Google Trends Scraper FAST avatar

Google Trends Scraper FAST

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Google Trends Scraper FAST

Google Trends Scraper FAST

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1 day trial then $5.00/month - No credit card required now

Get instant access to 🔥 daily trending searches by country and analyze Google Trends keyword search trends. This ultimate API alternative gives developers and data scientists programmatic access to Google Trends data without limitations.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 39 Monthly users

  • 5.0 / 5 (2)


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 2.3 hours response time

  • Created in Dec 2024

  • Modified 2 days ago

Enable Trending Searches Mode


Enable to only retrieve trending searches (keyword analysis will be ignored)

Default value of this property is false

Country for Trending Searches


Select a country for trending searches (required if trending searches is enabled)

Value options:

"US": string"FR": string"GB": string"DE": string"IT": string"ES": string"BR": string"AU": string"IN": string"CA": string"RU": string"JP": string"NL": string"PL": string"TR": string"BE": string"SE": string"CH": string"AT": string"MX": string"DK": string"NO": string"FI": string"NZ": string"SG": string"ZA": string"IE": string"HK": string"PT": string"GR": string"IL": string"AR": string"CL": string"CO": string"HU": string"MY": string"PH": string"RO": string"SA": string"TH": string"AE": string"VN": string

Default value of this property is "US"

Time Period for Trending Searches


Select a time period for trending searches

Value options:

"4": string"24": string"48": string"168": string

Default value of this property is "24"

Search Term


The keyword to analyze in Google Trends

Default value of this property is "bitcoin"

Time Period


Select a time period

Value options:

"now 1-h": string"now 4-h": string"now 1-d": string"now 7-d": string"today 1-m": string"today 3-m": string"today 12-m": string"today 5-y": string"all": string

Default value of this property is "today 12-m"



Select a country for keyword trends

Value options:

"AF": string"ZA": string"AL": string"DZ": string"DE": string"AD": string"AO": string"AI": string"AG": string"SA": string"AR": string"AM": string"AW": string"AU": string"AT": string"AZ": string"BS": string"BH": string"BD": string"BB": string"BE": string"BZ": string"BJ": string"BM": string"BT": string"BY": string"BO": string"BA": string"BW": string"BR": string"BN": string"BG": string"BF": string"BI": string"KH": string"CM": string"CA": string"CV": string"CL": string"CN": string"CY": string"CO": string"KM": string"CG": string"CD": string"KP": string"KR": string"CR": string"CI": string"HR": string"CU": string"CW": string"DK": string"DJ": string"DM": string"EG": string"AE": string"EC": string"ER": string"ES": string"EE": string"US": string"ET": string"FJ": string"FI": string"FR": string"GA": string"GM": string"GE": string"GH": string"GI": string"GR": string"GL": string"HK": string"HU": string"IN": string"ID": string"IQ": string"IR": string"IE": string"IS": string"IL": string"IT": string"JM": string"JP": string"JO": string"KZ": string"KE": string"KW": string"LA": string"LV": string"LB": string"LY": string"LT": string"LU": string"MO": string"MY": string"MV": string"MT": string"MA": string"MX": string"MC": string"MN": string"ME": string"MZ": string"MM": string"NA": string"NP": string"NI": string"NG": string"NO": string"NZ": string"OM": string"UG": string"UZ": string"PK": string"PA": string"PY": string"NL": string"PE": string"PH": string"PL": string"PT": string"QA": string"RO": string"GB": string"RU": string"RW": string"SN": string"RS": string"SG": string"SK": string"SI": string"SO": string"LK": string"SE": string"CH": string"TW": string"TJ": string"TZ": string"TH": string"TN": string"TR": string"UA": string"UY": string"VE": string"VN": string"YE": string"ZM": string"ZW": string

Default value of this property is ""

Regional Data


Enable to retrieve regional data

Default value of this property is false

Proxy Configuration


Select proxies to be used by your Actor

Default value of this property is {"useApifyProxy":false}