Tiktok Profiles Scraper
Pay $3.50 for 1,000 results

Tiktok Profiles Scraper
Pay $3.50 for 1,000 results
Scrape thousands of TikTok Posts and Profiles in seconds. Get TikTok profiles, stats (likes, comments, shares, collects), music metadata, and more!
Actor Metrics
11 Monthly users
No reviews yet
1 bookmark
>99% runs succeeded
Created in Dec 2024
Modified a month ago
ℹ️ About
This is an Actor focused on scraping TikTok posts in an efficient manner. It is capable of scraping thousands of posts in just a minute.
✨ Features
- Retrieve profile stats, bio signatures, and avatar images.
- Scrape profile posts, including view counts, likes, shares, collects, video details, and associated music.
- Choose how many posts per profile will be extracted.
- Scrape thousands of posts per minute.
⚙️ Inputs
- profiles: A list of profile usernames to scrape.
- posts_count: Define the maximum number of posts to scrape per profile.
- target: Choose to scrape profiles only, posts only or both.
- ignore_pinned: Don't scrape pinned posts.
📄 Outputs
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Can I export the scraped data to Excel?
Sure! Apify allows you to download the results as an Excel spreadsheet. You can also download in CSV, JSON, XML, HTML, JSONL and RSS.
I just found a bug! Can you fix it?
Oh, what a shame! Please create an Issue so I can evaluate what happened.
Can you implement a new feature?
Of course! You can use the Issues tab to suggest new features.
👀 See also
- Instagram Reels Scraper: Another very efficient crawler for scraping Instagram Reels and Posts.