Google Images Scraper
This Actor is paid per event

Google Images Scraper
This Actor is paid per event
Only 0.8 USD for 1000 results. Scrape rich image information. Allow filters images like Google Images search. No other actors offer this feature.
Actor Metrics
1 Monthly user
No reviews yet
No bookmarks yet
Created in Mar 2025
Modified 14 hours ago
Max pages per query
The maximum number of search result pages crawled for each search query or URL.
Search Location - UULE location code
The code for geolocation of search results. It's passed to Google Search as the uule
URL query parameter. You can use the UULE code generator. Learn more about emulating local search.
Notice: This parameter is the ONLY way to get Google Images results from a specific location.
This param is for the Country (e.g. es
for Spain). The values must be lower-cased ISO 3166 country codes supported by Google. By default, the actor uses United States (us
Value options:
"af": string"al": string"dz": string"as": string"ad": string"ao": string"ai": string"aq": string"ag": string"ar": string"am": string"aw": string"au": string"at": string"az": string"bs": string"bh": string"bd": string"bb": string"by": string"be": string"bz": string"bj": string"bm": string"bt": string"bo": string"ba": string"bw": string"bv": string"br": string"io": string"bn": string"bg": string"bf": string"bi": string"kh": string"cm": string"ca": string"cv": string"ky": string"cf": string"td": string"cl": string"cn": string"cx": string"cc": string"co": string"km": string"cg": string"cd": string"ck": string"cr": string"ci": string"hr": string"cu": string"cy": string"cz": string"dk": string"dj": string"dm": string"do": string"ec": string"eg": string"sv": string"gq": string"er": string"ee": string"et": string"fk": string"fo": string"fj": string"fi": string"fr": string"gf": string"pf": string"tf": string"ga": string"gm": string"ge": string"de": string"gh": string"gi": string"gr": string"gl": string"gd": string"gp": string"gu": string"gt": string"gn": string"gw": string"gy": string"ht": string"hm": string"va": string"hn": string"hk": string"hu": string"is": string"in": string"id": string"ir": string"iq": string"ie": string"il": string"it": string"jm": string"jp": string"jo": string"kz": string"ke": string"ki": string"kp": string"kr": string"kw": string"kg": string"la": string"lv": string"lb": string"ls": string"lr": string"ly": string"li": string"lt": string"lu": string"mo": string"mk": string"mg": string"mw": string"my": string"mv": string"ml": string"mt": string"mh": string"mq": string"mr": string"mu": string"yt": string"mx": string"fm": string"md": string"mc": string"mn": string"ms": string"ma": string"mz": string"mm": string"na": string"nr": string"np": string"nl": string"an": string"nc": string"nz": string"ni": string"ne": string"ng": string"nu": string"nf": string"mp": string"no": string"om": string"pk": string"pw": string"ps": string"pa": string"pg": string"py": string"pe": string"ph": string"pn": string"pl": string"pt": string"pr": string"qa": string"re": string"ro": string"ru": string"rw": string"sh": string"kn": string"lc": string"pm": string"vc": string"ws": string"sm": string"st": string"sa": string"sn": string"cs": string"sc": string"sl": string"sg": string"sk": string"si": string"sb": string"so": string"za": string"gs": string"es": string"lk": string"sd": string"sr": string"sj": string"sz": string"se": string"ch": string"sy": string"tw": string"tj": string"tz": string"th": string"tl": string"tg": string"tk": string"to": string"tt": string"tn": string"tr": string"tm": string"tc": string"tv": string"ug": string"ua": string"ae": string"gb": string"us": string"um": string"uy": string"uz": string"vu": string"ve": string"vn": string"vg": string"vi": string"wf": string"eh": string"ye": string"zm": string"zw": string
Language for the search results, which is passed to Google Search as the hl
URL query parameter. Only set this if you want to use a non-default language for the selected country. The values must be lower-cased ISO 639 language codes supported by Google.
