Telegram Channel Scraper avatar

Telegram Channel Scraper

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Telegram Channel Scraper

Telegram Channel Scraper

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Telegram channel Scraper for getting public messages without login, phone number, or Telegram app. In the message supported forward and telegram reply URLs.

Telegram channel(s)


Provide one or several Telegram channel names you want to scrape the posts from.

Order number of the first post to scrape


Channel posts numbered by auto increment from 1

Order number of the first post to scrape


Channel posts numbered by auto increment from 1

Proxy configuration


A proxy server is required to run this actor! Either use an Apify residential proxy, or provide your own proxy servers. Datacenter proxies will not work.

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 116 monthly users
  • 8 stars
  • 99.8% runs succeeded
  • 73 days response time
  • Created in Jun 2023
  • Modified over 1 year ago