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Heureka Scraper

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Heureka Scraper

Heureka Scraper


The actor scrapes all products from defined sub-categories (given as input) from Heureka.cz . For each product, it gets following data: item url, item name, current price, if the product is in TOP ones, list of shops where to buy it, product specification and reviews.

Heureka.cz scraper

The actor scrapes all products from defined sub-categories (given as input) from Heureka.cz.

The correct sub-category for the input is the one that has no other sub-categories included. I.e. "https://bazeny-a-doplnky.heureka.cz/" is correct as after clicking on any link here, you get the products details. Url "https://dum-zahrada.heureka.cz/" is not valid as after cliking on links there, you get to another groups of categories.

For each product, it gets following data: item url, item name, current price, if the product is in TOP ones, list of shops where to buy it, product specification and reviews.

Example item:

2 {
3  "itemUrl": "https://ochrana-pleti-v-zime.heureka.cz/weleda-coldcream-30-ml/",
4  "itemName": "Weleda Coldcream 30 ml",
5  "currentPrice": 205,
6  "breadcrumb": "Kosmetika a zdraví » Kosmetika » Pleťová kosmetika » Ochrana pleti v zimě » Weleda Coldcream 30 ml",
7  "currency": "CZK",
8  "inTop": "TRUE",
9  "shop": [
10    {
11      "name": "Krasa.cz",
12      "price": "227 Kč",
13      "numberOfReviews": 22849
14    },
15    {
16      "name": "EUCLékárna.cz",
17      "price": "242 Kč",
18      "numberOfReviews": 9917
19    },
20    {
21      "name": "Kosmetika-Zdraví.cz",
22      "price": "218 Kč",
23      "numberOfReviews": 5813
24    },
25    {
26      "name": "Lékárna.cz",
27      "price": "245 Kč",
28      "numberOfReviews": 61477
29    },
30  ],
31  "specification": "Krém Coldcream poskytuje účinnou ochranu pleti před chladem a sychravým počasím. Nadměrné sluneční záření, vítr, mráz a další nevlídné počasí nepříznivě působí nejen na suchou a citlivou pokožku. Díky složení je Coldcream vhodný též k péči o unavenou pokožku rukou, drsnou pokožku loktů či kolen nebo o pokožku namáhanou chladem či klimatizovaným prostředím kanceláří.",
32  "parameters": [
33    {
34      "Značka": "Weleda"
35    },
36    {
37      "Výrobce": "Weleda"
38    },
39    {
40      "Použití krému": "denní"
41    },
42    {
43      "Objem": "30"
44    },
45    {
46      "Sada": "ne"
47    }
48  ],
49  "recommendedByNumber": "11",
50  "overallReviewPecentage": 92,
51  "overallReviewNumber": {
52    "Ověřené": 8,
53    "Pozitivní": 7,
54    "Negativní": 1,
55    "Odborné": 0,
56    "Video": 0,
57    "Všechny": 11
58  },
59  "reviewStars": {
60    "1": 0,
61    "2": 0,
62    "3": 5,
63    "4": 20,
64    "5": 75
65  }

Compute units consumptios

Ie. for 3 categories, there can be more than 40ths. items. For such amount, the actor run time is app. 10 hours and it consumes app. 10 compute units.

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