Value options:
"af": string"sq": string"sm": string"ar": string"az": string"eu": string"be": string"bn": string"bh": string"bs": string"bg": string"ca": string"zh-CN": string"zh-TW": string"hr": string"cs": string"da": string"nl": string"en": string"eo": string"et": string"fo": string"fi": string"fr": string"fy": string"gl": string"ka": string"de": string"el": string"gu": string"iw": string"hi": string"hu": string"is": string"id": string"ia": string"ga": string"it": string"ja": string"jw": string"kn": string"ko": string"la": string"lv": string"lt": string"mk": string"ms": string"ml": string"mt": string"mr": string"ne": string"no": string"nn": string"oc": string"fa": string"pl": string"pt-BR": string"pt-PT": string"pa": string"ro": string"ru": string"gd": string"sr": string"si": string"sk": string"sl": string"es": string"su": string"sw": string"sv": string"tl": string"ta": string"te": string"th": string"ti": string"tr": string"uk": string"ur": string"uz": string"vi": string"cy": string"xh": string"zu": string
Default value of this property is ""
Google Domain
This param is for the Google Search Domain (e.g. google.es
for Spain). By default, the actor uses United States (google.com
Value options:
"google.ad": string"google.ae": string"google.com.af": string"google.com.ag": string"google.com.ai": string"google.al": string"google.am": string"google.co.ao": string"google.com.ar": string"google.as": string"google.at": string"google.com.au": string"google.az": string"google.ba": string"google.com.bd": string"google.be": string"google.bf": string"google.bg": string"google.com.bh": string"google.bi": string"google.bj": string"google.com.bn": string"google.com.bo": string"google.com.br": string"google.bs": string"google.bt": string"google.co.bw": string"google.by": string"google.com.bz": string"google.ca": string"google.com.kh": string"google.cd": string"google.cf": string"google.cg": string"google.ch": string"google.ci": string"google.co.ck": string"google.cl": string"google.cm": string"google.com.co": string"google.co.cr": string"google.com.cu": string"google.cv": string"google.com.cy": string"google.cz": string"google.de": string"google.dj": string"google.dk": string"google.dm": string"google.com.do": string"google.dz": string"google.com.ec": string"google.ee": string"google.com.eg": string"google.es": string"google.com.et": string"google.fi": string"google.fm": string"google.com.fj": string"google.fr": string"google.ga": string"google.ge": string"google.com.gh": string"google.com.gi": string"google.gl": string"google.gm": string"google.gp": string"google.gr": string"google.com.gt": string"google.gy": string"google.com.hk": string"google.hn": string"google.hr": string"google.ht": string"google.hu": string"google.co.id": string"google.iq": string"google.ie": string"google.co.il": string"google.co.in": string"google.is": string"google.it": string"google.je": string"google.com.jm": string"google.jo": string"google.co.jp": string"google.co.ke": string"google.ki": string"google.kg": string"google.co.kr": string"google.com.kw": string"google.kz": string"google.la": string"google.com.lb": string"google.li": string"google.lk": string"google.co.ls": string"google.lt": string"google.lu": string"google.lv": string"google.com.ly": string"google.co.ma": string"google.md": string"google.mg": string"google.mk": string"google.ml": string"google.com.mm": string"google.mn": string"google.ms": string"google.com.mt": string"google.mu": string"google.mv": string"google.mw": string"google.com.mx": string"google.com.my": string"google.co.mz": string"google.com.na": string"google.ne": string"google.com.ng": string"google.com.ni": string"google.nl": string"google.no": string"google.com.np": string"google.nr": string"google.nu": string"google.co.nz": string"google.com.om": string"google.com.pk": string"google.com.pa": string"google.com.pe": string"google.com.ph": string"google.pl": string"google.com.pg": string"google.com.pr": string"google.ps": string"google.pt": string"google.com.py": string"google.com.qa": string"google.ro": string"google.rs": string"google.ru": string"google.rw": string"google.com.sa": string"google.com.sb": string"google.sc": string"google.se": string"google.com.sg": string"google.sh": string"google.si": string"google.sk": string"google.com.sl": string"google.sn": string"google.sm": string"google.so": string"google.sr": string"google.com.sv": string"google.td": string"google.tg": string"google.co.th": string"google.com.tj": string"google.tk": string"google.tl": string"google.tm": string"google.to": string"google.tn": string"google.com.tr": string"google.tt": string"google.com.tw": string"google.co.tz": string"google.com.ua": string"google.co.ug": string"google.co.uk": string"google.com.uy": string"google.co.uz": string"google.com.vc": string"google.co.ve": string"google.vg": string"google.co.vi": string"google.com.vn": string"google.vu": string"google.ws": string"google.co.za": string"google.co.zm": string"google.co.zw": string
Output CSV friendly format
Include shopping results data, use for CSV format
Start Date
Filter images uploaded after this date. Format: YYYYMMDD
. Example: 20250225
End Date
Filter images uploaded before this date. Format: YYYYMMDD
. Example: 20250229
Image Aspect Ratio
Filter images by aspect ratio. Example: s - Square
, w - Wide
, t - Tall
, xw - Panoramic
Value options:
"s": string"w": string"t": string"xw": string
Image Size
Filter images by size. Example: l - Large
, m - Medium
, i - Icon
Value options:
"l": string"m": string"i": string
Image Color
Filter images by color. Example: bw - Black and white
, trans - Transparent
, red - Red
, orange - Orange
, yellow - Yellow
, green - Green
, teal - Teal
, blue - Blue
, purple - Purple
, pink - Pink
, white - White
, gray - Gray
, black - Black
, brown - Brown
Value options:
"bw": string"trans": string"red": string"orange": string"yellow": string"green": string"teal": string"blue": string"purple": string"pink": string"white": string"gray": string"black": string"brown": string