Rightmove Postcode To Listing Url
$20.00/month + usage

Rightmove Postcode To Listing Url
Convert postcode, outcode , city or any region keyword to rightmove location Identifier. Get your rightmove sale or rent listing URL easily and integrate this API with your own property lead generation system.
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$20.00/month + usage
Monthly users
Runs succeeded
Last modified
4 months ago
🏡 What is Rightmove Postcode to listing URL Converter?
rightmove.co.uk is most popular and best property listing portal in United Kingdom. It's solidly built and most mature property portal in United Kingdom. There are so many businesses / gencies linked with rightmove. They deal with rightmove everyday basis with tons of integration.
This Rightmove postcode to listing URL converter will enable you to get rightmove listing URL from any post code. rightmove.co.uk works on specific identifiers for any location and this converters helps you to get location identifier along with sale and rent listing urls for given location. .
Keywords can be anything describing location. Example keywords :
- Outcode :
- Full Postcode :
- City :
- Region :
East London
🚪 What can this API do?
📈 Extract Rightmove listing location identifier
👀 It will also compose sale and rent listing urls for you.
⬇️ You can integrate this as an API directly with your own application. Response data will be in Excel, CSV, JSON, and other formats
📚 How do I start using this API?
- Register for your free Apify account here
- You don't need to provide your credit card details for free acount. Just click on "Get Started" button on above link and complete the registration only.
- Free account comes with reasonable credits to try out this actor. This actor also comes with free trial of 3 days without any commitment/upfront charge.
- Run this actor and verify the scraped data. Apify has huge integration possibilities. You can download the data or push the data into any 3rd party platform directly.
⬇️ Input
It requires jjust one keyword
as input and iit will provide you data for the same. This keyword can be anything which is non ambiguous. e.g. outcode, full postcode, city or region.
Input example
1{ 2 "keyword": "SW1W 0NY" 3}
⬆️ Output
The data is stored in the dataset of each run along with response provided in API call. The data can be viewed or downloaded in many popular formats, such as JSON, CSV, Excel, XML, RSS, and HTML.
Output example
The result for scraping a single property like this:
1{ 2 "locationIdentifier": "POSTCODE%5E1603691", 3 "saleListUrl": "https://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/find.html?locationIdentifier=POSTCODE%5E1603691", 4 "rentListUrl": "https://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-to-rent/find.html?locationIdentifier=POSTCODE%5E1603691" 5}
🙋♀️ For custom solutions
In case you need some custom solution, you can contact me : dhrumil@techvasu.com
Or learn more about me on github : https://github.com/dhrumil4u360
Pricing model
RentalTo use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.
Free trial
3 days