Linkedin Profile Explorer
1 day trial then $9.99/month - No credit card required now
Linkedin Profile Explorer
1 day trial then $9.99/month - No credit card required now
Discover endless professional opportunities with Linkedin Profile Explorer. This Apify actor effortlessly collects LinkedIn profile URLs for recruitment, networking, and research. Streamline your search and connect with the right professionals today.
LinkedIn Profile Explorer - Keywords: Sales Director, Wien... Google Search Results around 3000 - Output: Found and saved 0 LinkedIn URLs based on the keywords. Is there a reason, why there a 0 results?
Hello lunik2,
Thank you for reporting the issue. We found that the parsing logic was not correctly extracting LinkedIn URLs from Google's search results. We've updated the code to fix this, and the actor should now work as expected with the keywords "Sales Director, Wien." Please try to run the actor again and let us know for any issues.
Hello Lunik2,
Can you please confirm if the issue has been resolved .
Hi! Sorry for the late response. Problem is solved. Thank you very much!
Actor Metrics
40 monthly users
16 stars
98% runs succeeded
Created in Apr 2024
Modified a month ago