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Bing Search Result Scraper
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Bing Search Result Scraper

Bing Search Result Scraper

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3 days trial then $15.00/month - No credit card required now

Bing Search Result Scraper extracts organic and paid results, ads, Related, People Also Ask, News, Videos and Images Answers. Supports all available markets and languages. Download data as HTML table, JSON, CSV, Excel, XML or RSS.


Providing the same results over and over


forthright_fear opened this issue
a month ago

Racking up that time and processing charges but zero value added.

curious_coder avatar

In order to quickly identify the reason of your issue, I need to inspect your run.

Please share the URL of the run where you faced this issue. You can find your runs on this page:

curious_coder avatar

The proxy was not being used due to bug in the code. Fixed and pushed an update, It should work efficiently now

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 14 monthly users
  • 7 stars
  • 99.7% runs succeeded
  • 16 days response time
  • Created in Nov 2021
  • Modified 29 days ago