Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper avatar

Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper

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Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper

Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper

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Pay $1.00 for 1,000 Reviews

Scraper to get reviews from URLs of hotels, apartments and other accommodations listed on Expedia.com and Hotels.com portals

Maintained by Apify

Actor Metrics

  • 50 monthly users

  • 4.7 / 5 (3)


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Mar 2023

  • Modified 5 months ago


Expedia / Hotels.com reviews scraper

This is a simple scraper to get reviews from URLs hotels, apartments and other accommodations listed on Expedia.com and Hotels.com portals.

For each hotel, input a link to the hotel detail page, which will look something like this:


Additionally, you can click on the "Advanced" button in the URL input field and provide any userData. Everything provided here will be available on each review as customData, to allow later easy identification of which review belongs to which hotel.

You will get raw review data, so individual reviews will look something like this:

2    "contentDirectFeedbackPromptId": null,
3    "id": "123456789abcdef",
4    "superlative": "Excellent",
5    "locale": "en_GB",
6    "title": "",
7    "brandType": "Expedia",
8    "reviewScoreWithDescription": {
9        "label": "10 out of 10 Excellent",
10        "value": "10/10 Excellent"
11    },
12    "text": "Excellent location and value for money. Great service. Clean. ",
13    "seeMoreAnalytics": {
14        "linkName": "See more reviews",
15        "referrerId": "HOT.HIS.See_more."
16    },
17    "submissionTime": {
18        "longDateFormat": "Apr 15, 2022"
19    },
20    "impressionAnalytics": null,
21    "themes": [
22        {
23            "icon": {
24                "id": "sentiment_4"
25            },
26            "label": "Liked: Cleanliness, staff & service, amenities, property conditions & facilities"
27        }
28    ],
29    "reviewFooter": {
30        "messages": [
31            {
32                "seoStructuredData": {
33                    "itemscope": true,
34                    "itemprop": "author",
35                    "itemtype": "https://schema.org/Person",
36                    "content": "John"
37                },
38                "text": {
39                    "text": "Stayed 1 night in Apr 2022"
40                }
41            }
42        ]
43    },
44    "reviewInteractionSections": [
45        {
46            "primaryDisplayString": "0",
47            "accessibilityLabel": "Mark review 3 as helpful. 0 other users found review 3 helpful.",
48            "reviewInteractionType": "HELPFUL_REVIEW",
49            "feedbackAnalytics": {
50                "linkName": "Helpful review",
51                "referrerId": "HOT.HIS.ReviewsOverlay.THUMB_UP.UPVOTE"
52            }
53        },
54        {
55            "primaryDisplayString": null,
56            "accessibilityLabel": null,
57            "reviewInteractionType": "REVIEW_REPORT_FLAG",
58            "feedbackAnalytics": null
59        }
60    ],
62    "reviewAuthorAttribution": {
63        "text": "John"
64    },
65    "photoSection": null,
66    "photos": [],
67    "travelers": ["Traveled with family"],
68    "translationInfo": null,
69    "propertyReviewSource": null,
70    "reviewRegion": null,
71    "managementResponses": [
72        {
73            "id": "3b23cd4c-ac5c-42a7-91f2-89b8d8dec7e2",
74            "header": {
75                "text": "Response from Jane on Apr 19, 2022"
76            },
77            "response": "Thank you so much, we appreciate it a lot!"
78        }
79    ],
80    "hotelId": "123456",
81    "customData": {
82        "userDataKey1": "your custom data here",
83        "userDataKey2": ["arbitrary JSON data can be here"]
84    }

Actor icon attribution: Condominium icons created by Uniconlabs - Flaticon