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Yahoo Finance Scraper

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Yahoo Finance Scraper

Yahoo Finance Scraper

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7 days trial then $5.00/month - No credit card required now

This Apify Actor scrapes financial data from [Yahoo Finance]( It can retrieve stock prices, company details, historical data, and more. The extracted data is structured as JSON and can be exported in multiple formats.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 2 Monthly users

  • No reviews yet

  • No bookmarks yet

  • 91% runs succeeded

  • Created in Mar 2025

  • Modified 6 days ago


This Apify Actor scrapes financial data from Yahoo Finance. It can retrieve stock prices, company details, historical data, and more. The extracted data is structured as JSON and can be exported in multiple formats.


  • Scrape real-time stock prices
  • Retrieve company details (market cap, P/E ratio, dividend yield, etc.)
  • Extract historical stock price data
  • Support for custom date ranges
  • Export results as JSON, CSV, Excel


The Actor accepts a JSON object with the following parameters:

2  "ticker": "AAPL",
3  "startDate": "2025-02-01",
4  "endDate": "2025-03-01"

Input Fields

  • ticker (string, required): The stock symbol to search for (e.g., AAPL, GOOGL).
  • startDate (string, optional): The start date for historical data retrieval (format: YYYY-MM-DD).
  • endDate (string, optional): The end date for historical data retrieval (format: YYYY-MM-DD).


The output is structured JSON data with stock details:

