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Google Maps Scraper

Google Maps Scraper

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Extract data from hundreds of Google Maps locations and businesses. Get Google Maps data including reviews, images, contact info, opening hours, location, popular times, prices & more. Export scraped data, run the scraper via API, schedule and monitor runs, or integrate with other tools.


Feature Request: fid of Google Maps locations


talkwalker opened this issue
2 months ago

in addition to "cid" and "placeid", for Google Maps locations, add the "fid". For example, I have a business with the following information:

Business Name: Adobe - Lehi — 3900 Adobe Way , Lehi, UT Google Place ID: ChIJ6-G_3DqAUocRw5ctKLeX2yI Google CID: 2511768030098069443

Now I would like to find the FID for this location, which in this case is 0x8752803adcbfe1eb:0x22db97b7282d97c3

The top link for Google Review dialog looks like this:

But when clicked the browser redirects to:,+39A+Hoxton+Square,+London+N1+6NN&ludocid=3875764231069137800#lrd=0x48761cbae8c494eb:0x35c97b08920a7b88,3

You'll notice the lrd parameter before the comma is the FID I'm looking for.

ondrejklinovsky avatar

Hi, thanks for the request. We'll add fid field to the output. We'll release it by the end of this week.

ondrejklinovsky avatar

Hi, new version has been released and results now contain fid.

Maintained by Apify
Actor metrics
  • 5k monthly users
  • 283 stars
  • 97.8% runs succeeded
  • 3.3 days response time
  • Created in Nov 2018
  • Modified about 8 hours ago