DoktorTakvimi Reviews Scraper
1 day trial then $30.00/month - No credit card required now

DoktorTakvimi Reviews Scraper
1 day trial then $30.00/month - No credit card required now
This Apify actor collects doctor reviews and ratings from the doktortakvimi.com website. Users can search by specific specialties and cities. The actor pulls data such as doctor ID, review score, review text and review date and presents it in a structured format.
Actor Metrics
2 Monthly users
No reviews yet
1 bookmark
>99% runs succeeded
Created in Sep 2024
Modified 3 months ago
You can access the DoktorTakvimi Reviews Scraper programmatically from your own applications by using the Apify API. You can also choose the language preference from below. To use the Apify API, you’ll need an Apify account and your API token, found in Integrations settings in Apify Console.
2 "openapi": "3.0.1",
3 "info": {
4 "version": "0.0",
5 "x-build-id": "NJCN9N1f90rIye5PT"
6 },
7 "servers": [
8 {
9 "url": "https://api.apify.com/v2"
10 }
11 ],
12 "paths": {
13 "/acts/muhammetakkurtt~doktortakvimi-reviews-scraper/run-sync-get-dataset-items": {
14 "post": {
15 "operationId": "run-sync-get-dataset-items-muhammetakkurtt-doktortakvimi-reviews-scraper",
16 "x-openai-isConsequential": false,
17 "summary": "Executes an Actor, waits for its completion, and returns Actor's dataset items in response.",
18 "tags": [
19 "Run Actor"
20 ],
21 "requestBody": {
22 "required": true,
23 "content": {
24 "application/json": {
25 "schema": {
26 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/inputSchema"
27 }
28 }
29 }
30 },
31 "parameters": [
32 {
33 "name": "token",
34 "in": "query",
35 "required": true,
36 "schema": {
37 "type": "string"
38 },
39 "description": "Enter your Apify token here"
40 }
41 ],
42 "responses": {
43 "200": {
44 "description": "OK"
45 }
46 }
47 }
48 },
49 "/acts/muhammetakkurtt~doktortakvimi-reviews-scraper/runs": {
50 "post": {
51 "operationId": "runs-sync-muhammetakkurtt-doktortakvimi-reviews-scraper",
52 "x-openai-isConsequential": false,
53 "summary": "Executes an Actor and returns information about the initiated run in response.",
54 "tags": [
55 "Run Actor"
56 ],
57 "requestBody": {
58 "required": true,
59 "content": {
60 "application/json": {
61 "schema": {
62 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/inputSchema"
63 }
64 }
65 }
66 },
67 "parameters": [
68 {
69 "name": "token",
70 "in": "query",
71 "required": true,
72 "schema": {
73 "type": "string"
74 },
75 "description": "Enter your Apify token here"
76 }
77 ],
78 "responses": {
79 "200": {
80 "description": "OK",
81 "content": {
82 "application/json": {
83 "schema": {
84 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/runsResponseSchema"
85 }
86 }
87 }
88 }
89 }
90 }
91 },
92 "/acts/muhammetakkurtt~doktortakvimi-reviews-scraper/run-sync": {
93 "post": {
94 "operationId": "run-sync-muhammetakkurtt-doktortakvimi-reviews-scraper",
95 "x-openai-isConsequential": false,
96 "summary": "Executes an Actor, waits for completion, and returns the OUTPUT from Key-value store in response.",
