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Allegro Scraper

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Allegro Scraper

Allegro Scraper


Allegro Scraper allows you to scrape data from, one of the most popular online shopping platforms in Poland and the largest e-commerce platform of European origin.

Maintained by Community

What does Allegro Scraper do?

Our Allegro Scraper allows you to scrape data from, one of the most popular online shopping platforms in Poland and the largest e-commerce platform of European origin.

Allegro Scraper extracts product data such as:

💻 Product title

💸 Price

🚚 Shipping price

📷 Images

⭐ Rating

🖊 Reviews

👨‍💼 Seller with rating

🛒Number of purchases


💰 People bidding

🆕 Condition

📦 Available units

2 modes for different use cases

The scraper can be run in 2 modes depending on your needs:

  • Simple results
  • Detailed results

As the name suggests, the simple mode provides simplified results. Whereas in detailed results mode, you'll get all data our scraper is able to collect. So, why should you even go for simplified results? The main reason to use the simple mode is optimizing speed and platform costs. In the simple mode, the scraper doesn't open product details and extracts product data only from category pages. This approach reduces the number of requests significantly. To get a better idea of the actual costs, you can get up to 100,000 results for $3 using a simple mode. Compared to 1,000 results for $3 with detailed results mode. On the other hand, you'll get much more detailed product data with the simple mode off. And you can also extract reviews which is not possible with simplified results.

Apify provides you with $5 free usage credits every month on the Apify Free plan, and you can get up to 160,000 simplified results or 1,600 detailed results for $5. If you need to get more data regularly, you should grab an Apify subscription. We recommend our Personal plan for $49/month - you can get up to 1,600,000 results every month! Or, if you want to scrape even more, get our Team plan.

What does the output look like?

Note that you can switch between 2 modes to get a suitable data visualization on the Apify platform. Use Overview tab for detailed results and Simple Results in the simple mode.

Apify - Allegro Scraper output

Now let's take a look at the example product data for both simple and detailed modes in JSON format. You can also download the results in CSV, Excel, HTML, XML or RSS format. Note the page and sponsoredOffer fields - these are only included when you search products by categories. The scraper also accepts product links as start URLs so feel free to provide those, if you only need data for specific products.

Simple results mode

2	"url": "",
3	"sku": "10180595115",
4	"title": "Mysz Ergonomiczna Pionowa Bezprzewodowa Myszka, 110,00 zł",
5	"thumbnail": "",
6	"sponsoredOffer": false,
7	"page": 1,
8	"categoryUrl": "",
9	"price": 110,
10	"currency": "zł",
11	"purchases": 16,
12	"condition": "Nowy"

