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AI Product Matcher

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AI Product Matcher

AI Product Matcher

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Match products across multiple e-commerce websites. Use this AI product matching Actor whenever you need to find matching pairs of products from different online shops for dynamic pricing, competitor analysis or market research.


main function of the Actor threw an exception

ianrussel opened this issue
a year ago

Tried to run the actor AI Product matcher but cant proceed as it threw exceptions



a year ago

View full log

2024-03-07T11:59:53.402Z ACTOR: Pulling Docker image of build ea8tC8XOGb9aMSjkV from repository. 2024-03-07T12:00:28.186Z ACTOR: Creating Docker container. 2024-03-07T12:00:28.273Z ACTOR: Starting Docker container. 2024-03-07T12:00:29.840Z /usr/src/app/actors/executor/product_mapping_engine/scripts/ SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="? 2024-03-07T12:00:29.843Z if PERFORMED_PARAMETERS_SEARCH is not 'none': 2024-03-07T12:00:30.901Z /usr/src/app/actors/executor/product_mapping_engine/scripts/dataset_handler/preprocessing/texts/ UserWarning: DataFrame columns are not unique, some columns will be omitted. 2024-03-07T12:00:30.904Z currencies_dict = currencies_df.set_index('name').T.to_dict('list') 2024-03-07T12:00:31.005Z /usr/src/app/actors/executor/product_mapping_engine/scripts/dataset_handler/preprocessing/texts/ UserWarning: DataFrame columns are not unique, some columns will be omitted. 2024-03-07T12:00:31.008Z imperial_to_metric_units_file = imperial_to_metric_units_file.set_index('shortcut').T.to_dict('list') 2024-03-07T12:00:33.497Z Actor failed with an exception 2024-03-07T12:00:33.500Z Traceback (most recent call last): 2024-03-07T12:00:33.502Z File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 3790, in get_loc 2024-03-07T12:00:33.505Z return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) 2024-03-07T12:00:33.507Z F... [trimmed]



a year ago

{ "eshop1": { "id": "url", "name": "title", "price": "", "short_description": "", "long_description": "description" }, "eshop2": { "id": "url", "name": "title", "price": "", "short_description": "", "long_description": "features", "code": [ "asin" ] } }



a year ago

I tried 43rd time with different attribute configurations.

Equidem avatar

Hi, I have checked the most recent run of the actor that you attempted. The problem there seems to be specification for eshop1. You try to use "emphasizedKeywords", however, specification needs to be a JSON array of objects, with each object containing properties "key" and "value". Please check the information about the actor on what the requirements for the input are, and let us know if anything is still unclear.

paja avatar

Hi again, Just to add to my colleague - all the information on how to fill it and how the Actor works is described in an Information tab - E.g. The Actor is made to take datasets of products that you want to match.

There's also a video made on how to use it, I suggest you check it out and try again -

I'm going to close the issue for now, but if there's anything still unclear, please, let us know.

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Actor Metrics

  • 26 monthly users


  • 82% runs succeeded

  • 15 days response time

  • Created in Apr 2023

  • Modified 24 days ago