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Youtube Trending Creators

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Youtube Trending Creators

Youtube Trending Creators


Track top YouTube creators in any country. Get detailed channel stats, trending videos, and engagement metrics. Features: country/category filtering, formatted numbers (1M, 500K), sorted by views, separate records per creator.

Maintained by Community

YouTube Trending Creators Crawler

An Apify actor that analyzes and collects detailed information about trending content creators on YouTube for specific countries. Each creator is saved as a separate record with comprehensive statistics and trending videos data.

Quick Start

  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Run locally:
npm start

Input Parameters

2  "countryCode": "VN", // Required: Two-letter country code (e.g., VN, US, JP)
3  "maxCreators": 20, // Optional: Number of creators to fetch (default: 10, max: 100)
4  "category": "music" // Optional: Content category (default, music, gaming, movies)


  • Collects detailed channel information
  • Tracks trending videos and statistics
  • Formats numbers for better readability (1M, 500K)
  • Sorts results by trending views
  • Saves each creator as a separate record
