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Tokopedia Product Details Page Scraper

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Tokopedia Product Details Page Scraper

Tokopedia Product Details Page Scraper

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3 days trial then $20.00/month - No credit card required now

The Tokopedia Product Details Page Scraper extracts detailed product data from all Tokopedia country sites, including name, brand, price, rating, image URLs, etc., by providing product details page urls.

What does Tokopedia Product Details Page Scraper do?

The Tokopedia Product Details Page Scraper is a powerful tool that allows you to extract detailed product data from the Tokopedia platform. It provides comprehensive product information in structured formats like JSON, making it easy to integrate the data into your reports, spreadsheets, or applications.

With the Tokopedia Product Details Page Scraper, you can:

  • Collect detailed product data from Tokopedia.
  • Access the data in structured formats like JSON for seamless analysis and reporting.
  • Utilize the extracted product details for custom reports, data analysis, or application development.
  • Gather product information from all regions where Tokopedia operates.

Tokopedia Product Details Page Scraper allows you to collect detailed product information, including:

  • Id
  • Url
  • Alias
  • Created At
  • Min Order
  • Max Order
  • Weight
  • Weight Unit
  • Condition
  • Status
  • Need Prescription
  • Is Leasing
  • Is Blacklisted
  • Is Toko Now
  • Category
  • Tx Stats
  • Total Reviews
  • Rating Score
  • Media
  • Price
  • Currency
  • Price Txt
  • Stock Value
  • Cashback Percentage
  • Details
  • Shop Info

Input & Output

To start collecting Tokopedia product data, simply fill out the input form. Tokopedia Product Details Page Scraper recognizes the following input parameters:

  • URLs - Links to product information pages. You can paste URLs one at a time or use the Bulk Edit section to add a prepared list.
  • Limit the number of retries - Maximum number of retries for each URL when collecting data when an unexpected error occurs.
  • Proxy configuration - Add a proxy to ensure that during the data collection process, you are not detected as a bot.

Collect product data from product information pages

Example url:

Example Screenshot of product information page:


2  "max_retries_per_url": 2, // Maximum waiting time when accessing the links you provided.
3  "proxy": { // Add a proxy to ensure that during the data collection process, you are not detected as a bot.
4    "useApifyProxy": false
5  },
6  "urls": [ // Links to product information pages.
7    ""
8  ]


You get the output from the Tokopedia Product Details Page Scraper stored in a tab. The following is an example of the Information Fields collected after running the Actor.

