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XiaoHongShu Scraper
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XiaoHongShu Scraper

XiaoHongShu Scraper

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1 day trial then $20.00/month - No credit card required now

[小红书](https://www.xiaohongshu.com/) is a famous social e-commerce platform that combines user-generated content with online shopping, catering to the needs of young Chinese consumers.. This scraper can help you to get data from it. 本工具可以处理小红书首页数据及各频道页的数据。

Change Log

  • 2024-3-26, update logic based on page change.

  • 2023-11-30, update scraper logic based on page layout change.

  • 2023-11-25, add more debug support.

  • 2023-10-31, update with more logging.

  • 2023-10-20, fix the problem

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 11 monthly users
  • 4 stars
  • 98.1% runs succeeded
  • 6.3 days response time
  • Created in May 2023
  • Modified 5 days ago