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Google Maps Extractor

Google Maps Extractor

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Extract data from hundreds of places fast. Scrape Google Maps by keyword, category, location, URLs & other filters. Get addresses, contact info, opening hours, popular times, prices, menus & more. Export scraped data, run the scraper via API, schedule and monitor runs, or integrate with other tools.


Level of GEOJSON coordinate file


Candid_Tails opened this issue
4 months ago

does it matter for my scraping of f.e belgium veterinarians which level of GeoJson coordinates I use?

On the link send by your customer support I found the following 4 optiosn

GeoJSON: level-0, level1, level2, level3, level4 I want veterinarian of the whole country.

Do I get more complete results with one or the other? It seems like level 0 is just the coordinates of the country and level 4 has a lot more coordinates, also of the ones inside.

The files were found here on thsi link:

Thank you in advance

ondrejklinovsky avatar

Hi, thanks for your question. I think you should get +- same results with any level, but since you want to scrape whole country, level-0 would be the most reasonable.

Btw, you don't need to set geojson manually, the actor does this for you. All you need to do is enter the location (e.g. Belgium) in actor's input form. We use Nominatim API - there you can see what area will be scraped by the actor.



4 months ago

I understand that to get ore then 200 results i needed to do this however?

I have watched a video on apify website for this. About 4 ways to scrape.

Kind regards,


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ondrejklinovsky avatar

The following input will get you same results as if you used the GEOJSON (customGeolocation):

2    "searchStringsArray": [ "veterinarians" ],
3    "locationQuery": "Belgium",
4    "deeperCityScrape": true,
5    "language": "en"

Based on locationQuery the actor will get the right geojson.

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  • 96.0% runs succeeded
  • 22 hours response time
  • Created in Feb 2024
  • Modified about 9 hours ago