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VIMEO Extractor

VIMEO Extractor

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💫 All-in-One Scraper

Welcome to Vimeo Scraper

dont be sad readme is here

🌽 About

Vimeo, Inc. (/ˈvɪmioʊ/)[3] is an American video hosting, sharing, services provider, and broadcaster headquartered in New York City. Vimeo focuses on the delivery of high-definition video across a range of devices.[a] Vimeo's business model is through software as a service (SaaS). They derive revenue by providing subscription plans for businesses and content creators. Vimeo provides its subscribers with tools for video creation, editing, and broadcasting, enterprise software solutions, as well as the means for video professionals to connect with clients and other professionals. As of December 2021, the site has 260 million users, with around 1.6 million subscribers to its services.[1]

🌽About This Actor

All-in-One Scraper - Search and extract related information for Videos, Users, Channels or Groups

🌽 Tutorial

🍿 Parameters

querystring arrayQuery, Search Terms or URL
limitintegerNumber of results (per-query)

🍿 Basic Usage

Search videos

{ "query": ["sponge bobs"], "limit": 10 }

Autodetect URL for possible contents

{ "query": [" bobs"], "limit": 10 }

🍿 Advanced Usage

VIMEO Query Language (VQL)

[ <COMMAND:> | # | @ ] [ <NAME> | <ID> | <KEYWORD>| <URL> ] [ /<SECTION> ]

Possible QUERY values

<KEYWORDS>search termsSearch Anything
<KEYWORDS>square pantsSearch videos
users:<KEYWORDS>users:joeSearch users
channels:<KEYWORDS>channels:sportSearch channels
groups:<KEYWORDS>groups:musicSearch group
tag:<HASHTAG>tag:viralScrape Hashtag Data
/info#viral/infoHashtag info
/videos#viral/videosHashtag videos
cat:<CATEGORY_KEY>cat:documentaryScrape Category Data
/infocat:documentary/infoCategory info
/videoscat:documentary/videosCategory videos
channel:<CHANNEL_ID>channel:1170276Scrape Channel Data
/infochannel:comedy/infoChannel info
/videoschannel:comedy/videosChannel videos
/followerschannel:comedy/followersChannel followers
/moderatorschannel:comedy/moderatorsChannel moderators
group:<GROUP_ID>group:89Scrape Group Data
/infogroup:animation/infoGroup info
/videosgroup:animation/videosGroup videos
/followersgroup:animation/followersGroup followers
@<USER>@apifyScrape User Data
/albums@apify/albumsUser albums (showcase)
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/chapters473349630/chaptersVideo chapters
vod:<VOD_ID>vod:speciesismVideo On Demand (VOD)
https:<URL> URL
/<VIDEO_ID> info
/<USER> videos

🌽 Output Sample

🍿 Video Info

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9    "description": "+ SVP Creative: Andy Baker\n+ Creative Director, Design: Brian Everett\n+ Creative Director: Tyler Korba\n+ Producer: James Introcase\n+ Producer: Jason Letchko\n+ Capacity (Design)",
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🍿 User Info

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🌽 Support

⚡️ Feel free to reach out to the developer for any issues or suggestions for improvement.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 2 monthly users


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 70 days response time

  • Created in May 2024

  • Modified 3 months ago