Linkedin data scraper ( EVERY-THING ) avatar

Linkedin data scraper ( EVERY-THING )

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Linkedin data scraper ( EVERY-THING )

Linkedin data scraper ( EVERY-THING )

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2 hours trial then $125.00/month - No credit card required now

This actor can scrape anything from linkedin. Anything includes Person Data, Company Data, Person Posts, Company Posts, Search Jobs, Search People, Search Companies, Search Posts and much more

Linkedin data scraper AIO

This scraper can scrape anything from linkiedn. It has two input variables.

  1. endpoint : Select the endpoint you are interested in. e.g person-scraper
  2. body : send the input data in json format. e.g { "url" : "https://www.linkedincom/in/ingmar-klein" }

List of endpoints

Here is the list of all the endpoints along with the json body they accept (with examples).

1.Person Data

1This endpoint scrapes all public data of a linkedin user
2body : {
3    "url" : String (url of any linkedin user's person profile)
7body : {
8    "url" : ""
9  }

2.Multiple people data

1This endpoint can scrape upto 50 people data in one actor run. Try to keep number of urls less tha 25 in each run for maximum performance  
2body : {
3    "urls" : Array (an array of urls of linkedin user profiles)
7body : {
8    "urls" : [
9        "",
10        "",
11        "",
12        "",
13        "",
14        "",
15        "",
16        "",
17        "",
18        ""
19    ]

3.Company Data

1This endpoint scrapes a linkedin comapny data.
2body : {
3    "url" : String (url of any linkedin company's profile)
7body : {
8    "url" : ""

4.Multiple Companies data

1This endpoint can scrape 50 linkedin companies data in one go. For best performance, try to keep maximum number of urls in one actor run less than 20.
2body : {
3    "urls" : Array (an array of urls of linkedin comapnies) 
7body : {
8    "urls" : [
9        "",
10        "",
11        "",
12        "",
13        "",
14        "",
15        "",
16        "",
17        "",
18        "",
19    ]

5. Person Posts

1This endpoint scrapes posts posted by a person on linkedin. It takes some optional filters for accurate and organized data.
2body : {
3    "url" : String (url of the user/person profile),
4    "page": Number (a valid number that is greater than 0 and less than total_posts_of_a_person / 20, per page you get 20 posts),
5    "paginationToken" : String (for page 1, pass it as empty string "". You'll get paginationToken in response of actor run with page 1. For page 2, send the paginationToken you get from page 1. For page 3 send paginationToken you get from page 2 and so on... )
9body : {
10    "url" : "",
11    "page" : 1,
12    "paginationToken" : ""
13 }
15For page 2, simply pass paginationToken you get from first actor run.

6. Company Posts

1This endpoint donnot require any paginationToken. Simply pass company url and page number.
2body : {
3    "url" : String (url of the company),
4    "page" : Number (a valid number greater than 0 and less than total_posts_of_the_company / 10. Per page you'll get 10 posts)
8body : {
9    "url" : "",
10    "page" : 2

7. Search Jobs

1The endpoint searchs jobs as per linkedin search engine. 
2body : {
3    "query" : String (Search terms),
4    "page" : Number (a number between 1-100),
5    "searchLocationId" : String --optional (It is an optonal filter. searchLocationId is the ID of the specific location you want to bound results from ( specially a country ). It should be the ID of the location you want results from ( Not the name ) . As per, you can filter this as a search bar side by side of search bar to "query". You can pass only 1 liocation ID per search. If you pass it as empty, location will be selected as worldwide. To get id for searchLocationId using a keywords, run endpoint #18 Suggestio Location),
6    "easyApply" : String --optional ( Set "true" if want job apply type to be Easy Apply. Jobs with easyApply true, can be applied for using with 1 click),
7    "experience" : String --optional (experience refers to the experience level required for a specific job. It could be one or more of (1,2,3,4,5,6). 1 = Internship, 2 = Entry level, 3 = Associate, 4 = Mid senior level, 5=Director, 6=Executive. For eaxmple experience=2,5 means experience=Entry level,Director),
8    "jobType" : String --optional (Linkedin Job Type filter. It could be one or more of F,P,C,T,V,I,O. F=Full time, P=Part time, C=Contract, T=Temporary, V=Volunteer, I=Internship, O=Other),
9    "postedAgo" : String --optional (Time jobs was posted ago. It should be in seconds. e.g postedAgo=3600 means all jobs from past 1 hour and so on),
10    "workplaceType" : String --optional (It could be one or more of 1,2,3. 1=On-Site, 2=Remote, 3=Hybrid)
11    "sortBy" : String --optional (Could be either DD ( most recent ) or R ( most relevent )),
12    "companyIdsList" : String --optional (List of comapnies id separated by comma. To find a company's id using company url,run actor #3 Company Data. Note : "urn" is the id),
13    "industryIdsList" : String --optional (List of industries separated by comma. To find a industry's id using keyword, run endpoint #17 Suggestion Industry. Note : "urn" is the id),
14    "functionIdsList" : String --optional (List of funtions separated by comma. To find a funtion's id using keyword, run endpoint #16 Suggestion Function . Note : "urn" is the id) 
15    "titleIdsList" : String --optional (List of job titles separated by comma. To find a job title's id using keyword, run endpoint #N/A. Note : "urn" is the id),
16    "locationIdsList" : String --optional (List of location ids of cities/states of speficed searchLocationId country. To get ids of cities/states using keywords, run endpoint #18 Suggestion Location. Note : "urn" is the id),
20body : {
21    "query" : "Software engineer",
22    "page" : 1