2    {
3        "results": {
4            "summaryDetail": {
5                "maxAge": 1,
6                "priceHint": 2,
7                "previousClose": 238.03,
8                "open": 237.705,
9                "dayLow": 234.7,
10                "dayHigh": 240.07,
11                "regularMarketPreviousClose": 238.03,
12                "regularMarketOpen": 237.705,
13                "regularMarketDayLow": 234.7,
14                "regularMarketDayHigh": 240.07,
15                "dividendRate": 1,
16                "dividendYield": 0.0042,
17                "exDividendDate": "2025-02-10T00:00:00.000Z",
18                "payoutRatio": 0.1571,
19                "fiveYearAvgDividendYield": 0.59,
20                "beta": 1.178,
21                "trailingPE": 37.38986,
22                "forwardPE": 28.391092,
23                "volume": 53101971,
24                "regularMarketVolume": 53101971,
25                "averageVolume": 50968729,
26                "averageVolume10days": 45538950,
27                "averageDailyVolume10Day": 45538950,
28                "bid": 235.93,
29                "ask": 236.02,
30                "bidSize": 200,
31                "askSize": 100,
32                "marketCap": 3544164073472,
33                "fiftyTwoWeekLow": 164.08,
34                "fiftyTwoWeekHigh": 260.1,
35                "priceToSalesTrailing12Months": 8.955337,
36                "fiftyDayAverage": 239.9608,
37                "twoHundredDayAverage": 226.14005,
38                "trailingAnnualDividendRate": 0.99,
39                "trailingAnnualDividendYield": 0.0041591395,
40                "currency": "USD",
41                "fromCurrency": null,
42                "toCurrency": null,
43                "lastMarket": null,
44                "coinMarketCapLink": null,
45                "algorithm": null,
46                "tradeable": false
47            },
48            "price": {
49                "maxAge": 1,
50                "preMarketChangePercent": -0.000126029,
51                "preMarketChange": -0.0299988,
52                "preMarketTime": "2025-03-04T14:29:59.000Z",
53                "preMarketPrice": 238,
54                "preMarketSource": "FREE_REALTIME",
55                "postMarketChangePercent": 0.0053829704,
56                "postMarketChange": 1.2700043,
57                "postMarketTime": "2025-03-04T22:17:17.000Z",
58                "postMarketPrice": 237.2,
59                "postMarketSource": "FREE_REALTIME",
60                "regularMarketChangePercent": -0.008822443,
61                "regularMarketChange": -2.100006,
62                "regularMarketTime": "2025-03-04T21:00:01.000Z",
63                "priceHint": 2,
64                "regularMarketPrice": 235.93,
65                "regularMarketDayHigh": 240.07,
66                "regularMarketDayLow": 234.7,
67                "regularMarketVolume": 53101971,
68                "averageDailyVolume10Day": 45538950,
69                "averageDailyVolume3Month": 50968729,
70                "regularMarketPreviousClose": 238.03,
71                "regularMarketSource": "FREE_REALTIME",
72                "regularMarketOpen": 237.705,
73                "exchange": "NMS",
74                "exchangeName": "NasdaqGS",
75                "exchangeDataDelayedBy": 0,
76                "marketState": "POST",
77                "quoteType": "EQUITY",
78                "symbol": "AAPL",
79                "underlyingSymbol": null,
80                "shortName": "Apple Inc.",
81                "longName": "Apple Inc.",
82                "currency": "USD",
83                "quoteSourceName": "Nasdaq Real Time Price",
84                "currencySymbol": "$",
85                "fromCurrency": null,
86                "toCurrency": null,
87                "lastMarket": null,
88                "marketCap": 3544164073472
89            }
90        },
91        "chart": {
92            "meta": {
93                "currency": "USD",
94                "symbol": "AAPL",
95                "exchangeName": "NMS",
96                "fullExchangeName": "NasdaqGS",
97                "instrumentType": "EQUITY",
98                "firstTradeDate": "1980-12-12T14:30:00.000Z",
99                "regularMarketTime": "2025-03-04T21:00:01.000Z",
100                "hasPrePostMarketData": true,
101                "gmtoffset": -18000,
102                "timezone": "EST",
103                "exchangeTimezoneName": "America/New_York",
104                "regularMarketPrice": 235.93,
105                "fiftyTwoWeekHigh": 260.1,
106                "fiftyTwoWeekLow": 164.08,
107                "regularMarketDayHigh": 240.07,
108                "regularMarketDayLow": 234.7,
109                "regularMarketVolume": 53101971,
110                "longName": "Apple Inc.",
111                "shortName": "Apple Inc.",
112                "chartPreviousClose": 250.42,
113                "priceHint": 2,
114                "currentTradingPeriod": {
115                    "pre": {
116                        "timezone": "EST",
117                        "end": "2025-03-04T14:30:00.000Z",
118                        "start": "2025-03-04T09:00:00.000Z",
119                        "gmtoffset": -18000
120                    },
121                    "regular": {
122                        "timezone": "EST",
123                        "end": "2025-03-04T21:00:00.000Z",
124                        "start": "2025-03-04T14:30:00.000Z",
125                        "gmtoffset": -18000
126                    },
127                    "post": {
128                        "timezone": "EST",
129                        "end": "2025-03-05T01:00:00.000Z",
130                        "start": "2025-03-04T21:00:00.000Z",
131                        "gmtoffset": -18000
132                    }
133                },
134                "dataGranularity": "1d",
135                "range": "",
136                "validRanges": [
137                    "1d",
138                    "5d",
139                    "1mo",
140                    "3mo",
141                    "6mo",
142                    "1y",
143                    "2y",
144                    "5y",
145                    "10y",
146                    "ytd",
147                    "max"
148                ]
149            },
