Apollo Scraper - Pay per leads avatar

Apollo Scraper - Pay per leads

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Apollo Scraper - Pay per leads

Apollo Scraper - Pay per leads

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Pay $5.00 for 1,000 results

Scrape apollo to get b2b leads with emails, work history, company website, company phone numbers, etc


Paid plan of Apollo is required!

isunz opened this issue
13 days ago

Apollo only gives 100 credits to free plans now, so this actor is pretty much worthless unless you also have a paid Apollo plan!

curious_coder avatar

In order to quickly identify the reason of your issue, I need to inspect your run.

Please share the URL of the run where you faced this issue. You can find your runs on this page: https://console.apify.com/actors/runs



13 days ago

here it is: https://console.apify.com/view/runs/6FfYcBPyMPc9JXKz5

But the issue is not necessarily with the actor. It is the fact the Apollo have a restriction on the credits which are very low now, only 100 credits on the free plan.

curious_coder avatar

May be you signed up with bad email address or because you upgraded to paid plan your limit was reduced I checked their pricing page just now, and they still offer 10k credits per month on free plan and on paid plan it is reduced to (plan price / 0.025) credits per month



12 days ago

Thanks for looking into it. It is a new email address, so perhaps that may be the reason for this.

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  • 387 monthly users


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 5.3 days response time

  • Created in Aug 2023

  • Modified 11 days ago
