Advanced Product Hunt Scraper
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Advanced Product Hunt Scraper
3 days trial then $15.00/month - No credit card required now
Scrape product hunt "Top Products Launching Today" section. Actor crawls products and extracts information about the product: title, description, categories, images, maker info with contact links and website info with raw text and email. Export scraped datasets in JSON, csv, etc. Run via API.
This is not acceptable, waited for too long and no results
Hi there 👋
I am sorry to hear that. I'll take a look at this and let you know ASAP.
Have you deleted any of your datasets?
Thanks, Dan
I have not deleted yet, please let me know if we can speed up the run time...
The run time can be drastically reduced by using newly added functionality():
- You can use filter.minVotes, filter. topNProducts to crawl only filtered products.
- If you don't need maker or website information. Set scrapeMakers and scrapeWebsite to false. That will also drastically reduce run time.
Here is the link to documentation:
Related to the bug you've faced, I was able to replicate it and will push a fix later today. I suppose it was due to few runs running at the same time.
I'll let you know once I'll fix it
What else can we do if I need all the products from that date and I want all the information like makers and website
If you need everything, the only way to make it work faster is to increase memory in settings. Try to increase it in few times and you should notice faster execution speed. Depending on you plan, try to set 8192 or 16384.
May I also ask you, why the speed is a problem to you? Do you use UI or API for getting the response?
Thanks, Dan
I'm running at 32768
Why does this keep happening? No results
I am still fixing it. I'll let you know once it is finished. As of now, please, do not start multiple runs at the same time 🙏
According to the screenshot you've sent to me, you're running it at 4096. 🙃 Try increasing this
Hi there 👋 Just letting you know, that I've fixed the bug with not returning results.
I am closing the issue, in case you'll still have any problems/suggestions, just let me know 😉
Actor Metrics
29 monthly users
10 stars
99% runs succeeded
1.2 days response time
Created in Feb 2024
Modified 4 days ago