Property Listings Scraper (All-In-One) avatar Property Listings Scraper (All-In-One)

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Unlock the power of Crexi's vast commercial real estate database with our advanced scraper. Transform raw listings into actionable insights, giving you the edge in property analysis, market trends, and investment opportunities. Your key to decisions in the competitive world of commercial real estate

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 14 monthly users

  • No reviews yet


  • 95% runs succeeded

  • 7.1 hours response time

  • Created in Feb 2024

  • Modified 9 days ago Property Listings Scraper

How it works

This actor allows you to scrape property listings from and extract important details such as property name, description, asking price, location, property type, broker information, investment highlights, broker contact details, and various other metadata. You can also include additional information like detailed listing information, broker contact details, marketing descriptions, and more, depending on your needs.


Multiple Search Queries: Supports scraping based on multiple search URLs (just copy and paste the link/url from site), formatted as:


How to Use

  1. Set Up: Ensure you have an Apify account and access to the Apify platform.
  2. (Optional) Configure proxy settings for enhanced reliability, as Crexi employs anti-scraping measures.
  3. Paste the link from site and run the actor and obtain the extracted data in your preferred format.
  4. Data Collection: The scraper will output data in your chosen format, which can include JSON, CSV, Excel, or others as supported by Apify.

New Input Options

Two new options have been added to help you control the depth of the data being scraped:

  • Include Listing Details (includeListingDetails): Set this option to true if you want to include detailed information for each property listing in the search results. This includes additional information about the property such as description, type, and amenities. By default, this is set to false.

  • Include Broker/Contact Details (includeBrokerDetails): Set this option to true if you want to include broker or contact details for each property listing. This can provide information about the broker or agent responsible for the listing, allowing for more detailed contact information. By default, this is also set to false.

Input Data

Here's a simple example of how to set up a search for properties in Florida:

2    "startUrls": [
3        {
4            "url": ""
5        }
6    ],
7    "includeListingDetails": true,
8    "includeBrokerDetails": true,
9    "proxyConfiguration": {
10        "useApifyProxy": true,
11        "apifyProxyGroups": [
12            "RESIDENTIAL"
13        ]
14    }

Output Structure

Basic Output Fields

The output data typically includes:

2  "activatedOn": "2022-12-06T16:51:28Z",
3  "locations": [
4    {
5      "address": "10910 Curley Rd",
6      "city": "San Antonio",
7      "county": "Pasco County",
8      "state": {
9        "code": "FL",
10        "name": "Florida"
11      },
12      "zip": "33576",
13      "latitude": 28.3160917,
14      "longitude": -82.2742474,
15      "fullAddress": "10910 Curley Rd, San Antonio, Pasco County, FL 33576"
16    }
17  ],
18  "brokerTeamLogoUrl": "",
19  "brokerageName": "Nye Commercial Advisors",
20  "description": "Curley Road Townhome Development across from Metro Mirada Lagoon",
21  "hasFlyer": true,
22  "hasOM": true,
23  "hasVideo": false,
24  "id": 1007407,
25  "isInOpportunityZone": false,
26  "name": "47 Acre Townhome Development",
27  "numberOfGalleryItems": 4,
28  "numberOfImages": 4,
29  "showCountdownAsDate": false,
30  "status": "On-Market",
31  "thumbnailUrl": "",
32  "types": [
33    "Land"
34  ],
35  "updatedOn": "2024-10-01T17:06:22Z",
36  "urlSlug": "florida-47-acre-townhome-development",
37  "userIsAssetOwner": false,
38  "hasVirtualTour": false,
39  "recommId": "f04a9befbec75289788e3f9601000143",
40  "url": "",
41  "ajaxUrl": ""

Basic Output Fields Explanation

  • activatedOn: Date and time when the listing was activated.
  • locations: Array of location objects containing detailed address information such as address, city, county, state, zip, latitude, longitude, and fullAddress.
  • brokerTeamLogoUrl: URL of the broker team's logo.
  • brokerageName: Name of the brokerage firm.
  • description: Brief description of the property.
  • hasFlyer: Boolean indicating if the listing has an attached flyer.
  • hasOM: Boolean indicating if the listing has an Offering Memorandum (OM).
  • hasVideo: Boolean indicating if the listing includes a video.
  • id: Unique identifier for the listing.
  • isInOpportunityZone: Boolean indicating if the property is in an opportunity zone.
  • name: Title or name of the property listing.
  • numberOfGalleryItems: Total count of visual media items in the gallery.
  • numberOfImages: Count of images available for the property.
  • showCountdownAsDate: Boolean indicating if a countdown should be shown as a date.
  • status: Current status of the listing (e.g., "On-Market").
  • thumbnailUrl: URL of the main thumbnail image for the property.
  • types: Array of property types (e.g., ["Land"]).
  • updatedOn: Date and time of the last update to the listing.
  • urlSlug: URL-friendly version of the property name.
  • userIsAssetOwner: Boolean indicating if the user is the owner of the asset.
  • hasVirtualTour: Boolean indicating if a virtual tour is available for the property.
  • recommId: Recommendation ID (purpose may vary).
  • url: Direct URL to the property listing on
  • ajaxUrl: API URL for accessing additional details about the property.