150            "quotes": [
151                {
152                    "date": "2025-01-02T14:30:00.000Z",
153                    "high": 249.10000610351562,
154                    "volume": 55740700,
155                    "open": 248.92999267578125,
156                    "low": 241.82000732421875,
157                    "close": 243.85000610351562,
158                    "adjclose": 243.5821990966797
159                },
160                {
161                    "date": "2025-01-03T14:30:00.000Z",
162                    "high": 244.17999267578125,
163                    "volume": 40244100,
164                    "open": 243.36000061035156,
165                    "low": 241.88999938964844,
166                    "close": 243.36000061035156,
167                    "adjclose": 243.0927276611328
168                },
169                {
170                    "date": "2025-01-06T14:30:00.000Z",
171                    "high": 247.3300018310547,
172                    "volume": 45045600,
173                    "open": 244.30999755859375,
174                    "low": 243.1999969482422,
175                    "close": 245,
176                    "adjclose": 244.73092651367188
177                },
178                {
179                    "date": "2025-01-07T14:30:00.000Z",
180                    "high": 245.5500030517578,
181                    "volume": 40856000,
182                    "open": 242.97999572753906,
183                    "low": 241.35000610351562,
184                    "close": 242.2100067138672,
185                    "adjclose": 241.94400024414062
186                },
187                {
188                    "date": "2025-01-08T14:30:00.000Z",
189                    "high": 243.7100067138672,
190                    "volume": 37628900,
191                    "open": 241.9199981689453,
192                    "low": 240.0500030517578,
193                    "close": 242.6999969482422,
194                    "adjclose": 242.43344116210938
195                },
196                {
197                    "date": "2025-01-10T14:30:00.000Z",
198                    "high": 240.16000366210938,
199                    "volume": 61710900,
200                    "open": 240.00999450683594,
201                    "low": 233,
202                    "close": 236.85000610351562,
203                    "adjclose": 236.58987426757812
204                },
205                {
206                    "date": "2025-01-13T14:30:00.000Z",
207                    "high": 234.6699981689453,
208                    "volume": 49630700,
209                    "open": 233.52999877929688,
210                    "low": 229.72000122070312,
211                    "close": 234.39999389648438,
212                    "adjclose": 234.14256286621094
213                },
214                {
215                    "date": "2025-01-14T14:30:00.000Z",
216                    "high": 236.1199951171875,
217                    "volume": 39435300,
218                    "open": 234.75,
219                    "low": 232.47000122070312,
220                    "close": 233.27999877929688,
221                    "adjclose": 233.02378845214844
222                },
223                {
224                    "date": "2025-01-15T14:30:00.000Z",
225                    "high": 238.9600067138672,
226                    "volume": 39832000,
227                    "open": 234.63999938964844,
228                    "low": 234.42999267578125,
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230                    "adjclose": 237.60874938964844
231                },
232                {
233                    "date": "2025-01-16T14:30:00.000Z",
234                    "high": 238.00999450683594,
235                    "volume": 71759100,
236                    "open": 237.35000610351562,
237                    "low": 228.02999877929688,
238                    "close": 228.25999450683594,
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240                },
241                {
242                    "date": "2025-01-17T14:30:00.000Z",
243                    "high": 232.2899932861328,
244                    "volume": 68488300,
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246                    "low": 228.47999572753906,
247                    "close": 229.97999572753906,
248                    "adjclose": 229.7274169921875
249                },
250                {
251                    "date": "2025-01-21T14:30:00.000Z",
252                    "high": 224.4199981689453,
253                    "volume": 98070400,
254                    "open": 224,
255                    "low": 219.3800048828125,
256                    "close": 222.63999938964844,
257                    "adjclose": 222.39547729492188
258                },
259                {
260                    "date": "2025-01-22T14:30:00.000Z",
261                    "high": 224.1199951171875,
262                    "volume": 64126500,
263                    "open": 219.7899932861328,
264                    "low": 219.7899932861328,
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266                    "adjclose": 223.58416748046875
267                },
268                {
269                    "date": "2025-01-23T14:30:00.000Z",
270                    "high": 227.02999877929688,
271                    "volume": 60234800,
272                    "open": 224.74000549316406,
273                    "low": 222.3000030517578,
274                    "close": 223.66000366210938,
275                    "adjclose": 223.41436767578125
276                },
277                {
278                    "date": "2025-01-24T14:30:00.000Z",
279                    "high": 225.6300048828125,
280                    "volume": 54697900,
281                    "open": 224.77999877929688,
282                    "low": 221.41000366210938,
283                    "close": 222.77999877929688,
284                    "adjclose": 222.5353240966797
285                },
286                {
287                    "date": "2025-01-27T14:30:00.000Z",
288                    "high": 232.14999389648438,
289                    "volume": 94863400,
290                    "open": 224.02000427246094,
291                    "low": 223.97999572753906,
292                    "close": 229.86000061035156,
