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Duplications Checker

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Duplications Checker

Duplications Checker

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Check your dataset for duplications. Accept only the highest quality data!

Dataset ID


Id of dataset where the data are located. If you need to use other input types like Key value store or raw JSON, look at Other data sources

Check only clean dataset items


Only clean dataset items will be loaded and use for duplications checking if datasetId option is provided.

Default value of this property is false



List of fields in each item that will be checked for duplicates. Each given field must not be nested and it should contain only simple value (string or number). You can prepare your data with preCheckFunction.

Default value of this property is []

Pre-check function


You can specify which fields should display in the debug OUTPUT to identify bad items. By default it shows all fields which may make it unnecessary big.

Minimum duplications


Minimum occurences to be included in the report. Defaults to 2

Default value of this property is 2

Show indexes


Indexes of the duplicate items will be shown in the OUTPUT report. Set to false if you don't need them.

Default value of this property is true

Show items


Duplicate items will be pushed to a dataset. Set to false if you don't need them.

Default value of this property is true

Show missing fields


Items where the values for the field is missing or is null or '' will be included in the report.

Default value of this property is true



How many items will be checked. Default is all



From which item the checking will start. Use with limit to check specific items.

Batch Size


You can change number of loaded and processed items in each batch. This is only needed if you have really huge items.

Default value of this property is 1000

Key value store Record


ID and record key if you want to load from KV store. Format is {keyValueStoreId}+{recordKey}, e.g. s5NJ77qFv8b4osiGR+MY-KEY

Raw Data


Raw JSON array you want to check.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 9 monthly users

  • 11 stars

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Aug 2019

  • Modified 4 years ago