8. Search Posts

1This endpoint works as per linkedin search engine. It takes some optional filters in order to get accurate results.
2body : {
3    "query" : String (search term),
4    "page" : Number (a number between 1 and 100, per page you'll get 20 posts),
5    "sort_by" : String --optional (It can take either of the following values (exclude text in brackets): 1.relevance ( Top match ), 2.date_posted ( Latest )),
6    "author_job_title" : String --optional (If you open filters in linkedin seach engine search posts section, you will see Author Keywords input at the bottom. It actually takes a rough text value matching job title of the author. ( You can pass author job title as rough text e.g CEO )),
7    "content_type" : String --optional (Type of content post must contain. Could of either of the following :, 2.videos, 3.liveVideos, 4.collaborativeArticles, 5.documents),
8    "from_member" : String --optional (Person who posted the post. It should be the urn of the person. To get urn of a person using his linkedin profile link, run endpoint #1 Person Data . For multiple values, separate values with comma. Person URN looks like this : ACoAACeIPPkBUymOGNvgfbBL_uhKc32Hg_g_haU),
9    "from_organization" : String --optional (Organization who posted the post. It should be the id of the oganization/company. To get id of an oganization/company using his linkedin profile link, Run endpoint #3 Company Data. For multiple values, separate values with comma. Organization ID is a numerical value looks like this : 1441),
10    "author_company" : String --optional (Id of the company the author of post works in. To get comapny ID from company profile link, run endpoint #3 Company Data. For multiple values, separate them with comma),
11    "author_industry" : String --optional (Urn of the industry, author is connected with. To get URN of a industry, run actor #17 Suggestion Industry. For multiple values, separate them with comma),
12    "mentions_member" : String --optional (URN of the person who is mentioned in the post. If you apply this filter, only those posts will be returned in which specified person is mentioned. To get person URN from his public profile, run endpoint #1 Person Data. For multiple values, separate them with comma),
13    "mentions_organization" : String --optional (ID of the organization who is mentioned in the post. If you apply this filter, only those posts will be returned in which specified organization is mentioned. To get organization ID from his public profile, run endpoint #3 Company Data. For multiple values, separate them with comma)
17body : {
18    "query" : "Top 10",
19    "page" : 1

9. Search People

1This endpoint works as per linkedin search engine. It may return return results with name : "Linkedin Memeber" & navigationUrl : null. THis is because some profiles are out of our scraping accounts network and are hidden by linkedin.
3body : {
4    "query" : String (search term)
5    "page" : Number (any number between 1 and 100 per page you will get 10 people),
6    "title_free_text": --optional (If you open linkedin search engine to search people and open up filters, you will see 5 input bars at the bottom. "title_free_text" represents "Title"),
7    "company_free_text": String --optional (If you open linkedin search engine to search people and open up filters, you will see 5 input bars at the bottom. "company_free_text" represents "Company"),
8    "first_name": String --optional (If you open linkedin search engine to search people and open up filters, you will see 5 input bars at the bottom. "first_name" represents "First Name"),
9    "last_name": String --optional (If you open linkedin search engine to search people and open up filters, you will see 5 input bars at the bottom. "last_name" represents "Last Name"),
10    "school_free_text": String --option (If you open linkedin search engine to search people and open up filters, you will see 5 input bars at the bottom. "school_free_text" represents "School"),
11    "current_company_list": String --optional (ids of the comapnies to filter results from separated by comma. To get id of a company using url, run endpoint #3 Company Data),
12    "past_company_list":  String --optional (ids of the comapnies people used to work in, separated by comma. To get id of a company using url, run endpoint #3 Company Data),
13    "location_list": String --optional (ids of the locations to filter resutls from, to get id of a location run endpoint #18 Suggestion Location),
14    "language_list": String --optional (ids of the languges people speak, separated by comma. To get id of a language, run endpoint #N/A),
15    "service_catagory_list": String --optional (ids of service catagories separated  by comma. To get service catagory id from keyword, run endpoint #20 ),
16    "industry_list": String --optional (ids of industries separated  by comma. To get industry id from keyword, run endpoint #17 ),
17    "school_list": String --optional (ids of schools separated  by comma. To get school id from keyword, run endpoint #19 )
21body : {
22    "query" : "Ingmar",
23    "page" : 1

