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Goodreads Scraper

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Goodreads Scraper

Goodreads Scraper

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Scrape for data on millions of books. Crawl book details for images, ISBN, author, description, title, buy links, number of reviews, page number, language, and all other details. You can specify search terms, filters, and much more.


The keyword that you can search on Goodreads

Include Reviews


Including reviews on the book object. This will increase the resource consumption proportional to number of requests.

Default value of this property is false

Start URLs


URLs to start with. It should be list or detail URL

Maximum number of listing items


Maximum number of items that you want as output. Default is all

List end page


The page number that you want to end with. By default there is no end page. This is applies to all search request and startUrls individually.

CSV friendly output


When enabled, outputs data in a CSV-compatible format, with reviews organized on a per-page basis.

Default value of this property is false

Extend output function


Function that takes a JQuery handle ($) as argument and returns data that will be merged with the default output

Custom map function


Function that takes each of the objects as argument and returns data that will be mapped by the function itself.

Proxy configuration


Select proxies to be used by your crawler.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 13 monthly users

  • 4 stars

  • 97% runs succeeded

  • 11 hours response time

  • Created in Mar 2021

  • Modified a day ago