Discord Servers Scraper avatar

Discord Servers Scraper

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Discord Servers Scraper

Discord Servers Scraper

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2 hours trial then $19.99/month - No credit card required now

Effortlessly scrape Discord server data from Discord's discovery page. Get detailed information about servers including member counts, categories, and features. Perfect for market research, community analysis, and discovering trending Discord communities. 🎮✨

Discord Servers Scraper 🎮

Scrape Discord servers data from Discord's discovery page based on keywords. Perfect for market research, community analysis, and discovering trending Discord communities! 🚀

Features ✨

  • 🔍 Search Discord servers by keywords
  • 📊 Get detailed server information including member count, online users, and categories
  • 🎯 Filter servers by member count and activity
  • 💾 Clean and structured output data

Usage 💡

Input your search keywords and maximum number of items to scrape. The actor will fetch Discord servers matching your criteria.

Output Data Structure 📋

For each Discord server, you'll get:

  • Server ID and name
  • Description
  • Member count and online users
  • Primary category
  • Keywords and features
  • Boost count
  • Server icon URL
  • Preferred locale
  • Timestamp of when the data was scraped

Input Parameters 📥

  • keywords: Array of keywords to search for (e.g., ["gaming", "crypto", "art"])
  • maxItems: Maximum number of servers to scrape per keyword

Use Cases 🎯

  • Market Research: Analyze Discord communities in specific niches
  • Community Building: Find similar servers and track their growth
  • Trend Analysis: Discover popular categories and features
  • Competition Research: Monitor server sizes and engagement
  • Content Strategy: Analyze successful server descriptions and keywords

Tips 💡

  • Use specific keywords for better results
  • Combine multiple related keywords
  • Start with a small maxItems value for testing

Input Example

A full explanation of an input example in JSON.

2    "keywords": ['gaming'],
3    "maxItems": 30

Output sample

The results will be wrapped into a dataset which you can always find in the Storage tab. Here's an excerpt from the data you'd get if you apply the input parameters above:

And here is the same data but in JSON. You can choose in which format to download your data: JSON, JSONL, Excel spreadsheet, HTML table, CSV, or XML.

2	{
3		"id": "727649662475173962",
4		"name": "Mika Paradise | VC • EGirls • Social • Emotes • Nitro • Gaming • Memes • Call • Chill • Anime",
5		"description": "💖 #1 Chill Server ✨ 500 Emotes 🎁 Nitro Giveaways 🤍 Anime 🌸 Social 💬 Active Chats 🔊 Active VCs 🍧 EGirls",
6		"memberCount": 1019671,
7		"onlineCount": 128824,
8		"preferredLocale": "en-US",
9		"primaryCategory": "Entertainment",
10		"keywords": [
11			"anime",
12			"chill",
13			"egirl",
14			"emojis",
15			"emote",
16			"emotes",
17			"gaming",
18			"nitro",
19			"social",
20			"vc"
21		],
22		"features": [
28		],
29		"boostCount": 3306,
30		"iconUrl": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/727649662475173962/ed23c9d2d696abbd6d0b86bd778325a9.webp",
31		"searchKeyword": "gaming",
32		"scrapedAt": "2024-11-06T02:21:35.926Z"
33	},
34    ...
Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 5 monthly users

  • 1 star

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Nov 2024

  • Modified 3 days ago
