Tiktok Profiles Scraper avatar

Tiktok Profiles Scraper

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Tiktok Profiles Scraper

Tiktok Profiles Scraper

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Pay $3.50 for 1,000 results

Scrape thousands of TikTok Posts and Profiles in seconds. Get TikTok profiles, stats (likes, comments, shares, collects), music metadata, and more!

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 11 Monthly users

  • No reviews yet

  • 1 bookmark

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Dec 2024

  • Modified a month ago

ℹ️ About

This is an Actor focused on scraping TikTok posts in an efficient manner. It is capable of scraping thousands of posts in just a minute.

✨ Features

  • Retrieve profile stats, bio signatures, and avatar images.
  • Scrape profile posts, including view counts, likes, shares, collects, video details, and associated music.
  • Choose how many posts per profile will be extracted.
  • Scrape thousands of posts per minute.

⚙️ Inputs

  • profiles: A list of profile usernames to scrape.
  • posts_count: Define the maximum number of posts to scrape per profile.
  • target: Choose to scrape profiles only, posts only or both.
  • ignore_pinned: Don't scrape pinned posts.

📄 Outputs


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41      "desc": "Let your Fyp inspire your next TikTok by stitching your favorite & most relatable videos. Just find a TikTok video you love, press share, and send it to Stitch. 😍",
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221  }


Can I export the scraped data to Excel?

Sure! Apify allows you to download the results as an Excel spreadsheet. You can also download in CSV, JSON, XML, HTML, JSONL and RSS.

I just found a bug! Can you fix it?

Oh, what a shame! Please create an Issue so I can evaluate what happened.

Can you implement a new feature?

Of course! You can use the Issues tab to suggest new features.

👀 See also