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Twitter Tweets Scraper

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Twitter Tweets Scraper

Twitter Tweets Scraper

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Enter the Twitter URL to quickly collect the latest tweet data. Based on the Twitter search interface, with countless quantity and time constraints, the tweet results are sorted in reverse chronological order.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 236 monthly users

  • No reviews yet


  • 96% runs succeeded

  • 1.7 days response time

  • Created in Mar 2024

  • Modified 11 days ago

🚀 Twitter Tweets Scraper

Enter the twitter url that needs to be collected to quickly collect the latest tweets published on the corresponding twitter. The tweets are sorted in reverse chronological order, supporting the transmission of multiple twitter urls, and the sorting result is multiple simultaneous sorting

🔥 How it works

  1. Start URLs: Enter the one or more twitter urls, for example:
  2. Since Date: Enter the earliest date for collecting tweets, default to yesterday, for example 2024-03-05. 3.Enter the expected number of tweets to be collected, default to 10.
  3. After entering, click the Save & Start button
  4. Waiting for results to export, download your data in JSON, XML, CSV, Excel, or HTML

🛫 Result Json Example

2  'bookmark_count': 0,
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18        ],
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242  'full_text': '#PeckShieldAlert #Teneo #3AC Liquidator - labeled address has transferred 34.75K $USDC to a new address 0xc41ff...713c',
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262    'description': 'Free Chrome Extension:\n\nTelegram:',
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321    'verified': False,
322    'want_retweets': True,
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324  }

🔍 Want more runners for social platform?

Youtube User Channel: youtube-user-channel-scraper

Tiktok Video: Tiktok Videos Watermark Free Scraper

🔧 Maintenance and updates

This program will be regularly maintained and updated to improve the efficiency and stability of crawlers.