Advanced Product Hunt Scraper
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Advanced Product Hunt Scraper
3 days trial then $15.00/month - No credit card required now
Scrape product hunt "Top Products Launching Today" section. Actor crawls products and extracts information about the product: title, description, categories, images, maker info with contact links and website info with raw text and email. Export scraped datasets in JSON, csv, etc. Run via API.
You can improve the functionality with a few little tweaks.
Currently, you are scraping everything. Instead, you can add a couple more parameters.
- Products with more than 100 votes.
- Top 10 products of the day.
- Return only contact details not the entire website content - this makes the dataset bigger.
Hi 👋
Thank you for your valuable feedback! I’ve reviewed your suggestions and implemented the changes to improve the scraping functionality. Below are the updates:
- You can now filter products by the minimum amount of upvotes. Use "filter.minVotes" to set minimum amount of upvotes.
- You can now crawl only top N amount of products. Use "filter.topNProducts" to set the amount of products to crawl.
- If you set "saveWebsiteContent" to false - we'll not save website content to the dataset. We'll only save email.
Here’s the updated configuration for your reference:
{ "scrapeMakers": true, "scrapeWebsite": true, "archiveDate": "2024-05-15", // Date of the day you want to scrape in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If not provided, the scraper will scrape the current day. "filter": { // Filter is optional - if you don't pass it, we'll crawl all products for the following day "minVotes": 100, // Filter products by the minimum amount of upvotes "topNProducts": 10, // Take top N amount of products }, "saveWebsiteContent": true, // Set to true, if you want to set the content of the product's website to websiteRawText. This leads to a much bigger dataset. }
Also, you can check the documentation here:
Important note: to avoid making breaking changes. By default we scrape all products and save website content to the dataset.
I am closing the issue. Let me know if you'll face any problems. 🙏
Actor Metrics
29 monthly users
10 stars
99% runs succeeded
1.2 days response time
Created in Feb 2024
Modified 4 days ago