Google Trends Scraper FAST
1 day trial then $5.00/month - No credit card required now

Google Trends Scraper FAST
1 day trial then $5.00/month - No credit card required now
Get instant access to 🔥 daily trending searches by country and analyze Google Trends keyword search trends. This ultimate API alternative gives developers and data scientists programmatic access to Google Trends data without limitations.
Actor Metrics
40 Monthly users
5.0 / 5 (2)
>99% runs succeeded
2.3 hours response time
Created in Dec 2024
Modified 2 days ago
"Failed to retrieve trending searches"
Has been failing for the past 24 hours.
Thank you for reporting the issue. Google has probably modified how trends work on Google Trends (this happens often). We will look into it.
Okay, thanks. Keep me updated!
Hi, we have deployed a hotfix, can you confirm that everything is working fine?
Yep, looking good.
Thank you!
Perfect. I'm closing the ticket. Don't hesitate to contact me again if needed.