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TypeError encountered

misha_nv opened this issue
2 years ago

Hi - I encountered a TypeError when trying to run the actor. Won't even run. Is this a bug? Also - is there a way to "help" the actor by figuring out the g2 URLs in advance rather than relying on the search feature?

Jupri avatar

cat (Jupri)

2 years ago

Hi Neptune. Thanks for reporting.

  1. I recently update the actor, this probably a bug. let me check
  2. Could you describe "help" with example. Thanks.


2 years ago

For #2 - instead of providing a list of tools like "facebook" "google" etc. I would just provide a list of URLs:

https://www.g2.com/products/facebook-groups/reviews https://www.g2.com/products/google-analytics/reviews

The goal would be to avoid issues where you are looking up my query and finding a different match than what I would expect. Or i guess I could provide the slug? like facebook-groups, google-analytics, etc.?

Jupri avatar

cat (Jupri)

2 years ago

Yep! You should provide slugs as the actor need it to find product_id before fetching reviews. And as far as I know this slug is unique for every product.



2 years ago

OK. So for https://www.g2.com/products/facebook-groups/reviews the slug is "facebook-groups", for https://www.g2.com/products/google-analytics/reviews it's "google-analytics", etc. Correct?

Also, please update once you've addressed the bug that I reported.

Jupri avatar

cat (Jupri)

2 years ago

Yep! that`s correct. And the bug is fixed. please try again and let me know if there still an issue.



2 years ago

Thanks, the bug seems fixed. I got a new error:

parsing errors 39 records. Please parse "answers_raw" manually.

Can you explain what causes this and what it means?

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  • Created in Aug 2022

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