Opensea Collection Scraper
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Opensea Collection Scraper
Opensea NFT collection scraper for Apify which helps you extract complete list of all assets from given collection.
Scraper Fails to Run and Hangs...
Hello, very interested in using this, but I cannot get the instance to run. I'm using build 0.2.13. Below is an output of the log.
2022-07-14T16:43:10.530Z ACTOR: Pulling Docker image from repository. 2022-07-14T16:43:27.458Z ACTOR: Creating Docker container. 2022-07-14T16:43:27.609Z ACTOR: Starting Docker container. 2022-07-14T16:43:29.545Z Starting X virtual framebuffer using: Xvfb :99 -ac -screen 0 1280x720x16 -nolisten tcp 2022-07-14T16:43:29.547Z Executing main command 2022-07-14T16:43:33.202Z INFO System info {"apifyVersion":"2.2.1","apifyClientVersion":"2.0.7","osType":"Linux","nodeVersion":"v16.15.0"} 2022-07-14T16:43:33.312Z Input: 2022-07-14T16:43:33.316Z { 2022-07-14T16:43:33.318Z startUrls: [ 2022-07-14T16:43:33.320Z { 2022-07-14T16:43:33.323Z url: 'https://opensea.io/collection/dogg-on-it-death-row-bored-ape-vol-1' 2022-07-14T16:43:33.325Z } 2022-07-14T16:43:33.327Z ], 2022-07-14T16:43:33.329Z extendOutputFunction: '(asset) => {\n' + 2022-07-14T16:43:33.331Z ' const result = {};\n' + 2022-07-14T16:43:33.334Z ' result.id = asset.id;\n' + 2022-07-14T16:43:33.336Z '\n' + 2022-07-14T16:43:33.338Z ' return result;\n' + 2022-07-14T16:43:33.340Z '}', 2022-07-14T16:43:33.342Z proxy: { useApifyProxy: false } 2022-07-14T16:43:33.345Z } 2022-07-14T16:43:35.306Z Initiating session... 2022-07-14T16:45:42.470Z ERROR 2022-07-14T16:45:42.473Z TimeoutError: Timeout exceeded while waiting for event 2022-07-14T1... [trimmed]

Thank you for your interest. I am all here to assist anytime.
Thanks for reporting bug and providing log as input. It really helps finding out an issue which are use case specific.
Opensea changed an API & I have updated this actor to handle it now. Please try again & it should work now.
Thanks, Dhrumil