97 "tags": [
98 "Run Actor"
99 ],
100 "requestBody": {
101 "required": true,
102 "content": {
103 "application/json": {
104 "schema": {
105 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/inputSchema"
106 }
107 }
108 }
109 },
110 "parameters": [
111 {
112 "name": "token",
113 "in": "query",
114 "required": true,
115 "schema": {
116 "type": "string"
117 },
118 "description": "Enter your Apify token here"
119 }
120 ],
121 "responses": {
122 "200": {
123 "description": "OK"
124 }
125 }
126 }
127 }
128 },
129 "components": {
130 "schemas": {
131 "inputSchema": {
132 "type": "object",
133 "required": [
134 "specialization",
135 "city"
136 ],
137 "properties": {
138 "specialization": {
139 "title": "Uzmanlık Alanı (Specialization)",
140 "uniqueItems": true,
141 "type": "array",
142 "description": "Lütfen taranacak uzmanlık alanlarını seçin, birden fazla seçilebilir.(Please select the specialties to be scanned, more than one can be selected.)",
143 "items": {
144 "type": "string",
145 "enum": [
146 "acil-tip",
147 "adli-tip",
148 "agiz-dis-ve-cene-cerrahisi",
149 "agiz-dis-ve-cene-radyolojisi",
150 "agiz-yuz-ve-cene-cerrahisi",
151 "aile-danismanligi",
152 "aile-hekimligi",
153 "akupunktur",
154 "alerji-hastaliklari",
155 "algoloji",
156 "anatomi",
157 "androloji",
158 "anesteziyoloji-ve-reanimasyon",
159 "beyin-ve-sinir-cerrahisi",
160 "cerrahi-onkoloji",
161 "cocuk-alerjisi",
162 "cocuk-cerrahisi",
163 "cocuk-dis-hekimligi-pedodonti",
164 "cocuk-endokrinolojisi",
165 "cocuk-enfeksiyon-hastaliklari",
166 "cocuk-gastroenteroloji-hepatoloji-ve-beslenme",
167 "cocuk-gelisimi",
168 "cocuk-genetik-hastaliklari",
169 "cocuk-gogus-hastaliklari",
170 "cocuk-hematolojisi",
171 "cocuk-immunolojisi",
172 "cocuk-kalp-ve-damar-cerrahisi",
173 "cocuk-kardiyolojisi",
174 "cocuk-metabolizma-hastaliklari",
175 "cocuk-nefrolojisi",
176 "cocuk-norolojisi",
177 "cocuk-onkolojisi",
178 "cocuk-romatolojisi",
179 "cocuk-sagligi-ve-hastaliklari",
180 "cocuk-urolojisi",
181 "cocuk-ve-ergen-psikiyatrisi",
182 "cocuk-yogun-bakimi",
183 "dermatoloji",
184 "dil-ve-konusma-terapisi",
185 "dis-hastaliklari-ve-tedavisi",
186 "dis-hekimi",
187 "diyetisyen",
188 "el-cerrahisi",
189 "embriyoloji-ve-histoloji",
190 "endodonti",
191 "endokrinoloji-ve-metabolizma-hastaliklari",
192 "enfeksiyon-hastaliklari",
193 "ergoterapi",
194 "fitoterapi",
195 "fiziksel-tip-ve-rehabilitasyon",
196 "fizyoloji",
197 "fizyoterapi-ve-rehabilitasyon",
198 "gastroenteroloji",
199 "gastroenteroloji-cerrahisi",
200 "gelişimsel-pediatri",
201 "genel-cerrahi",
202 "geriatri",
203 "girisimsel-radyoloji",
204 "gogus-cerrahisi",
205 "gogus-hastaliklari",
206 "gogus-hastaliklari-ve-tuberkuloz",
207 "goz-hastaliklari",
208 "halk-sagligi",
209 "hematoloji",
210 "ic-hastaliklari",
211 "immunoloji",
212 "jinekolojik-onkoloji-cerrahisi",
213 "kadin-hastaliklari-ve-dogum",
214 "kalp-ve-damar-cerrahisi",
215 "kardiyoloji",
216 "kulak-burun-bogaz",
217 "kupa-terapi-hacamat",
218 "metabolik-cerrahi",
219 "mezoterapi",
220 "nefroloji",
