Goodreads Book Scraper
$10.00 / 1,000 results
Goodreads Book Scraper
Goodreads Book Scraper is an Apify Actor that extracts book details from Goodreads search results. It retrieves the title, author, rating, ratings count, published year, editions count, book URL, and cover image URL, outputting the data in structured JSON format.
5.0 (1)
$10.00 / 1,000 results
Monthly users
Runs succeeded
Last modified
24 days ago
Goodreads Book Scraper is an Apify Actor that collects book details from Goodreads search results. The actor uses a search term to find books, scrapes key information from the results, and stops pagination once the desired number of books has been reached.
- Searches Goodreads for books using a specified search term.
- Scrapes key details including title, author, average rating, ratings count (with commas removed), published year, editions count, book URL (with query parameters removed), and cover image URL.
- Supports pagination with configurable maximum pages and maximum books.
- Stops fetching new pages once the desired number of books is reached.
- Optionally uses the Apify Proxy for request management.
- searchTerm: The term to search for in Goodreads books (e.g., "architecture").
- pageMax: The maximum number of pages to scrape.
- bookMax: The total maximum number of books to scrape across pages.
- useApifyProxy: A flag to determine whether to use the Apify Proxy.
- Additional proxy configuration options are available.
The actor outputs a JSON dataset where each record represents a book with the following fields:
- title: The title of the book.
- author: The author of the book.
- rating: The average rating.
- ratingsCount: The number of ratings (commas removed).
- published: The published year.
- editions: The number of editions.
- url: The book URL without query parameters.
- coverUrl: The cover image URL.
To use the actor:
- Provide the required input parameters in the actor’s input configuration.
- Deploy and run the actor on the Apify platform.
- The actor will fetch results page by page until the maximum number of books is reached or the maximum number of pages is scraped.
- The resulting data will be stored in the default Apify dataset.
Legal Disclaimer
This tool is intended for personal, educational, and research purposes only. Please ensure your use complies with Goodreads' terms and conditions. All content scraped belongs to Goodreads and its respective owners.
Pricing model
Pay per resultThis Actor is paid per result. You are not charged for the Apify platform usage, but only a fixed price for each dataset of 1,000 items in the Actor outputs.
Price per 1,000 items