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Expedia Hotels 2.3
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Expedia Hotels 2.3

Expedia Hotels 2.3

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7 days trial then $40.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrape 🟡 Expedia.com 🔴 Hotels.com and other hotel website variants


The crawler for hotels.com is not working as expected


tasty_providence opened this issue
2 months ago

It is weird that the actor runs twice even while calling it once, can you please chekck what i happening I passed the right input but actor still failed and restarted by itself and ran correctly

look for more details in https://console.apify.com/organization/v9hqAJiffZGKLkDhd/actors/runs/HU0Hp64Fa5YHUqCbb

Jupri avatar

cat (Jupri)

2 months ago

Hi @tasty_providence, thank you for reporting. I'll check the problem.

I cant open then link, https://console.apify.com/organization/v9hqAJiffZGKLkDhd/actors/runs/HU0Hp64Fa5YHUqCbb

its redirected to https://console.apify.com/missing-permissions



2 months ago

Here is the dataset id : https://console.apify.com/organization/v9hqAJiffZGKLkDhd/storage/datasets/ghkfOdCtQDOKxgDSY

if you look for the corresponding run id, you will find that i had passed the right input.

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 12 monthly users
  • 6 stars
  • 97.3% runs succeeded
  • 47 days response time
  • Created in Jul 2022
  • Modified about 1 month ago