Additional Output Fields (when includeListingDetails is set to true)

If includeListingDetails is set to true, additional fields will be included:

2  "details": {
3    "subtypes": [
4      "Residential"
5    ],
6    "investmentHighlights": "<ul><li>​<p><span style=\"color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)\"><span>423 Units Asking $35k Per Door</span></span></p></li><li>​<p><span style=\"color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)\"><span>1 Mile from I-75; Central Location to Tampa, Orlando, Lakeland, Dade City and Zephyrhills Excellent Connections to US 98, US 301, I-4 and I-275.</span></span></p></li></ul>",
7    "earnestDepositAmountInPercent": false,
8    "qualFormRequired": false,
9    "marketingDescription": "<p><span style=\"color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)\"><span>This assemblage contains 47 +/- acres just west of the new Mirada Development which will has 5,000 new homes, a 15 acre crystal lagoon, and a new Publix Shopping Center.​ Current MPUD Approval for 10 units per acre for Front & Rear Loaded Townhomes, and 3 Story Apartments.​</span></span></p>",
10    "hasVault": false,
11    "hasPrivateVault": false,
12    "hideAddress": false,
13    "hideStreetView": false,
14    "feeAgreementIsRequired": false,
15    "userCanDownloadMd": true,
16    "userExecutedCA": false,
17    "omAccessStatus": "Granted",
18    "isSavedToBoards": false,
19    "caPrincipalInfoType": "None",
20    "userHasProAccess": false,
21    "allLoiFieldsRequired": true,
22    "hasClosing": false,
23    "usePrintViewAsFlyer": true,
24    "isInOpportunityZone": false,
25    "isNoteLoan": false,
26    "hasVirtualTour": false,
27    "hidePropertyHistory": false,
28    "hideValuationCalculator": false,
29    "hideClimateRisk": false,
30    "hidePlacerInsights": false,
31    "hideDemographicInsights": false,
32    "brokerProducts": [
33      "Pro"
34    ],
35    "showCountdownAsDate": false,
36    "userIsAssetOwner": false,
37    "isSold": false,
38    "isPaused": false,
39    "updatedOn": "2024-10-01T17:06:22.28Z",
40    "isOutdated": false,
41    "hasOM": true,
42    "hasFlyer": true,
43    "types": [
44      "Land"
45    ],
46    "status": "Active",
47    "id": 1007407,
48    "name": "47 Acre Townhome Development",
49    "description": "Curley Road Townhome Development across from Metro Mirada Lagoon",
50    "thumbnailUrl": "",
51    "isPrivate": false,
52    "urlSlug": "florida-47-acre-townhome-development",
53    "isComp": false,
54    "isElite": false,
55    "isSellSubjectTo": false,
56    "hasAuctioneer": false,
57    "realtorBoards": []
58  }

Additional Output Fields Explanation

  • details: Detailed information about the listing, including:
    • subtypes: Array of subtypes for the property (e.g., ["Residential"]).
    • investmentHighlights: Key highlights about the investment, often presented in HTML format.
    • earnestDepositAmountInPercent: Boolean indicating if the earnest deposit amount is given in percentage.
    • qualFormRequired: Boolean indicating if a qualification form is required.
    • marketingDescription: A marketing description for the property, often presented in HTML format.
    • hasVault: Boolean indicating if the property has a vault.
    • hasPrivateVault: Boolean indicating if the property has a private vault.
    • hideAddress: Boolean indicating if the address is hidden.
    • hideStreetView: Boolean indicating if the street view is hidden.
    • feeAgreementIsRequired: Boolean indicating if a fee agreement is required.
    • userCanDownloadMd: Boolean indicating if the user can download marketing documents.
    • userExecutedCA: Boolean indicating if the user has executed a confidentiality agreement.
    • omAccessStatus: Status of access to the Offering Memorandum (e.g., "Granted").
    • isSavedToBoards: Boolean indicating if the listing is saved to boards.
    • caPrincipalInfoType: Type of principal information required for the confidentiality agreement.
    • userHasProAccess: Boolean indicating if the user has Pro access.
    • allLoiFieldsRequired: Boolean indicating if all Letter of Intent fields are required.
    • hasClosing: Boolean indicating if the property has closing information.
    • usePrintViewAsFlyer: Boolean indicating if the print view should be used as a flyer.
    • isInOpportunityZone: Boolean indicating if the property is in an opportunity zone.
    • isNoteLoan: Boolean indicating if the listing is a note loan.
    • hasVirtualTour: Boolean indicating if a virtual tour is available.
    • hidePropertyHistory: Boolean indicating if the property history is hidden.
    • hideValuationCalculator: Boolean indicating if the valuation calculator is hidden.
    • hideClimateRisk: Boolean indicating if climate risk information is hidden.
    • hidePlacerInsights: Boolean indicating if placer insights are hidden.
    • hideDemographicInsights: Boolean indicating if demographic insights are hidden.
    • brokerProducts: Array of products offered by the broker (e.g., ["Pro"]).
    • showCountdownAsDate: Boolean indicating if a countdown should be shown as a date.
    • userIsAssetOwner: Boolean indicating if the user is the owner of the asset.
    • isSold: Boolean indicating if the property is sold.
    • isPaused: Boolean indicating if the listing is paused.
    • updatedOn: Date and time of the last update to the listing.
    • isOutdated: Boolean indicating if the listing is outdated.
    • hasOM: Boolean indicating if the listing has an Offering Memorandum.
    • hasFlyer: Boolean indicating if the listing has a flyer.
    • types: Array of property types (e.g., ["Land"]).
    • status: Current status of the listing (e.g., "Active").
    • id: Unique identifier for the listing.
    • name: Title or name of the property listing.
    • description: Brief description of the property.
    • thumbnailUrl: URL of the main thumbnail image for the property.
    • isPrivate: Boolean indicating if the listing is private.
    • urlSlug: URL-friendly version of the property name.
    • isComp: Boolean indicating if the listing is a comparable property.
    • isElite: Boolean indicating if the listing is elite.
    • isSellSubjectTo: Boolean indicating if the sale is subject to certain conditions.
    • hasAuctioneer: Boolean indicating if the property has an auctioneer.
    • realtorBoards: Array of realtor boards associated with the listing.

