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Clover Health Scraper -

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Clover Health Scraper -

Clover Health Scraper -

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1 day trial then $29.00/month - No credit card required now

Extract provider data from Clover Health's network. Search doctors, specialists, and medical practices by name, specialty, or location. Get comprehensive provider details including NPI numbers, specialties, address, or phone numbers. Ideal for healthcare network analysis and provider verification.

Max Items


Maximum number of providers to scrape (0 for unlimited)

Default value of this property is 100



Address, city, state, or ZIP code to search around

Default value of this property is ""

Provider Name


Search for specific doctors, practices, hospitals, or facilities (leave empty to search all)

Default value of this property is ""



Filter providers by medical specialty (leave empty to search all)

Value options:

"Addiction Services": string"Allergy and Immunology": string"Audiology": string"Cardiology (Heart)": string"Surgery-Cardiovascular": string"Chiropractor": string"Surgery-Colorectal": string"Counselor": string"Dermatology": string"Endocrinology": string"Family Medicine": string"General Practice": string"Gastroenterology (GI)": string"Surgery-General": string"Geriatrics": string"Surgery-Hand": string"Hematology and Oncology": string"Hepatology (Liver)": string"Infectious Disease": string"Internal Medicine": string"Nephrology (Kidney)": string"Neurology": string"Surgery-Neurosurgery": string"Nutrition": string"OB-Gyn": string"Occupational Therapy": string"Surgery-Oncology": string"Ophthalmology (Eye)": string"Optometry": string"Surgery-Oral": string"Surgery-Orthopedic": string"Osteopathy": string"Otolaryngology (ENT)": string"Pain Medicine": string"Palliative": string"Physical Therapy": string"Surgery-Plastic": string"Podiatry": string"Primary Care Physician": string"Psychiatry": string"Psychology": string"Pulmonary (Lung)": string"Rheumatology": string"Sleep Medicine": string"Social Worker": string"Speech Therapy": string"Sports and Rehab Medicine": string"Surgery-Trauma": string"Urology": string"Surgery-Vascular": string

Default value of this property is ""

Sort Results By


How to sort the provider results

Value options:

"distance": string"provider": string"specialty": string

Default value of this property is ""

Proxy configuration


Optional proxy configuration

Value options:

"auto": string"residential": string

Default value of this property is ""

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 4 monthly users

  • 1 star

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Nov 2024

  • Modified a month ago