10. Search Company

1This endpoint gets company results as per linkedin search engine.
2body : {
3    "query": String (Search term),
4    "page": Number (any number between 1-100, per page you will get 10 resuts),
5    "company_size_list": String --optional (could be 1 or more of the following (Note : for multiple values separte by comma. Ignore text in brackets): 1.B (1-10 employees), 2.C (11-50 employees), 3.D (51-200 employees), 4.E (201-500 employees), 5.F (501-1000 employees), 6.G (1001-5000 employees), 7.H (50001-10000 employees), 8.I (10000+ employees), ),
6    "hasJobs": Boolean --optional (could be true or false),
7    "location_list": String --optional (ids of locations separated  by comma. To get location id from keyword, run endpoint #18 ),
8    "industry_list": String --optional (ids of industries separated  by comma. To get industry id from keyword, run endpoint #17 )
12body : {
13    "query" : "Google",
14    "page" : 1
15    }

11. Comments on a post

1This endpoint scrapes comments on a specific post. 
2body : {
3    "commentsUrn" : String (You can get commentsUrn using any the following enpoints: #5 Person Posts, #6 Compaany Posts, #8 Search Posts. )
4    "page" : Number (a number between 1 and number_of_comments_on_a_post/10, you will get 10 comments per run)
8body : {
9    "commentsUrn" : "urn:li:fsd_socialDetail:(urn:li:activity:7184217964949258241,urn:li:activity:7184217964949258241,urn:li:highlightedReply:-)",
10    "page" : 1

12. Reactions on a post

1This endpoint scrapes reactions on a specific post. 
2body : {
3    "reactionsUrn" : String (You can get reactionsUrn using any the following enpoints: #5 Person Posts, #6 Compaany Posts, #8 Search Posts. )
4    "page" : Number (a number between 1 and number_of_reactions_on_a_post/10, you will get 10 reactions per run)
8body : {
9    "reactionsUrn" : "urn:li:activity:7187125138054610944",
10    "page" : 1

13. Shares/reposts of a post

1This endpoint scrapes shares / reposts data of a specific post. 
2body : {
3    "repostsUrn" : String (You can get repostsUrn using any the following enpoints: #5 Person Posts, #6 Compaany Posts, #8 Search Posts. )
4    "page" : Number (a number between 1 and number_of_shares_of_a_post/10, you will get 10 reposts data per run)
8body : {
9    "respostsUrn" : "urn:li:activity:7187125138054610944",
10    "page" : 1

Below are the suggestion / autocomplete endpoint. These suggestions apear when you are typing in a filter input bar.

14. Suggestion Company (autocomplete)

1This endpoint returns comapny suggestions per query
2body : {
3    "query" : String (search term)
7body : {
8    "query" : "Google"

15. Suggestion person (autocomplete)

1This endpoint returns person suggestions per query
2body : {
3    "query" : String (search term)
7body : {
8    "query" : "Ingmar"

16. Suggestion FUnction (autocomplete)

1This endpoint returns job function suggestions per query
2body : {
3    "query" : String (search term)
7body : {
8    "query" : "Ad"

17. Suggestion Industry (autocomplete)

1This endpoint returns industry suggestions per query
2body : {
3    "query" : String (search term)
7body : {
8    "query" : "Ad"

18. Suggestion Location (autocomplete)

1This endpoint returns location suggestions per query
2body : {
3    "query" : String (search term)
7body : {
8    "query" : "Austr"

19. Suggestion School (autocomplete)

1This endpoint returns school suggestions per query
2body : {
3    "query" : String (search term)
7body : {
8    "query" : "University"

20. Suggestion Service Catagory (autocomplete)

1This endpoint returns service catagory suggestions per query
2body : {
3    "query" : String (search term)
7body : {
8    "query" : "Ad"

Thats it, run the actor and do your stuff with outcome.

If you think something is missing in our actor, please open a new discussion with suitable title and we will add that up ASAP.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 93 monthly users


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 18 hours response time

  • Created in Aug 2024

  • Modified 2 months ago