Additional Output Fields (when includeBrokerDetails is set to true)

If includeBrokerDetails is set to true, broker information will be included:

2  "brokers": [
3    {
4      "capabilities": [
5        {
6          "kind": "Chats"
7        }
8      ],
9      "brokerage": {
10        "location": {
11          "address": "4875 Bruce B Downs Boulevard",
12          "city": "Wesley Chapel",
13          "county": "",
14          "country": "United States",
15          "state": {
16            "code": "FL",
17            "name": "Florida"
18          },
19          "zip": "33544",
20          "latitude": 0,
21          "longitude": 0
22        },
23        "name": "Nye Commercial Advisors",
24        "logoUrl": "",
25        "website": ""
26      },
27      "badges": [
28        {
29          "title": "PRO"
30        }
31      ],
32      "numberOfAssets": 95,
33      "isInternal": false,
34      "isPlatinum": false,
35      "brokerPlan": "Pro",
36      "globalId": "3a202ac2-d664-4db2-9c2f-873e813cc3a3",
37      "id": 35866,
38      "firstName": "Cody",
39      "lastName": "Brightwell",
40      "phone": "440.376.1006",
41      "thumbnailUrl": "",
42      "createdOn": "2017-09-26T15:41:02.108Z",
43      "publicProfileId": "codybri",
44      "licenses": [
45        "FL 3341127"
46      ],
47      "licenseDetails": [
48        {
49          "brokerId": 35866,
50          "position": 1,
51          "number": "FL 3341127",
52          "createdOn": "2024-07-29T14:58:32.173Z",
53          "licenseStateCode": "FL",
54          "isAuctioneer": false
55        }
56      ],
57      "isAuctioneer": false
58    }
59  ]

Broker Output Fields Explanation

  • brokers: Array of broker objects, each containing detailed information about the broker.
    • capabilities: Array containing the broker's capabilities (e.g., "Chats").
    • brokerage: Information about the brokerage firm, including:
      • location: Location details of the brokerage such as address, city, state, zip, etc.
      • name: Name of the brokerage.
      • logoUrl: URL of the brokerage firm's logo.
      • website: Website of the brokerage firm.
    • badges: Array of badges associated with the broker (e.g., "PRO").
    • numberOfAssets: Number of assets managed by the broker.
    • isInternal: Boolean indicating if the broker is internal.
    • isPlatinum: Boolean indicating if the broker has platinum status.
    • brokerPlan: The broker's plan type (e.g., "Pro").
    • globalId: Global unique identifier for the broker.
    • id: Unique identifier for the broker.
    • firstName: First name of the broker.
    • lastName: Last name of the broker.
    • phone: Contact phone number for the broker.
    • thumbnailUrl: URL of the broker's thumbnail image.
    • createdOn: Date and time when the broker profile was created.
    • publicProfileId: Public profile ID for the broker.
    • licenses: Array of license numbers associated with the broker.
    • licenseDetails: Array containing detailed information about each license, including:
      • brokerId: Broker's unique identifier.
      • position: Position of the license.
      • number: License number.
      • createdOn: Date and time when the license was created.
      • licenseStateCode: State code for the license.
      • isAuctioneer: Boolean indicating if the broker is an auctioneer.
    • isAuctioneer: Boolean indicating if the broker is an auctioneer.

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