Linkedin Sales Navigator Scraper
1 day trial then $39.00/month - No credit card required now
Linkedin Sales Navigator Scraper
1 day trial then $39.00/month - No credit card required now
Scrape Linkedin sales navigator search results, lists, new results, profiles to extract email, social media urls, company website, positions.
Calling the actor asynchronous via:
With the payload: { "searchUrl": "
Linkedin Search
", "cookie": ["
Linkedin Cookie
"], "deepScrape": false, "maxDelay": 30, "minDelay": 5, "count": 25, "proxy": { "useApifyProxy": true, "apifyProxyCountry": "ES" } }
Result: 201
Status: FAILED
Any Idea why it fails?
Whats in the logs
Failed to authenticate via Linkedin Cookie
it was the "li_at" Linkedin Cookie straight from the console and the Linkedin Tab is open. I did log out and create a new cookie. Same result
2024-10-21T14:02:47.447Z ACTOR: Pulling Docker image of build CW3fXtZnrzGUEd5oH from repository. 2024-10-21T14:03:00.060Z ACTOR: Creating Docker container. 2024-10-21T14:03:04.895Z ACTOR: Starting Docker container. 2024-10-21T14:03:06.337Z Starting X virtual framebuffer using: Xvfb :99 -ac -screen 0 800x600x16 -nolisten tcp 2024-10-21T14:03:06.339Z Executing main command 2024-10-21T14:03:08.314Z INFO System info {"apifyVersion":"3.2.3","apifyClientVersion":"2.9.3","crawleeVersion":"3.10.5","osType":"Linux","nodeVersion":"v18.20.4"} 2024-10-21T14:03:09.432Z ERROR [Status message]: Failed to authorize with linkedin. Please retry with new cookies
Share the entire run otherwise it would be difficult to understand the reason behind the issue
There is no cookies in the run you shared
I just tried again with this payload replacing the varible with the cookie and it yields the same result
{ "searchUrl": "
Linkedin Search
", "cookie": ["AQEDATaDY5gBGD0IAAABkq-9ku0AAAGS08oW7U4AabO1qvVFAdClfU2jv2xzmS-3yIMcrtewKeaYwGgYbUo93N2wZrGKbAvfKSyjdxSgMUL_OCBREzatUiSvsaXKsfs1ueXEDt3Lq8tXFJ9YfTdMfOJi"], "deepScrape": false, "maxDelay": 30, "minDelay": 5, "count": 25, "proxy": { "useApifyProxy": true, "apifyProxyCountry": "US" } }
Thats not the correct cookies format
Follow these steps to get the cookies:
- Install Cookie-Editor chrome extension
- Login to your Linkedin account
- Click on the extension and export the cookies
- Paste the copied cookies into input
Actor Metrics
204 monthly users
61 stars
88% runs succeeded
6.6 days response time
Created in May 2023
Modified a month ago