Rednote xiaohongshu (product details) scraper
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Rednote xiaohongshu (product details) scraper
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Get product data from Rednote (xiaohongshu). Unofficial API. Scrapes product information including prices, descriptions, graphical details, seller data
Maintained by Community
Actor Metrics
2 monthly users
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0% runs succeeded
Created in Mar 2025
Modified 6 hours ago
How to get product details:
Just follow these few steps and you'll get your data in few seconds.
- get the url of the product you want, example
1{ 2 "url" : "https://www.xiaohongshu.com/goods-detail/" 3}
- Run the actor
- Output example
1[{ 2 "item": { 3 "name": "SEN X WANG · 美式百搭宽檐字母刺绣棒球帽男女同款显白2024夏季新款软顶显脸小 · 奶杏白 加大码(59-64cm)", 4 "images": [ 5 "https://mall-i9.xhscdn.com/arkgoods/1040g0o0311nq6rs774705opl1b5m5setq82lmk0?imageView2/2/w/1082/format/jpg/q/90", 6 "https://mall-i9.xhscdn.com/arkgoods/1040g0o0311nq6qiin4005opl1b5m5set61bkf9o?imageView2/2/w/1082/format/jpg/q/90", 7 "https://mall-i9.xhscdn.com/arkgoods/1040g0o0311nq6ql676005opl1b5m5setd6a0mr0?imageView2/2/w/1082/format/jpg/q/90", 8 "https://mall-i9.xhscdn.com/arkgoods/1040g0o0311nq6r4u7ce05opl1b5m5setaccrah8?imageView2/2/w/1082/format/jpg/q/90", 9 "https://mall-i9.xhscdn.com/arkgoods/1040g0o0311nq6rk270005opl1b5m5setbd7o3gg?imageView2/2/w/1082/format/jpg/q/90" 10 ], 11 "video": { 12 "url": "", 13 "thumbnail": "" 14 }, 15 "sold": "已售2.7万+", 16 "sold_num": 2700, 17 "price": { 18 "price": 47.8, 19 "deal_price": 35.8, 20 "count_down": { 21 "text": "距离结束", 22 "time": 196932000, 23 "icon": "https://qimg.xiaohongshu.com/odin/1041017g31ec2g9ch0k06ensgcg276000000001jmgpaje" 24 }, 25 "background_image": "https://qimg.xiaohongshu.com/odin/1041017g31ec2g04lgm06ensgcg276000000001n6tdo46" 26 } 27 }, 28 "seller_data": { 29 "name": "SEN X WANG的店", 30 "logo": "https://sns-avatar-qc.xhscdn.com/avatar/f73e0a1f-2342-308e-8de0-145af8cff89a?imageView2/2/w/120/format/jpg", 31 "reputation": "4.67", 32 "fans": "粉丝数 6553", 33 "fans_num": 6553, 34 "sales": "已售 3.4万", 35 "sales_num": 3400, 36 "id": "6605365534a63800017756fc" 37 }, 38 "shipping": { 39 "fee": "包邮", 40 "location": "河北石家庄", 41 "shipment_icon": null, 42 "time": { 43 "text": "48小时内发货", 44 "tag": "现货" 45 } 46 }, 47 "graphic_details": [ 48 "https://mall-i9.xhscdn.com/arkgoods/1040g0o0311nqcma9n4005opl1b5m5setc8dm2ho?imageView2/2/w/1082/format/jpg/q/90", 49 "https://mall-i9.xhscdn.com/arkgoods/1040g0o0311nqcmbm7c005opl1b5m5setkd4c778?imageView2/2/w/1082/format/jpg/q/90", 50 "https://mall-i9.xhscdn.com/arkgoods/1040g0o0311nqcmd1n2005opl1b5m5set4ktrfio?imageView2/2/w/1082/format/jpg/q/90", 51 "https://mall-i9.xhscdn.com/arkgoods/1040g0o0311nqcmrmn2005opl1b5m5set3ohk1jo?imageView2/2/w/1082/format/jpg/q/90", 52 "https://mall-i9.xhscdn.com/arkgoods/1040g0o0311nqcn2b76005opl1b5m5set25pnj9g?imageView2/2/w/1082/format/jpg/q/90" 53 ], 54 "specifications": { 55 "title": "规格参数", 56 "list": [ 57 { 58 "name": "商品名称", 59 "value": "美式百搭宽檐字母刺绣棒球帽男女同款显白2024夏季新款软顶显脸小" 60 }, 61 { 62 "name": "品牌", 63 "value": "SEN X WANG" 64 }, 65 { 66 "name": "适用性别", 67 "value": "通用" 68 }, 69 { 70 "name": "帽子类型", 71 "value": "棒球帽" 72 }, 73 { 74 "name": "材质", 75 "value": "棉" 76 }, 77 { 78 "name": "风格", 79 "value": "ins风,原创,百搭" 80 }, 81 { 82 "name": "适用季节", 83 "value": "四季,夏,秋" 84 }, 85 { 86 "name": "适用对象", 87 "value": "情侣,青年,中年" 88 }, 89 { 90 "name": "帽顶款式", 91 "value": "圆顶" 92 }, 93 { 94 "name": "服装款式细节", 95 "value": "绣花,刺绣,磨毛" 96 }, 97 { 98 "name": "适用年龄", 99 "value": "12-18岁,18-25岁,25-30岁" 100 }, 101 { 102 "name": "帽檐款式", 103 "value": "平檐" 104 }, 105 { 106 "name": "适用场景", 107 "value": "出游,逛街,运动" 108 }, 109 { 110 "name": "上市年份", 111 "value": "2024年夏" 112 } 113 ] 114 }, 115 "price_description": { 116 "title": "价格说明", 117 "list": [ 118 { 119 "name": "划线价格", 120 "value": "指商品的专柜价、吊牌价、正品零售价、厂商指导价或该商品的曾经展示过的销售价等,并非原价,仅供参考。" 121 }, 122 { 123 "name": "未划线价格", 124 "value": "指商品的销售价,是您最终决定是否购买商品的依据。" 125 }, 126 { 127 "name": "折扣", 128 "value": "页面显示的“折扣”为非划线价格与划线价格的对比,该对比值仅供您参考,不作为计算非划线价格的依据。" 129 } 130 ] 131 } 132}]
- Download the data from the Dataset tab