1688.com Product Details Page Scraper avatar

1688.com Product Details Page Scraper

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1688.com Product Details Page Scraper

1688.com Product Details Page Scraper

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3 days trial then $20.00/month - No credit card required now

The 1688.com Product Details Page Scraper extracts detailed product data from 1688.com, including title, labels, price, attributes, image URLs, and more, by providing Product Details Page URLs.


If you encounter any issues or need to exchange information, please feel free to contact us through the following link: My profile

What does 1688.com Product Details Page Scraper do?

The 1688.com Product Details Page Scraper is a specialized tool that allows you to extract detailed product data directly from the 1688.com platform. It provides comprehensive product information in structured formats like JSON, which you can easily integrate into your reports, spreadsheets, or applications.

With this scraper, you can:

  • Extract detailed product information from 1688.com.
  • Access data in structured formats like JSON for seamless integration and analysis.
  • Collect comprehensive product details from all countries where 1688 operates.

The scraper allows you to collect comprehensive product information, including:

  • Id
  • Url
  • Title
  • Sale Num Txt
  • Sale Count Date Txt
  • Is Best Offer
  • Labels
  • Attributes
  • Logistics Infos
  • Main Images
  • Main Videos
  • Wholesale Price Model
  • Dropshipping Price Model
  • Company Name
  • Seller User Id
  • Seller Login Id
  • Seller Member Id
  • Wholesale Skus
  • Dropshipping Skus

Input & Output

To start collecting 1688 product data, simply fill out the input form. 1688.com Product Details Page Scraper recognizes the following input parameters:

  • URLs - Links to product information pages. You can paste URLs one at a time or use the Bulk Edit section to add a prepared list.
  • Limit the number of retries - Maximum number of retries for each URL when collecting data when an unexpected error occurs.
  • Proxy configuration - Add a proxy to ensure that during the data collection process, you are not detected as a bot.

Collect product data from product information pages

Example url: https://detail.1688.com/offer/861895381201.html?offerId=861895381201&spm=a260k.home2024.recommendpart.2

Example Screenshot of product information page:


2  "max_retries_per_url": 2, // Maximum waiting time when accessing the links you provided.
3  "proxy": { // Add a proxy to ensure that during the data collection process, you are not detected as a bot.
4    "useApifyProxy": true,
5    "apifyProxyGroups": [
7    ],
8    "apifyProxyCountry": "SG" // You should choose an Country that coincides with the Country you want to collect data from
9  },
10  "urls": [ // Links to product information pages.
11    "https://detail.1688.com/offer/861895381201.html?offerId=861895381201&spm=a260k.home2024.recommendpart.2"
12  ]


You get the output from the 1688.com Product Details Page Scraper stored in a tab. The following is an example of the Information Fields collected after running the Actor.

1[ // List of product information
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💙 Increase Brand Awareness: Leverage the data to enhance your brand's visibility and recognition on 1688.com and other platforms.

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