1[ // List of product information
2  {
3    "id": "1788071227",
4    "url": "",
5    "alias": "ixpand-luxe-128gb-sandisk-otg-flashdisk-for-iphone-type-c-original",
6    "created_at": "2021-04-22T21:47:46+07:00",
7    "min_order": 1,
8    "max_order": 3,
9    "weight": 10.0,
10    "weight_unit": "GRAM",
11    "condition": "NEW",
12    "status": "ACTIVE",
13    "need_prescription": false,
14    "is_leasing": false,
15    "is_blacklisted": false,
16    "is_toko_now": false,
17    "category": {
18      "id": "342",
19      "name": "USB Flash Disk",
20      "title": "",
21      "breadcrumb_u_r_l": "",
22      "is_adult": false,
23      "is_kyc": false,
24      "min_age": 0,
25      "detail": [
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27          "id": "297",
28          "name": "Komputer & Laptop",
29          "breadcrumb_u_r_l": "",
30          "is_adult": false
31        },
32        {
33          "id": "320",
34          "name": "Media Penyimpanan Data",
35          "breadcrumb_u_r_l": "",
36          "is_adult": false
37        },
38        {
39          "id": "342",
40          "name": "USB Flash Disk",
41          "breadcrumb_u_r_l": "",
42          "is_adult": false
43        }
44      ],
45      "tts_i_d": "0",
46      "tts_detail": []
47    },
48    "tx_stats": {
49      "transaction_success": 79,
50      "transaction_reject": 0,
51      "count_sold": 81,
52      "payment_verified": 81,
53      "item_sold_fmt": "80+"
54    },
55    "total_reviews": 38,
56    "rating_score": 5.0,
57    "media": [
58      {
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61        "url_thumbnail": "",
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65        "suffix": "/hDjmkQ/2022/10/17/9a4072c5-ba7a-47ec-af3c-38ef469c3794.jpg",
66        "description": "",
67        "variant_option_i_d": "0"
68      },
69      {
70        "type": "image",
71        "url_original": "",
72        "url_thumbnail": "",
73        "url_max_res": "",
74        "video_url": "",
75        "prefix": "",
76        "suffix": "/hDjmkQ/2022/10/17/8f5f89d5-c15d-40f5-b099-16cfcf637370.jpg",
77        "description": "",
78        "variant_option_i_d": "0"
79      },
80      {
81        "type": "image",
82        "url_original": "",
83        "url_thumbnail": "",
84        "url_max_res": "",
85        "video_url": "",
86        "prefix": "",
87        "suffix": "/hDjmkQ/2022/10/17/ad563a7a-d860-41cf-9213-6eb3a1f4b25f.jpg",
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89        "variant_option_i_d": "0"
90      },
91      {
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93        "url_original": "",
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95        "url_max_res": "",
96        "video_url": "",
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98        "suffix": "/hDjmkQ/2022/10/17/92da49d5-64ec-4de0-8682-364966a2f481.jpg",
99        "description": "",
100        "variant_option_i_d": "0"
101      },
102      {
103        "type": "image",
104        "url_original": "",
105        "url_thumbnail": "",
106        "url_max_res": "",
107        "video_url": "",
108        "prefix": "",
109        "suffix": "/hDjmkQ/2022/10/17/8dbe139a-beba-43ac-af59-4593a75dd395.jpg",
110        "description": "",
111        "variant_option_i_d": "0"
112      }
113    ],
114    "price": 695300.0,
115    "currency": "IDR",
116    "price_txt": "Rp695.300",
117    "stock_value": 3,
118    "cashback_percentage": 0.0,
119    "details": [
120      {
121        "title": "Kondisi",
122        "subtitle": "Baru",
123        "applink": "",
124        "show_at_front": true,
125        "is_annotation": false
126      },
127      {
128        "title": "Berat Satuan",
129        "subtitle": "10 g",
130        "applink": "",
131        "show_at_front": false,
132        "is_annotation": false
133      },
134      {
135        "title": "Min. Pemesanan",
136        "subtitle": "1 Buah",
137        "applink": "",
138        "show_at_front": true,
139        "is_annotation": false
140      },
141      {
142        "title": "Kategori",
143        "subtitle": "USB Flash Disk",
144        "applink": "",
145        "show_at_front": false,
146        "is_annotation": false
147      },
148      {
149        "title": "Etalase",
150        "subtitle": "SANDISK",
151        "applink": "",
152        "show_at_front": true,
153        "is_annotation": false
154      },
155      {
156        "title": "Deskripsi",
157        "subtitle": "====================\nRaih Hadiah Hingga Ratusan Juta Melalui Undian Doraniversary\nPeriode : 1 Des 24 - 31 Jan 25\nPengumuman : Februari 25\nSegera Klaim Semua Transaksi Anda Menjadi Kupon Undian Doraniversary\n===================\n\nAlasan Kenapa Harus Beli di Doran Gadget :\n- Harga Sudah Termasuk PPN dan bisa terbitkan Faktur Pajak\n- Barang Asli, Baru dan Bergaransi Resmi (Gratis kalau tidak Original)\n- Selalu Ready Stock dan Siap Kirim\n- Packing Aman dan Rapi\n- Pengiriman Tepat Waktu\n- Pelayanan Ramah dengan Product Knowledge yang Baik\n- Proses Klaim Garansi Mudah & dibantu Hingga Selesai\n- Banyak Bonus dan Voucher Cashback yang didapatkan\n- Memiliki Cabang Toko Resmi Offline yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia\n**Free Stylus Pen/Bulpoin Sandisk min pembelian 100rb selama persediaan masih ada, Tidak berlaku kelipatan**\nSatu drive. Dua konektor.