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Example Public Actor Input

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Example Public Actor Input

Example Public Actor Input

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Example of input schema for public scraping actors

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  • Created in Oct 2019

  • Modified a year ago

(This is an examle readme for fictional store scraper)

Apify Store Scraper

Apify Store Scraper is an Apify actor for extracting data about actors from Apify Store. It allows you to search for any category of actors and extract detailed information about each actor found. It is build on top of Apify SDK and you can run it both on Apify platform and locally.


FieldTypeDescriptionDefault value
startUrlsarrayList of Request objects that will be deeply crawled. The URL can be top level like https://apify.com/store, any category/search URL or actor detail URL[{ "url": "https://apify.com/store" }]
maxItemsnumberMaximum number of actor pages that will be scrapedall found
extendOutputFunctionstringFunction that takes a JQuery handle ($) as argument and returns data that will be merged with the default output. More information in Extend output function
proxyConfigurationobjectProxy settings of the run. If you have access to Apify proxy, leave the default settings. If not, you can set { "useApifyProxy": false" } to disable proxy usage{ "useApifyProxy": true }


Output is stored in a dataset. Each item is an information about an actor. Example:

2    "title": "Apify Store Scraper",
3    "url-title": "lukaskrivka/apify-store-scraper"
4    "sourceUrl": "https://github.com/metalwarrior665/apify-store-scraper",
5    "usedTimes": 50000,
6    "description": "Scrape all information about actors in Apify Store!"

Compute units consumption

Keep in mind that it is much more efficient to run one longer scrape (at least one minute) than more shorter ones because of the startup time.

The average consumption is 1 Compute unit for 1000 actor pages scraped

Extend output function

You can use this function to update the default output of this actor. This function gets a JQuery handle $ as an argument so you can choose what data from the page you want to scrape. The output from this will function will get merged with the default output.

The return value of this function has to be an object!

You can return fields to achive 3 different things:

  • Add a new field - Return object with a field that is not in the default output
  • Change a field - Return an existing field with a new value
  • Remove a field - Return an existing field with a value undefined
1($) => {
2    return {
3        title: $('.fxqkUh p').eq(0).text(),
4        url-title: undefined,
5        modified: $('.stats time').eq(0).text(),
6    }

This example will add a new field modified, change the title field and remove url-title field

2    "title": "lukaskrivka/apify-store-scraper"
3    "sourceUrl": "https://github.com/metalwarrior665/apify-store-scraper",
4    "usedTimes": 50000,
5    "description": "Scrape all information about actors in Apify Store!",
6    "modified: "3 months ago"


Thank you for trying my actor. I will be very glad for a feedback that you can send to my email lukas@apify.com. If you find any bug, please create an issue on the Github page.