293                    "adjclose": 229.6075439453125
294                },
295                {
296                    "date": "2025-01-28T14:30:00.000Z",
297                    "high": 240.19000244140625,
298                    "volume": 75707600,
299                    "open": 230.85000610351562,
300                    "low": 230.80999755859375,
301                    "close": 238.25999450683594,
302                    "adjclose": 237.99832153320312
303                },
304                {
305                    "date": "2025-01-29T14:30:00.000Z",
306                    "high": 239.86000061035156,
307                    "volume": 45486100,
308                    "open": 234.1199951171875,
309                    "low": 234.00999450683594,
310                    "close": 239.36000061035156,
311                    "adjclose": 239.0971221923828
312                },
313                {
314                    "date": "2025-01-30T14:30:00.000Z",
315                    "high": 240.7899932861328,
316                    "volume": 55658300,
317                    "open": 238.6699981689453,
318                    "low": 237.2100067138672,
319                    "close": 237.58999633789062,
320                    "adjclose": 237.3290557861328
321                },
322                {
323                    "date": "2025-01-31T14:30:00.000Z",
324                    "high": 247.19000244140625,
325                    "volume": 101075100,
326                    "open": 247.19000244140625,
327                    "low": 233.44000244140625,
328                    "close": 236,
329                    "adjclose": 235.74081420898438
330                },
331                {
332                    "date": "2025-02-03T14:30:00.000Z",
333                    "high": 231.8300018310547,
334                    "volume": 73063300,
335                    "open": 229.99000549316406,
336                    "low": 225.6999969482422,
337                    "close": 228.00999450683594,
338                    "adjclose": 227.75958251953125
339                },
340                {
341                    "date": "2025-02-04T14:30:00.000Z",
342                    "high": 233.1300048828125,
343                    "volume": 45067300,
344                    "open": 227.25,
345                    "low": 226.64999389648438,
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348                },
349                {
350                    "date": "2025-02-05T14:30:00.000Z",
351                    "high": 232.6699981689453,
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353                    "open": 228.52999877929688,
354                    "low": 228.27000427246094,
355                    "close": 232.47000122070312,
356                    "adjclose": 232.21469116210938
357                },
358                {
359                    "date": "2025-02-06T14:30:00.000Z",
360                    "high": 233.8000030517578,
361                    "volume": 29925300,
362                    "open": 231.2899932861328,
363                    "low": 230.42999267578125,
364                    "close": 233.22000122070312,
365                    "adjclose": 232.9638671875
366                },
367                {
368                    "date": "2025-02-07T14:30:00.000Z",
369                    "high": 234,
370                    "volume": 39707200,
371                    "open": 232.60000610351562,
372                    "low": 227.25999450683594,
373                    "close": 227.6300048828125,
374                    "adjclose": 227.3800048828125
375                },
376                {
377                    "date": "2025-02-10T14:30:00.000Z",
378                    "high": 230.58999633789062,
379                    "volume": 33115600,
380                    "open": 229.57000732421875,
381                    "low": 227.1999969482422,
382                    "close": 227.64999389648438,
383                    "adjclose": 227.64999389648438
384                },
385                {
386                    "date": "2025-02-11T14:30:00.000Z",
387                    "high": 235.22999572753906,
388                    "volume": 53718400,
389                    "open": 228.1999969482422,
390                    "low": 228.1300048828125,
391                    "close": 232.6199951171875,
392                    "adjclose": 232.6199951171875
393                },
394                {
395                    "date": "2025-02-12T14:30:00.000Z",
396                    "high": 236.9600067138672,
397                    "volume": 45243300,
398                    "open": 231.1999969482422,
399                    "low": 230.67999267578125,
400                    "close": 236.8699951171875,
401                    "adjclose": 236.8699951171875
402                },
403                {
404                    "date": "2025-02-13T14:30:00.000Z",
405                    "high": 242.33999633789062,
406                    "volume": 53614100,
407                    "open": 236.91000366210938,
408                    "low": 235.57000732421875,
409                    "close": 241.52999877929688,
410                    "adjclose": 241.52999877929688
411                },
412                {
413                    "date": "2025-02-14T14:30:00.000Z",
414                    "high": 245.5500030517578,
415                    "volume": 40896200,
416                    "open": 241.25,
417                    "low": 240.99000549316406,
418                    "close": 244.60000610351562,
419                    "adjclose": 244.60000610351562
420                },
421                {
422                    "date": "2025-02-18T14:30:00.000Z",
423                    "high": 245.17999267578125,
424                    "volume": 48822500,
425                    "open": 244.14999389648438,
426                    "low": 241.83999633789062,
427                    "close": 244.47000122070312,
428                    "adjclose": 244.47000122070312
429                },
430                {
431                    "date": "2025-02-19T14:30:00.000Z",
432                    "high": 246.00999450683594,
433                    "volume": 32204200,
434                    "open": 244.66000366210938,
435                    "low": 243.16000366210938,
436                    "close": 244.8699951171875,
