Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper
Pay $1.00 for 1,000 Reviews

Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper
Pay $1.00 for 1,000 Reviews
Scraper to get reviews from URLs of hotels, apartments and other accommodations listed on Expedia.com and Hotels.com portals
Expedia / Hotels.com reviews scraper
This is a simple scraper to get reviews from URLs hotels, apartments and other accommodations listed on Expedia.com and Hotels.com portals.
For each hotel, input a link to the hotel detail page, which will look something like this:
1https://www.expedia.com/Prague-Hotels-Pentahotel-Prague.h525006.Hotel-Information?chkin=2023-03-17&chkout=2023-03-18&x_pwa=1&rfrr=HSR&pwa_ts=1677850168323&sort=RECOMMENDED&top_dp=82&top_cur=USD&userIntent= 2https://www.hotels.com/ho136900/hilton-prague-old-town-prague-czech-republic/?pwaDialogNested=PropertyDetailsReviewsBreakdownDialog 3https://www.expedia.it/en/Berchtesgaden-Hotels-Alpensport-Hotel-Seimler.h2692552.Hotel-Information
Additionally, you can click on the "Advanced" button in the URL input field and provide any userData
. Everything provided here will be available on each review as customData
, to allow later easy identification of which review belongs to which hotel.
You will get raw review data, so individual reviews will look something like this:
1{ 2 "contentDirectFeedbackPromptId": null, 3 "id": "123456789abcdef", 4 "superlative": "Excellent", 5 "locale": "en_GB", 6 "title": "", 7 "brandType": "Expedia", 8 "reviewScoreWithDescription": { 9 "label": "10 out of 10 Excellent", 10 "value": "10/10 Excellent" 11 }, 12 "text": "Excellent location and value for money. Great service. Clean. ", 13 "seeMoreAnalytics": { 14 "linkName": "See more reviews", 15 "referrerId": "HOT.HIS.See_more." 16 }, 17 "submissionTime": { 18 "longDateFormat": "Apr 15, 2022" 19 }, 20 "impressionAnalytics": null, 21 "themes": [ 22 { 23 "icon": { 24 "id": "sentiment_4" 25 }, 26 "label": "Liked: Cleanliness, staff & service, amenities, property conditions & facilities" 27 } 28 ], 29 "reviewFooter": { 30 "messages": [ 31 { 32 "seoStructuredData": { 33 "itemscope": true, 34 "itemprop": "author", 35 "itemtype": "https://schema.org/Person", 36 "content": "John" 37 }, 38 "text": { 39 "text": "Stayed 1 night in Apr 2022" 40 } 41 } 42 ] 43 }, 44 "reviewInteractionSections": [ 45 { 46 "primaryDisplayString": "0", 47 "accessibilityLabel": "Mark review 3 as helpful. 0 other users found review 3 helpful.", 48 "reviewInteractionType": "HELPFUL_REVIEW", 49 "feedbackAnalytics": { 50 "linkName": "Helpful review", 51 "referrerId": "HOT.HIS.ReviewsOverlay.THUMB_UP.UPVOTE" 52 } 53 }, 54 { 55 "primaryDisplayString": null, 56 "accessibilityLabel": null, 57 "reviewInteractionType": "REVIEW_REPORT_FLAG", 58 "feedbackAnalytics": null 59 } 60 ], 61 62 "reviewAuthorAttribution": { 63 "text": "John" 64 }, 65 "photoSection": null, 66 "photos": [], 67 "travelers": ["Traveled with family"], 68 "translationInfo": null, 69 "propertyReviewSource": null, 70 "reviewRegion": null, 71 "managementResponses": [ 72 { 73 "id": "3b23cd4c-ac5c-42a7-91f2-89b8d8dec7e2", 74 "header": { 75 "text": "Response from Jane on Apr 19, 2022" 76 }, 77 "response": "Thank you so much, we appreciate it a lot!" 78 } 79 ], 80 "hotelId": "123456", 81 "customData": { 82 "userDataKey1": "your custom data here", 83 "userDataKey2": ["arbitrary JSON data can be here"] 84 } 85}
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