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SEO Checker

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SEO Checker

SEO Checker

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7 days trial then $8.00/month - No credit card required now

SEO Checker is an advanced Actor that performs comprehensive on-site SEO analysis for any website. It crawls web pages and extracts crucial SEO elements, providing detailed insights to help improve your website's search engine optimization.

What does SEO Checker do?

SEO Checker is an advanced Actor that performs comprehensive on-site SEO analysis for any website. It crawls web pages and extracts crucial SEO elements, providing detailed insights to help improve your website's search engine optimization.

Why use SEO Checker?

Optimizing your website for search engines is crucial for increasing visibility and attracting organic traffic. SEO Checker helps you:

  • Identify technical SEO issues
  • Analyze content quality and structure
  • Evaluate meta tags and descriptions
  • Check internal and external linking
  • Assess mobile-friendliness and responsiveness
  • Detect implementation of structured data

Whether you're an SEO professional, website owner, or digital marketer, SEO Checker provides valuable data to enhance your site's performance in search results.

How to use SEO Checker

  1. Go to the SEO Checker page on Apify
  2. Enter the starting URL(s) of the website(s) you want to analyze
  3. Set the maximum number of pages to crawl (default is 100)
  4. Choose whether to crawl internal links (default is false)
  5. Click "Start" to begin the analysis

For a video tutorial on how to use SEO Checker, check out our YouTube guide.


SEO Checker accepts the following inputs:

  • startUrls: Array of URLs to start the crawl (required)
  • maxRequestsPerCrawl: Maximum number of pages to crawl (default: 100)
  • crawlUrls: Whether to follow and analyze internal links (default: false)

For more details, check the Input tab on the actor's page.


SEO Checker provides a comprehensive dataset with over 40 SEO-related attributes for each analyzed page. You can download the results in JSON, CSV, Excel, or HTML formats. Here's an overview and explanation of the output:

  1. URL: The analyzed webpage's URL
  2. Title: The page's title tag content
  3. Title Length: Number of characters in the title
  4. Title Duplicate Words: Count of repeated words in the title
  5. Description: The meta description content
  6. Description Length: Number of characters in the description
  7. iFrames: Number of iframes on the page
  8. Language: Detected language of the page
  9. Hreflang: Presence of hreflang tags (boolean)
  10. Domain Length: Number of characters in the domain name
  11. Viewport: Presence of viewport meta tag (boolean)
  12. Mobile Responsive: Whether the page is mobile-friendly (boolean)
  13. Charset: Presence of charset declaration (boolean)
  14. Favicon: Presence of favicon (boolean)
  15. H1 to H6: Content of heading tags (H1 to H6)
  16. H1 to H6 Count: Number of each heading tag type
  17. Words: Total word count on the page
  18. Paragraphs: Number of paragraph tags
  19. Lorem Ipsum: Presence of placeholder text (boolean)
  20. Apple Touch Icon: Presence of Apple touch icon (boolean)
  21. JavaScript Files: Number of external JavaScript files
  22. CSS Files: Number of external CSS files
  23. Strong Tags: Number of & tags
  24. Internal Links: List of internal links found
  25. Internal Links Count: Number of internal links
  26. External Links: List of external links found
  27. External Links Count: Number of external links
  28. Average Anchor Text Length: Average length of link anchor texts
  29. Images Without Alt: Number of images missing alt text
  30. Has Google Analytics: Presence of Google Analytics (boolean)
  31. Has HTTPS: Whether the page uses HTTPS (boolean)
  32. Has JSON-LD: Presence of JSON-LD structured data (boolean)
  33. Has Microdata: Presence of Microdata structured data (boolean)
  34. Meta Robots: Content of meta robots tag
  35. Canonical URL: The page's canonical URL
  36. Has Sitemap: Presence of sitemap link (boolean)
  37. Has Open Graph: Presence of Open Graph meta tags (boolean)
  38. Has Twitter Cards: Presence of Twitter Card meta tags (boolean)
  39. Has Hreflang: Presence of hreflang links (boolean)
  40. Has AMP: Presence of AMP link (boolean)
  41. Has Schema: Presence of structured data (boolean)

These outputs provide a comprehensive overview of various on-page SEO factors, helping you identify areas for improvement and optimize your website for better search engine performance.

Example of the output:

