LinkedIn Jobs & Company Scraper avatar
LinkedIn Jobs & Company Scraper


$19.99/month + usage

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LinkedIn Jobs & Company Scraper

LinkedIn Jobs & Company Scraper


Developed by


Maintained by Community

Actively Maintained - Cheap Rental & Run Cost - LinkedIn Jobs Scraper + Companies - to extract job listings worldwide. Export results for analysis, connect via API, & integrate with other apps. Please note that LinkedIn may block some requests leading their being to fewer results than expected.

0.0 (0)


$19.99/month + usage


Monthly users


Runs succeeded


Response time

5.6 days

Last modified

a month ago


status code: 429

marchese.andrea opened this issue
a month ago

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/crawlee/http_clients/", line 157, in _raise_for_error_status_code 2025-03-02T18:31:47.947Z raise HttpClientStatusCodeError('Client error status code returned', status_code) 2025-03-02T18:31:47.949Z crawlee.errors.HttpClientStatusCodeError: Client error status code returned (status code: 429). 2025-03-02T18:31:48.192Z [crawlee.crawlers._abstract_http._abstract_http_crawler] ERROR Request failed and reached maximum retries

FetchClub avatar

Hi, This can happen when the LinkedIn website blocks some requests. We’ve added features to minimise this including the ability to run the scrape using a residential proxy which helps. We’ve not been able to fully prevent these blocked requests meaning the number of results be slightly lower than expected. We’re continuing to monitor this and we will implement a solution if we find one.


Pricing model


To use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.

Free trial

1 day

