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Tripadvisor Reviews Scraper
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Tripadvisor Reviews Scraper

Tripadvisor Reviews Scraper

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Get and download reviews for chosen places on Tripadvisor. Extract the review text, URL, rating, date of travel, published date, basic reviewer info, owner's response, helpful votes, images, review language, place details. Download reviews in XML, JSON, CSV.


Only English reviews


thehoster opened this issue
9 months ago

It only retrieves reviews in English when any is selected and the date filter is selected to specific date, I wish to retrieve all reviews in all languages

misa avatar

Hello, thank you for reaching out. The actor is currently designed to scrape one language per run, and when no language is selected, it defaults to English. Therefore, the actor operates as expected in this scenario. To collect data in multiple languages, you will need to perform separate runs for each language. We understand that this may not be the most efficient method, but it is a technical limitation that has existed historically, and we are aware of it. I will discuss this matter with our delivery team to check if there have been any updates in the meantime and will let you know.



9 months ago

But when there is no date filter, it scrapes in all languages. In there is an option for all languages, I hope it can be added to the scraper for the date filter, it's vital for us.

misa avatar

Hi, sorry for the confusion, there have been a couple of updates recently, so I've mixed up a few things together. In any case, we're checking this with our delivery team and will be back with more updates shortly.



9 months ago

Hi, I have been doing how you told me to do, selecting every different language, and English and Spanish are OK, as you can see here: English: Spanish:

But when another language is selected, it brings me the English ones and translates it to the selected language: French: Italian: Japanese:

So as of now (with these selected languages) I can only have English and Spanish reviews.

misa avatar

Hey, thanks for the follow-up. We have been working on multilanguage selection and other language-related issues lats/this week. Right now, we're in the review stage, and we're optimistic about getting it into production soon. Once it's up and running, we're confident it will sort out all the problems we've discussed - so stay tuned for more updates.



9 months ago

Perfect, thank you

lukas.prusa avatar

Hi, we've just released an update with this feature. It should also fix your other problem with unwanted English reviews ;) To use it, select 'All review languages' option under the 'Reviews languages' field. Try it out and let me know how it works, thanks!



9 months ago

Thank you for these fixes, it really help us!

Maintained by Apify
Actor metrics
  • 241 monthly users
  • 20 stars
  • 99.1% runs succeeded
  • 2 days response time
  • Created in Jan 2023
  • Modified 3 days ago