2	"url": "",
3	"title": "Apify: Full-stack web scraping and data extraction platform",
4	"titleLength": 59,
5	"titleDuplicateWords": 0,
6	"description": "Cloud platform for web scraping, browser automation, and data for AI. Use 2,000+ ready-made tools, code templates, or order a custom solution.",
7	"descriptionLength": 142,
8	"iframes": 2,
9	"language": "en",
10	"hreflang": false,
11	"domainLength": 9,
12	"viewport": true,
13	"mobileResponsive": true,
14	"charset": true,
15	"favicon": true,
16	"h1": [
17		"Build reliable web  scrapers. Fast."
18	],
19	"h2": [
20		"Web scraping can be challenging",
21		"Trusted business partner",
22		"Learn more",
23		"Get started now"
24	],
25	"h3": [
26		"Develop with open-source tools",
27		"Deploy to Apify",
28		"Take your code for a run",
29		"Plug your Actor into any workflow",
30		"Publish your Actors"
31	],
32	"h4": [
33		"Simplify scraping withCrawlee",
34		"Use your favorite libraries",
35		"Turn your code into an Apify Actor",
36		"Deploy to the cloud",
37		"Run your Actors",
38		"Never get blocked",
39		"Store and share crawling results",
40		"Monitor performance over time",
41		"Integrations. Everywhere.",
42		"Web Scraper",
43		"Google Maps Scraper",
44		"Cheerio Scraper",
45		"YouTube Scraper",
46		"Puppeteer Scraper",
47		"Booking Scraper",
48		"Amazon Product Scraper",
49		"Twitter Scraper"
50	],
51	"h5": [],
52	"h6": [],
53	"h1Count": 1,
54	"h2Count": 4,
55	"h3Count": 5,
56	"h4Count": 17,
57	"h5Count": 0,
58	"h6Count": 0,
59	"words": 1983,
60	"paragraphs": 183,
61	"loremIpsum": false,
62	"appleTouchIcon": true,
63	"javascriptFiles": 52,
64	"cssFiles": 2,
65	"strongTags": 11,
66	"internalLinks": [
67		"#main-content",
68		"/resources/standby-webinar",
69		"/",
70		"/store",
71		"/store",
72		"/actors",
73		"/integrations",
74		"/storage",
75		"/proxy",
76		"/enterprise",
77		"/resources/startups",
78		"/resources/universities",
79		"/resources/nonprofits",
80		"/data-for-generative-ai",
81		"/use-cases/lead-generation",
82		"/use-cases/market-research",
83		"/use-cases/sentiment-analysis",
84		"/use-cases",
85		"/professional-services",
86		"/partners",
87		"/templates",
88		"/partners/actor-developers",
89		"/ideas",
90		"/change-log",
91		"/success-stories",
92		"/about",
93		"/contact",
94		"/partners/join",
95		"/partners/affiliate",
96		"/jobs",
97		"/pricing",
98		"/contact-sales",
99		"/contact-sales",
100		"/store",
101		"#web-scraping-can-be-challenging",
102		"#develop-with-open-source-tools",
103		"/templates",
104		"/templates/ts-crawlee-playwright-chrome",
105		"/templates/ts-crawlee-puppeteer-chrome",
106		"/templates/python-selenium",
107		"/templates/python-scrapy",
108		"#deploy-to-apify",
109		"/actors",
110		"#take-your-code-for-a-run",
111		"/proxy",
112		"/storage",
113		"#plug-your-actor-into-any-workflow",
114		"/integrations",
115		"#publish-your-actors",
116		"/apify/web-scraper",
117		"/compass/crawler-google-places",
118		"/apify/cheerio-scraper",
119		"/streamers/youtube-scraper",
120		"/apify/puppeteer-scraper",
121		"/voyager/booking-scraper",
122		"/junglee/Amazon-crawler",
123		"/quacker/twitter-scraper",
124		"/store",
125		"#trusted-business-partner",
126		"/professional-services",
127		"/partners",
128		"/contact-sales",
129		"#learn-more",
130		"#get-started-now",
131		"/store",
132		"/professional-services",
133		"/pricing",
134		"/web-scraping",
135		"/use-cases",
136		"/success-stories",
137		"/ideas",
138		"/tools",
139		"/apify/web-scraper",
140		"/templates",
141		"/partners/actor-developers",
142		"/actors",
143		"/proxy",
144		"/storage",
145		"/integrations",
146		"/change-log",
147		"/partners",
148		"/partners/affiliate",
149		"/resources/universities",
150		"/resources/startups",
151		"/data-for-generative-ai",
152		"/compass/crawler-google-places",
153		"/about",
154		"/jobs",
155		"/contact",
156		"/"
157	],
158	"internalLinksCount": 90,
159	"externalLinks": [
160		"",
161		"",
162		"",
163		"",
164		"",
165		"",
166		"",
167		"",
168		"",
169		"",
170		"",
171		"",
172		"",
173		"",
174		"",
175		"",
176		"",
177		"",
178		"",
179		"",
180		"",
181		"",
182		"",
183		"",
184		"",
185		"",
186		"",
187		"",
188		"",
189		"",
190		"",
191		"",
192		"",
193		"",
194		"",
195		"",
196		"",
197		"",
198		"",
199		"",
200		"",
201		"",
202		""
203	],
204	"externalLinksCount": 43,
205	"averageAnchorTextLength": 33.81944444444444,
206	"imagesWithoutAlt": 1,
207	"hasGoogleAnalytics": false,
208	"hasHttps": true,
209	"hasJsonLd": false,
210	"hasMicrodata": false,
211	"metaRobots": "index,follow",
212	"canonicalUrl": "",
213	"hasSitemap": false,
214	"hasOpenGraph": true,
215	"hasTwitterCards": true,
216	"hasHreflang": false,
217	"hasAmp": false,
218	"hasSchema": false

SEO Checker is designed to analyze publicly available information on websites. It respects robots.txt files and doesn't attempt to access private data. However, always ensure you have the right to analyze a website, especially if it's not your own. When in doubt, consult the website's terms of service or seek legal advice.

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 2 monthly users
  • 1 star
  • 100.0% runs succeeded
  • Created in Oct 2024
  • Modified 14 days ago