XiaoHongShu Profile Scraper avatar
XiaoHongShu Profile Scraper
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XiaoHongShu Profile Scraper

XiaoHongShu Profile Scraper

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1 day trial then $20.00/month - No credit card required now

本工具可以处理小红书用户页数据及其发表的文章详情页数据。[小红书](https://www.xiaohongshu.com/) is a famous social e-commerce platform that combines user-generated content with online shopping, catering to the needs of young Chinese consumers. This scraper can get data from xiaohongshu user profile and detail pages.

This scraper can get data from xiaohongshu user profile.


Due to limitation of cover url, if you want cover image, you configure parameter "download_image" to true. It will download the cover for you with name "

if your need tags, date and location information, please enable input parameter 'scrape_detail_page'.

It scrape from user profile page like https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/577285526a6a697c22af03fe

page screenshot

and also post detail page

page screenshot

to get data like this

data screenshot

and detail data format like following

3	"id": "655bfa160000000032009e1a",
4	"cover": "http://sns-webpic-qc.xhscdn.com/202311212112/629ecb62902a91998666e62eee403d23/1040g00830rnggn8q2e004btv5lp801r86pu2s2o!nc_n_webp_mw_1format/jpg",
5	"title": "粉条豆腐包",
6	"url": "https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/5bfb3280e7444b0001520768/655bfa160000000032009e1a",
7	"num_count": "9",
8	"top_tag": false,
9	"author": "小楼(美食日记)",
10	"avatar": "https://sns-avatar-qc.xhscdn.com/avatar/60a5f35a957c7c083b9b97aa.jpg?imageView2/2/w/540/format/webp|imageMogr2/strip2",
11	"author_url": "https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/5bfb3280e7444b0001520768",
12	"desc": "冬天怎么能少得了一锅香喷喷的粉条豆腐包呢,你也赶紧去试试吧",
13	"tags": [
14		"豆腐粉条包子话题可以点击搜索啦~",
15		"粉条豆腐包",
16		"豆腐包子"
17	],
18	"date": "2023-11-21",
19	"location": "四川",
20	"video": "https://sns-video-bd.xhscdn.com/stream/110/258/01e55bf9d67fb0a1010370038bef498eda_258.mp4"


Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 7 monthly users
  • 1 star
  • 100.0% runs succeeded
  • 18 hours response time
  • Created in Jun 2023
  • Modified 26 days ago