\nSanDisk iXpand Flash Drive Luxe disertai tidak hanya satu tetapi dua konektor, sehingga Anda dapat memindahkan file dengan mudah antar iPhone, iPad Pro, Mac, dan perangkat USB Type-C, termasuk ponsel Android.\n\nPindahkan konten Anda ke komputer dengan cepat\nTidak perlu lagi mengirim foto via email antar perangkat. Setelah file berada di drive, Anda dapat menggunakan konektor USB 3.0 berkecepatan tinggi untuk mentransfernya ke komputer USB Type-C.\n\nCara mudah untuk mengosongkan ruang\nCukup colokkan drive dan kosongkan ruang dengan mudah. Tidak perlu koneksi internet untuk mentransfer file. Sekarang Anda memiliki memori yang diperlukan untuk menyimpan lebih banyak foto, video, dan game.\n\nPencadangan otomatis tinggal menunggu dicolokkan\nTidak ada lagi kejadian kehilangan kenangan istimewa tersebut. Foto dan video otomatis dicadangkan di iPhone setiap kali Anda mencolokkan drive. Semudah itu..\n\n\nCapacity : 128 GB\nInterface : USB 3.1 Gen 1\nKonektor : Lightning & USB-C\nDimensi (L x W x H) : 50mm x 15.6mm x 8.7mm",
158        "applink": "",
159        "show_at_front": true,
160        "is_annotation": false
161      },
162      {
163        "title": "Merek",
164        "subtitle": "SanDisk",
165        "applink": "",
166        "show_at_front": false,
167        "is_annotation": true
168      }
169    ],
170    "shop_info": {
171      "shop_tier": 2,
172      "badge_u_r_l": "",
173      "closed_info": {
174        "closed_note": "",
175        "reason": "Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang Anda alami. Dengan berat hati toko Anda harus kami tutup atau moderasi permanen karena adanya indikasi pelanggaran Syarat dan Ketentuan Tokopedia. Pelanggaran yang dimaksud mengacu pada transaksi manipulasi (pemanfaatan promo, transaksi untuk meningkatkan reputasi toko dan/atau penggunaan resi yang tidak valid).<br><br>Demi kenyamanan dan keamanan bertransaksi di Tokopedia, kami himbau agar Anda dapat memperhatikan dan memahami dengan baik seluruh Syarat dan Ketentuan Transaksi Penjualan (Poin D) di <a href=''></a>.",
176        "detail": {
177          "open_date": "0"
178        }
179      },
180      "is_open": 0,
181      "favorite_data": {
182        "total_favorite": "0",
183        "already_favorited": 0
184      },
185      "active_product": "1539",
186      "create_info": {
187        "epoch_shop_created": "1562336833"
188      },
189      "shop_assets": {
190        "avatar": ""
191      },
192      "shop_core": {
193        "domain": "dorangadget",
194        "shop_i_d": "6334987",
195        "name": "Doran Gadget",
196        "shop_score": 0,
197        "url": "",
198        "owner_i_d": "70067868"
199      },
200      "shop_last_active": "1736185247",
201      "location": "Jakarta Pusat",
202      "status_info": {
203        "status_message": "",
204        "shop_status": 1,
205        "is_idle": false
206      },
207      "is_allow_manage": 0,
208      "is_owner": 0,
209      "owner_info": {
210        "id": "0"
211      },
212      "is_c_o_d": false,
213      "shop_type": 0,
214      "ticker_data": [],
215      "shop_credibility": {
216        "show_online_status": true,
217        "show_follow_button": true,
218        "stats": [
219          {
220            "icon": "",
221            "value": "<span style=\"color:#212121;\">4.9</span> <span style=\"color:#6D7588\">(74,2 rb)</span>"
222          },
223          {
224            "icon": "",
225            "value": "<span style=\"color:#212121;\">± 4 jam</span> <span style=\"color:#6D7588\">pesanan diproses</span>"
226          }
227        ]
228      },
229      "partner_label": ""
230    }
231    }, // ... Many other product details

How can I use the data extracted from Tokopedia with Tokopedia Product Details Page Scraper?

💙 Increase Brand Awareness: Leverage the data to enhance your brand's visibility and recognition on Tokopedia and other platforms.

📈 Analyze Trends and Market Influences: Track and analyze emerging trends in product categories, brands, and sellers to stay ahead in the market.

🔬 Fuel Research and Testing: Use the data for in-depth research and testing to refine strategies or develop new products.

⭐ Enhance Sentiment Analysis: Count and score authentic product reviews to back up sentiment analysis with real, reliable data.

🪧 Plan Commercial Campaigns: Create data-driven commercial campaigns for Tokopedia or other sales platforms to drive growth.

📚 Simplify Market Research: Streamline your market research efforts and marketing strategies with actionable insights from Tokopedia.

📋 Generate Targeted Marketing Leads: Build a list of perfectly matched marketing leads to optimize your outreach and conversion strategies.

Your feedback

We are always working to improve Actors' performance. So, if you have any technical feedback about Tokopedia Product Details Page Scraper or simply found a bug, please create an issue on the Actor's Issues tab in Apify Console.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 5 monthly users

  • 0 No bookmarks yet

  • 95% runs succeeded

  • Created in Jan 2025

  • Modified a month ago