Binance Futures Listener - Working properly 2024
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Monitor traders and their current positions on Binance Futures Leaderboard. Receive real-time notifications for opened/closed positions via email or custom webhook integration. Extremely Fast and unlimited access!
What's the point with this listener if the data is incomplete? Example output: { "symbol": "ETHUSDT", "entryPrice": 1658.845577107, "markPrice": 1662.57696471, "pnl": 2222.14953199, "roe": 0.0448868, "updateTime": [ 2023, 8, 19, 5, 29, 9, 664000000 ], "amount": 595.529, "updateTimeStamp": 1692422949664, "yellow": true, "tradeBefore": false, "leverage": 20 }
Can't tell whether they are long or short and have to go on the binance website to check it manually
Hey there,
Thank you very much for reaching out and using our actor. Very sorry to hear that you have the inconvenience. The data is directly fetched from Binance. Therefore it is perfectly raw and the users have to manipulate it. For determining if it is short or long, you can check the amount of the position like in most of the Binance APIs. If the amount is below zero, then you can tell the position is short. For instance, the position you shared is a long one, because the amount is higher than zero.
Please let me know if there is anything that I can assist you with. Best