Facebook Page Search Results Scraper avatar

Facebook Page Search Results Scraper

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Facebook Page Search Results Scraper

Facebook Page Search Results Scraper

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2 hours trial then $19.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrape facebook pages from search results and get important details such as page name, description, photo url, is verified, tag or category, reviews, price range, location, hours open, number of followers and page link.

Facebook Search Pages Scraper

How it works

This actor allows you to scrape facebook pages from search and get important details such as page name, description, photo url, is verified, tag or category, reviews, price range, location, hours open, number of followers and page link.


Multiple Search Queries: Supports scraping based on multiple search URLs, formatted as https://www.facebook.com/search/pages/?q=your_query. Required Authentication over cookies: Users can log in to access a broader range of questions and answers. Customizable: Flexible configuration options to suit various scraping needs.

How to Use

  1. Set Up: Ensure you have an Apify account and access to the Apify platform.
  2. Install EditThisCookie Chrome extension.
  3. Login to Your Facebook Account.
  4. Export Cookies: While on the Facebook tab, click on the extension and export the cookies.
  5. Input Cookies: Paste the cookies into this actor's Cookie input field.
  6. Specify Search URLs: Input your search URLs in the format https://www.facebook.com/search/pages/?q=your_query. You can add multiple URLs for a broader search scope.
  7. (Optional) Set Max Pages to Scrape: Determine the number of pages to scrape.
  8. (Optional) Set Scroll Delays: Set the Min Delay for Scroll and Max Delay for Scroll to avoid being blocked by Facebook and to get maximum results.
  9. (Optional) Set location: Input location as city and country example: "London, United Kingdom".
  10. (Optional) Configure Proxy Settings: For enhanced reliability.
  11. Run the Actor: Execute the actor to start scraping.
  12. Data Collection: The scraper will output data in your chosen format, which can include JSON, HTML, CSV, Excel, or other formats supported by Apify.

Input Data

Here's a simple example of how to set up a search for "medical" pages in Facebook:

2    "cookies": [
3        {
4            "domain": ".facebook.com",
5            "expirationDate": 1740231415.466268,
6            "hostOnly": false,
7            "httpOnly": false,
8            "name": "c_user",
9            "path": "/",
10            "sameSite": "no_restriction",
11            "secure": true,
12            "session": false,
13            "storeId": "0",
14            "value": "1234804295",
15            "id": 1
16        }
17    ],
18    "maxDelay": 5,
19    "maxPages": 100,
20    "minDelay": 2,
21    "location": "London, United Kingdom",
22    "proxyConfiguration": {
23        "useApifyProxy": true,
24        "apifyProxyGroups": [
25            "RESIDENTIAL"
26        ]
27    },
28    "startUrls": [
29        {
30            "url": "https://www.facebook.com/search/pages/?q=medical"
31        }
32    ]

Output Structure

The output data typically includes:

2    {
3        photoURL: 'https://scontent.fsjj1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-1/301835450_484818216984011_497624981665904398_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s120x120&_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=f4b9fd&_nc_ohc=awPG65E1IF4Q7kNvgFVMseg&_nc_ht=scontent.fsjj1-1.fna&_nc_gid=AVHsdmsNHOcoXXr3Kydi6_n&oh=00_AYAmArKfoc0AueFIcVVaukYemihQIzK4FuapdHCCHyAWvA&oe=66D96323',
4        pageName: 'Alicat Cleaning Services',
5        isVerified: 'no',
6        tag: 'Cleaning Service',
7        reviews: null,
8        priceRange: null,
9        location: null,
10        hoursOpen: null,
11        followers: '2 followers',
12        description: "Hi I'm Dean Holmes and I've been running Alicat Cleaning and Gardening Services for the past 9 years. Previously to this I worked in Health and Social Care for 25 years. I'm based in Preston and I'm happy to take on work across the whole of Lancashire. ",
13        pageLink: 'https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063675116088&__tn__=%3C',
14        pageSlug: 'profile.php'
15    },
16    {
17        photoURL: 'https://scontent.fsjj1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-1/420200785_122094762194211145_7598623163127668115_n.jpg?stp=c51.0.1023.1023a_dst-jpg_s120x120&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=f4b9fd&_nc_ohc=FaI5Y9pH34UQ7kNvgHiViTF&_nc_ht=scontent.fsjj1-1.fna&_nc_gid=AVHsdmsNHOcoXXr3Kydi6_n&oh=00_AYCN4sPoAwM_KF3lJiLUsd-teTJ3kXRpi9GWkji_cWMrwQ&oe=66D952B6',
18        pageName: 'Sarah’s cleaning services',
19        isVerified: 'no',
20        tag: 'Cleaning Service',
21        reviews: null,
22        priceRange: null,
23        location: null,
24        hoursOpen: null,
25        followers: '81 followers',
26        description: 'Professional cleaning services, fully insured and DBS checked. https://www.sarahscleaningservices.uk/',
27        pageLink: 'https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556334353647&__tn__=%3C',
28        pageSlug: 'profile.php'
29    },
30    ...


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Actor Metrics

  • 1 monthly user

  • 2 stars

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Feb 2024

  • Modified a month ago