Unlimited Zillow Scraper: Any Search avatar

Unlimited Zillow Scraper: Any Search

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Unlimited Zillow Scraper: Any Search

Unlimited Zillow Scraper: Any Search

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2 hours trial then $15.00/month - No credit card required now

Unleash the full power of Zillow data - no limits, no restrictions. Comprehensive scraping for any search URL, delivering complete property insights at scale.

Unlock the power of real estate data with our comprehensive Zillow Scraper. Extract detailed property listings and market insights from Zillow.com to fuel your real estate analysis, market research, or property investment strategies.


This Apify actor allows you to scrape detailed property listings from Zillow.com, including property details, pricing information, and geographical data. It's perfect for real estate professionals, investors, and researchers looking to gather insights from the property market.


  • Detailed Property Listings: Extract comprehensive information about each property.
  • Location-based Scraping: Target specific cities or regions for analysis.
  • Customizable Depth: Option to include or exclude detailed property information.
  • Flexible Input: Accept Zillow search result URLs for specific locations or property types.
  • Concurrent Scraping: Efficiently scrape multiple listings with adjustable concurrency.
  • Proxy Support: Built-in proxy configuration to enhance scraping reliability and avoid blocks.

How to Use

  1. Set Up: Ensure you have an Apify account and access to the Apify platform.
  2. Configure Input: Set the Zillow search URL for your desired location (see Input Configuration section).
  3. Adjust Settings: Configure options like including property details, maximum items, concurrency, and proxy settings as needed.
  4. Run the Scraper: Execute the scraper on the Apify platform.
  5. Data Collection: The scraper will output detailed data about the property listings matching your search criteria.

Input Configuration

Here's an example of how to set up the input for the Zillow Cheerio Scraper:

2    "startUrls": [
3        {
4            "url": "https://www.zillow.com/austin-tx"
5        }
6    ],
7    "includePropertyDetails": false,
8    "maxItems": 100,
9    "maxConcurrency": 100,
10    "minConcurrency": 1,
11    "maxRequestRetries": 30

Input Fields Explanation

  • startUrls: Array containing the Zillow search URL for your desired location.
  • includePropertyDetails: Boolean to determine whether to scrape detailed property information (default: false).
  • maxItems: Maximum number of property listings to scrape (default: 100).
  • maxConcurrency: Maximum number of pages processed simultaneously (default: 100).
  • minConcurrency: Minimum number of pages processed simultaneously (default: 1).
  • maxRequestRetries: Number of retries for failed requests (default: 30).

Output Structure

The output data includes detailed information about each property listing. Here's a sample of the structure:

2    "zpid": "400822147",
3    "rawHomeStatusCd": "ForSale",
4    "marketingStatusSimplifiedCd": "For Sale by Agent",
5    "imgSrc": "https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/46c826622c1b90f40c27378c85f0f05c-p_e.jpg",
6    "hasImage": true,
7    "detailUrl": "/homedetails/7713-Bellehaven-Ct-Austin-TX-78744/400822147_zpid/",
8    "statusType": "FOR_SALE",
9    "statusText": "Home for sale",
10    "price": "$24,000",
11    "priceLabel": "$24K",
12    "address": "7713 Bellehaven Ct, Austin, TX 78744",
13    "beds": 3,
14    "baths": 2,
15    "area": 0,
16    "latLong": {
17        "latitude": 30.173681,
18        "longitude": -97.76701
19    },
20    "flexFieldText": "85 days on Zillow",
21    "flexFieldType": "daysOnZillow",
22    "hdpData": {
23        "homeInfo": {
24            "zpid": 400822147,
25            "streetAddress": "7713 Bellehaven Ct",
26            "zipcode": "78744",
27            "city": "Austin",
28            "state": "TX",
29            "latitude": 30.173681,
30            "longitude": -97.76701,
31            "price": 24000,
32            "bathrooms": 2,
33            "bedrooms": 3,
34            "livingArea": 0,
35            "homeType": "MANUFACTURED",
36            "homeStatus": "FOR_SALE",
37            "daysOnZillow": -1,
38            "isFeatured": false,
39            "shouldHighlight": false,
40            "listing_sub_type": {
41                "is_FSBA": true
42            },
43            "isUnmappable": false,
44            "isPreforeclosureAuction": false,
45            "homeStatusForHDP": "FOR_SALE",
46            "priceForHDP": 24000,
47            "timeOnZillow": 7364293000,
48            "isNonOwnerOccupied": true,
49            "isPremierBuilder": false,
50            "isZillowOwned": false,
51            "currency": "USD",
52            "country": "USA",
53            "isShowcaseListing": false
54        }
55    },
56    "isUserClaimingOwner": false,
57    "isUserConfirmedClaim": false,
58    "pgapt": "ForSale",
59    "sgapt": "For Sale (Broker)",
60    "shouldShowZestimateAsPrice": false,
61    "has3DModel": false,
62    "hasVideo": false,
63    "isHomeRec": false,
64    "hasAdditionalAttributions": true,
65    "isFeaturedListing": false,
66    "isShowcaseListing": false,
67    "listingType": "",
68    "isFavorite": false,
69    "availabilityDate": "2024-07-17 00:00:00",
70    "visited": false,
71    "brokerName": "Central Texas Mobile Home Solutions",
72    "timeOnZillow": 7364293000

Output Fields Explanation

  • zpid: Zillow's unique property identifier.
  • rawHomeStatusCd, marketingStatusSimplifiedCd, statusType, statusText: Various indicators of the property's current status.
  • imgSrc: URL of the main property image.
  • detailUrl: Relative URL for the property's detailed page on Zillow.
  • price, priceLabel: Property price information.
  • address: Full address of the property.
  • beds, baths: Number of bedrooms and bathrooms.
  • area: Living area of the property (if available).
  • latLong: Geographical coordinates of the property.
  • flexFieldText, flexFieldType: Additional property information, such as days on Zillow.
  • hdpData: Detailed home data including additional property characteristics.
  • brokerName: Name of the broker or agency listing the property.
  • timeOnZillow: Time the property has been listed on Zillow (in milliseconds).

Additional fields provide information about the property's features, listing status, and Zillow-specific data.

Detailed Property Information

When includePropertyDetails is set to true, the scraper provides an extensive set of additional information about each property. This detailed data is included in the details field of each property object. Here's an overview of the additional information available:

Detailed Output Structure Part 1

2    "details": {
3        "listingDataSource": "Phoenix",
4        "zpid": 400822147,
5        "city": "Austin",
6        "state": "TX",
7        "homeStatus": "FOR_SALE",
8        "address": {
9            "streetAddress": "7713 Bellehaven Ct",
10            "city": "Austin",
11            "state": "TX",
12            "zipcode": "78744",
13            "neighborhood": null,
14            "community": null,
15            "subdivision": null
16        },
17        "isListingClaimedByCurrentSignedInUser": false,
18        "isCurrentSignedInAgentResponsible": false,
19        "bedrooms": 3,
20        "bathrooms": 2,
21        "price": 24000,
22        "yearBuilt": 1999,
23        "streetAddress": "7713 Bellehaven Ct",
24        "zipcode": "78744",
25        "isCurrentSignedInUserVerifiedOwner": false,
26        "propertyUpdatePageLink": null,
27        "moveHomeMapLocationLink": null,
28        "propertyEventLogLink": null,
29        "editPropertyHistorylink": null,
30        "collections": {
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33                    "name": "Similar homes",
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39                                    "url": "https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/519193cd8b62dc83fdbd012384543093-p_c.jpg"
40                                }
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42                            "price": 36000,
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61                            },
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67                                    {
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69                                    },
70                                    {
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Detailed Output Structure Part 2

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