437                    "adjclose": 244.8699951171875
438                },
439                {
440                    "date": "2025-02-20T14:30:00.000Z",
441                    "high": 246.77999877929688,
442                    "volume": 32316900,
443                    "open": 244.94000244140625,
444                    "low": 244.2899932861328,
445                    "close": 245.8300018310547,
446                    "adjclose": 245.8300018310547
447                },
448                {
449                    "date": "2025-02-21T14:30:00.000Z",
450                    "high": 248.69000244140625,
451                    "volume": 53197400,
452                    "open": 245.9499969482422,
453                    "low": 245.22000122070312,
454                    "close": 245.5500030517578,
455                    "adjclose": 245.5500030517578
456                },
457                {
458                    "date": "2025-02-24T14:30:00.000Z",
459                    "high": 248.86000061035156,
460                    "volume": 51326400,
461                    "open": 244.92999267578125,
462                    "low": 244.4199981689453,
463                    "close": 247.10000610351562,
464                    "adjclose": 247.10000610351562
465                },
466                {
467                    "date": "2025-02-25T14:30:00.000Z",
468                    "high": 250,
469                    "volume": 48013300,
470                    "open": 248,
471                    "low": 244.91000366210938,
472                    "close": 247.0399932861328,
473                    "adjclose": 247.0399932861328
474                },
475                {
476                    "date": "2025-02-26T14:30:00.000Z",
477                    "high": 244.97999572753906,
478                    "volume": 44433600,
479                    "open": 244.3300018310547,
480                    "low": 239.1300048828125,
481                    "close": 240.36000061035156,
482                    "adjclose": 240.36000061035156
483                },
484                {
485                    "date": "2025-02-27T14:30:00.000Z",
486                    "high": 242.4600067138672,
487                    "volume": 41153600,
488                    "open": 239.41000366210938,
489                    "low": 237.05999755859375,
490                    "close": 237.3000030517578,
491                    "adjclose": 237.3000030517578
492                },
493                {
494                    "date": "2025-02-28T14:30:00.000Z",
495                    "high": 242.08999633789062,
496                    "volume": 56833400,
497                    "open": 236.9499969482422,
498                    "low": 230.1999969482422,
499                    "close": 241.83999633789062,
500                    "adjclose": 241.83999633789062
501                },
502                {
503                    "date": "2025-03-03T14:30:00.000Z",
504                    "high": 244.02999877929688,
505                    "volume": 47184000,
506                    "open": 241.7899932861328,
507                    "low": 236.11000061035156,
508                    "close": 238.02999877929688,
509                    "adjclose": 238.02999877929688
510                }
511            ],
512            "events": {
513                "dividends": [
514                    {
515                        "amount": 0.25,
516                        "date": 1739197800
517                    }
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521        "news": [
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523                "uuid": "1e13eabf-c99d-3904-a6a4-d03fc08a7078",
524                "title": "Market Chatter: Apple Challenges UK Order for 'Back Door' in Encryption",
525                "publisher": "MT Newswires",
526                "link": "",
527                "providerPublishTime": "2025-03-04T18:37:37.000Z",
528                "type": "STORY",
529                "relatedTickers": [
530                    "AAPL"
531                ]
532            },
533            {
534                "uuid": "b3c763cd-9a2c-3cd5-b7cf-e7587d3e1bc1",
535                "title": "Apple's $500B U.S. Investment? Analyst Calls It 'Completely Unrealistic' – Questions Where The Money Will Come From",
536                "publisher": "Benzinga",
537                "link": "",
538                "providerPublishTime": "2025-03-04T14:45:20.000Z",
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540                "relatedTickers": [
541                    "AAPL"
542                ]
543            },
544            {
545                "uuid": "8e90c886-012c-33ed-a167-34de6c84b556",
546                "title": "Apple Launches New iPad Air Tablet",
547                "publisher": "MT Newswires",
548                "link": "",
549                "providerPublishTime": "2025-03-04T14:31:52.000Z",
550                "type": "STORY",
551                "relatedTickers": [
552                    "AAPL"
553                ]
554            },
555            {
556                "uuid": "ba039d72-0b15-3f03-abca-289997ac5108",
557                "title": "Apple just dropped new iPad Air models equipped for AI tasks",
558                "publisher": "Quartz",
559                "link": "",
560                "providerPublishTime": "2025-03-04T15:48:03.000Z",
561                "type": "STORY",
562                "thumbnail": {
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575                        }
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577                },
578                "relatedTickers": [
579                    "AAPL"
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581            }
582        ]
583    }


Run via Apify Console

  1. Go to Apify Console.
  2. Create a new Actor and paste in the scraper code.
  3. Set up the input JSON.
  4. Click Run.


  • Yahoo Finance may change its page structure, which could require updates to the scraper.
  • Excessive requests may result in temporary blocks; use proxies to avoid this.
  • Some financial data may require authentication or paid Yahoo Finance subscriptions.


For issues or feature requests, please open an issue on GitHub or contact Apify support.

Author: Your Name
Version: 1.0.0
License: MIT