Detailed results mode

2	"url": "",
3	"title": "Mysz Ergonomiczna Pionowa Bezprzewodowa Myszka - Sklep, Opinie, Cena w",
4	"sku": "10180595115",
5	"description": "Kup teraz na za 119,99 zł - Mysz Ergonomiczna Pionowa Bezprzewodowa Myszka (10180595115). - Radość zakupów i bezpieczeństwo dzięki Programowi Ochrony Kupujących!",
6	"rating": 4.73,
7	"ratingsCount": 704,
8	"reviewsCount": 188,
9	"currency": "PLN",
10	"price": 119.99,
11	"purchases": 3,
12	"shippingPrice": 8.99,
13	"shippingInfo": [
14		"Dostawa od 8,99 zł"
15	],
16	"inStock": true,
17	"availableUnits": 150,
18	"peopleBidding": null,
19	"priceValidUntil": null,
20	"sellerName": "Fotonia",
21	"sellerRating": 99.6,
22	"thumbnail": "",
23	"images": [
24		"",
25		"",
26		"",
27		"",
28		""
29	],
30	"condition": {
31		"text": "Nowy",
32		"categoryUrl": null
33	},
34	"warranty": null,
35	"returnPolicy": [
36		"Zwrot za darmo - 14 dni",
37		"Reklamacja | Gwarancja | Allegro Protect"
38	],
39	"descriptionSections": [
40		"Trust Verto Ergonomic Wireless Mouse 22879 mysz bezprzewodowaBezprzewodowa mysz o ergonomicznej, pionowej konstrukcji, która zmniejsza obciążenie ramion i nadgarstkówPracuj wygodnie przez długi czas, zapobiegając jednocześnie dolegliwościom rąk i nadgarstkówWygodna podpórka pod kciuk i gumowa powłoka zapewniająca doskonały chwytPrzycisk wyboru prędkości (800/1200/1600 DPI)Chowany mikro odbiornik USB2 przyciski kciuka: przeglądarka wstecz i dalejPrzełącznik włącz / wyłącz"
41	],
42	"parameters": [
43		{
44			"name": "Stan",
45			"value": "Nowy"
46		},
47		{
48			"name": "Faktura",
49			"value": "Wystawiam fakturę VAT"
50		},
51		{
52			"name": "Producent",
53			"value": "Trust",
54			"valueLink": ""
55		},
56		{
57			"name": "Sensor",
58			"value": "optyczny",
59			"valueLink": ""
60		},
61		{
62			"name": "Rozdzielczość myszy",
63			"value": "1600 dpi"
64		},
65		{
66			"name": "Interfejs",
67			"value": "USB (Radio 2.4 GHz)",
68			"valueLink": ""
69		},
70		{
71			"name": "Profil myszy",
72			"value": "praworęczna",
73			"valueLink": ""
74		},
75		{
76			"name": "Liczba przycisków",
77			"value": "6"
78		}
79	],
80	"breadcrumbs": [
81		{
82			"categoryName": "Elektronika",
83			"categoryUrl": ""
84		},
85		{
86			"categoryName": "Komputery",
87			"categoryUrl": ""
88		},
89		{
90			"categoryName": "Urządzenia wskazujące",
91			"categoryUrl": ""
92		},
93		{
94			"categoryName": "Myszki",
95			"categoryUrl": ""
96		},
97		{
98			"categoryName": "Bezprzewodowe",
99			"categoryUrl": ""
100		}
101	],
102	"reviews": [
103		{
104			"id": "5f8352006a05b54f3b680605",
105			"author": "p...1",
106			"opinion": "Polecam, efekt poprawy podobno można odczuć dopiero po ok. miesiącu użytkowania, ale z myszki korzysta się bardzo wygodnie od pierwszych chwil po wyjęciu z pudełka.",
107			"rating": {
108				"percentage": 100,
109				"stars": 5
110			},
111			"cons": "Dół myszki wykonany jest tandetnie",
112			"pros": "Rewelacyjna Cena/Jakość, Satysfakcjonujące DPI, Dobrze wykonana, Wygodna, Dobrze zrealizowany tryb uśpienia, Atrakcyjna wizualnie",
113			"images": [
114				"",
115				"",
116				""
117			],
118			"createdAt": "2020-10-11T18:42:08.438Z",
119			"helpfulness": {
120				"positive": {
121					"count": 5,
122					"percentage": 100
123				},
124				"negative": {
125					"count": 0,
126					"percentage": 0
127				}
128			},
129			"sourceLanguage": "pl-PL",
130			"flags": [
131				"BEST"
132			]
133		}
134	],
135	"categoryUrl": ""

Integrations and Allegro Scraper

Last but not least, Allegro Scraper can be connected with almost any cloud service or web app thanks to integrations on the Apify platform. You can integrate with Make, Zapier, Slack, Airbyte, GitHub, Google Sheets, Google Drive, and more. Or you can use webhooks to carry out an action whenever an event occurs, e.g. get a notification whenever Allegro Scraper successfully finishes a run.

Using Allegro Scraper with the Apify API

The Apify API gives you programmatic access to the Apify platform. The API is organized around RESTful HTTP endpoints that enable you to manage, schedule, and run Apify actors. The API also lets you access any datasets, monitor actor performance, fetch results, create and update versions, and more.

To access the API using Node.js, use the apify-client NPM package. To access the API using Python, use the apify-client PyPI package.

Check out the Apify API reference docs for full details or click on the API tab for code examples.

Other e-commerce scrapers

We have many more e-commerce related scrapers for you to try, such as Amazon Product Scraper, eBay Scraper, AliExpress Scraper, Etsy Scraper or Walmart Scraper. If you're interested in those, browse the E-commerce Category in Apify Store.