuwait": string"Kyrgyzstan": string"Laos": string"Latvia": string"Lebanon": string"Lesotho": string"Liberia": string"Libya": string"Lithuania": string"Luxembourg": string"Macau": string"Madagascar": string"Magyarország": string"Malawi": string"Malaysia": string"Maldives": string"Mali": string"Malta": string"Marshall Islands": string"Martinique": string"Mauritania": string"Mauritius": string"Mayotte": string"Micronesia": string"Moldova": string"Monaco": string"Mongolia": string"Montenegro": string"Montserrat": string"Morocco": string"Mozambique": string"Myanmar": string"México": string"Namibia": string"Nauru": string"Nederland": string"Nepal": string"New Caledonia": string"New Zealand": string"Nicaragua": string"Niger": string"Nigeria": string"Niue": string"Norge": string"North Korea": string"Northern Mariana Islands": string"Oman": string"Pakistan": string"Palau": string"Palestinian Territories": string"Panamá": string"Papua New Guinea": string"Paraguay": string"Perú": string"Philippines": string"Polska": string"Portugal": string"Principat d'Andorra": string"Puerto Rico": string"Qatar": string"Republic of Macedonia": string"República Dominicana": string"Reunion": string"România": string"Rwanda": string"Saint Barthelemy": string"Saint Kitts and Nevis": string"Saint Lucia": string"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": string"Samoa": string"Sao Tome and Principe": string"Saudi Arabia": string"Schweiz": string"Senegal": string"Serbia": string"Seychelles": string"Sierra Leone": string"Singapore": string"Slovenia": string"Slovensko": string"Solomon Islands": string"Somalia": string"South Africa": string"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands": string"South Sudan": string"Sri Lanka": string"St Maarten": string"St. Helena": string"St. Pierre and Miquelon": string"Sudan": string"Suomi": string"Suriname": string"Sverige": string"Swaziland": string"Syria": string"Tajikistan": string"Tanzania": string"Togo": string"Tonga": string"Trinidad and Tobago": string"Tunisia": string"Turkmenistan": string"Turks and Caicos Islands": string"Tuvalu": string"Türkiye": string"US Virgin Islands": string"Uganda": string"United Arab Emirates": string"United Kingdom": string"Uruguay": string"Uzbekistan": string"Vanuatu": string"Venezuela": string"Việt Nam": string"Wallis and Futuna Islands": string"Yemen": string"Zambia": string"Zimbabwe": string"Österreich": string"Česká republika": string"Ελλάδα": string"Κύπρος": string"Беларусь": string"България": string"Россия": string"Україна": string"ไทย": string"中国": string"台灣": string"日本": string"香港": string"대한민국": string

Default value of this property is "United States"



Value options:

"gfp": string"gfa": string"gcm": string"gcd": string

Default value of this property is "gfp"

Direct flights only


Default value of this property is false

Flight origin


E.g., LAX or Los Angeles

Flight destination


E.g., LAS or Las Vegas.

Departure date


Format: YYMMDD.

Return date


Leave empty for one-way flights. Format: YYMMDD.

Number of adults


Default value of this property is 1

Number of children


Must be of type INT < 16. Maximum 8 entries.

Cabin class


Value options:

"economy": string"premiumeconomy": string"business": string"first": string

Default value of this property is "economy"

Nearby airports


Value options:

"none": string"all": string"from": string"to": string

Default value of this property is "none"

Save on usage cost


Wraps all results in a single row.

Default value of this property is true



Waiting time between requests.

Default value of this property is 3



Number of retries after failure.

Default value of this property is 3

Proxy configuration


Select proxies to be used by your crawler.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 6 monthly users

  • 2 stars

  • 96% runs succeeded

  • Created in Dec 2024

  • Modified 2 months ago