221 "neonatoloji",
222 "noroloji",
223 "nukleer-tip",
224 "odyoloji-dil-konusma-ve-ses-bozukluklari",
225 "oral-implantoloji",
226 "ortodonti",
227 "ortopedi-ve-travmatoloji",
228 "ozon-terapi",
229 "pedagoji",
230 "perinatoloji",
231 "periodontoloji",
232 "plastik-rekonstruktif-ve-estetik-cerrahi",
233 "pratisyen",
234 "proloterapi",
235 "protetik-dis-tedavisi",
236 "psikiyatri",
237 "psikoloji",
238 "psikolojik-danisma-ve-rehberlik",
239 "radyasyon-onkolojisi",
240 "radyoloji",
241 "restoratif-dis-tedavisi",
242 "romatoloji",
243 "sertifikali-medikal-estetik",
244 "spor-hekimligi",
245 "sualti-hekimligi-ve-hiperbarik-tip",
246 "tibbi-biyokimya",
247 "tibbi-ekoloji-ve-hidroklimatoloji",
248 "tibbi-farmakoloji",
249 "tibbi-genetik",
250 "tibbi-mikrobiyoloji",
251 "tibbi-onkoloji",
252 "tibbi-parazitoloji",
253 "tibbi-patoloji",
254 "ureme-endokrinolojisi-ve-infertilite",
255 "uroloji"
256 ],
257 "enumTitles": [
258 "Acil Tip (Emergency Medicine)",
259 "Adli Tip (Forensic Medicine)",
260 "Agiz Dis Ve Cene Cerrahisi (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)",
261 "Agiz Dis Ve Cene Radyolojisi (Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology)",
262 "Agiz Yuz Ve Cene Cerrahisi (Oral and Facial Surgery)",
263 "Aile Danismanligi (Family Counseling)",
264 "Aile Hekimligi (Family Medicine)",
265 "Akupunktur (Acupuncture)",
266 "Alerji Hastaliklari (Allergy Diseases)",
267 "Algoloji (Algology/Pain Medicine)",
268 "Anatomi (Anatomy)",
269 "Androloji (Andrology)",
270 "Anesteziyoloji Ve Reanimasyon (Anesthesiology and Reanimation)",
271 "Beyin Ve Sinir Cerrahisi (Neurosurgery)",
272 "Cerrahi Onkoloji (Surgical Oncology)",
273 "Cocuk Alerjisi (Pediatric Allergy)",
274 "Cocuk Cerrahisi (Pediatric Surgery)",
275 "Cocuk Dis Hekimligi Pedodonti (Pediatric Dentistry)",
276 "Cocuk Endokrinolojisi (Pediatric Endocrinology)",
277 "Cocuk Enfeksiyon Hastaliklari (Pediatric Infectious Diseases)",
278 "Cocuk Gastroenteroloji Hepatoloji Ve Beslenme (Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition)",
279 "Cocuk Gelisimi (Child Development)",
280 "Cocuk Genetik Hastaliklari (Pediatric Genetics)",
281 "Cocuk Gogus Hastaliklari (Pediatric Pulmonology)",
282 "Cocuk Hematolojisi (Pediatric Hematology)",
283 "Cocuk Immunolojisi (Pediatric Immunology)",
284 "Cocuk Kalp Ve Damar Cerrahisi (Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery)",
285 "Cocuk Kardiyolojisi (Pediatric Cardiology)",
286 "Cocuk Metabolizma Hastaliklari (Pediatric Metabolic Diseases)",
287 "Cocuk Nefrolojisi (Pediatric Nephrology)",
288 "Cocuk Norolojisi (Pediatric Neurology)",
289 "Cocuk Onkolojisi (Pediatric Oncology)",
290 "Cocuk Romatolojisi (Pediatric Rheumatology)",
291 "Cocuk Sagligi Ve Hastaliklari (Pediatrics)",
292 "Cocuk Urolojisi (Pediatric Urology)",
293 "Cocuk Ve Ergen Psikiyatrisi (Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)",
294 "Cocuk Yogun Bakimi (Pediatric Intensive Care)",
295 "Dermatoloji (Dermatology)",
296 "Dil Ve Konusma Terapisi (Speech and Language Therapy)",
297 "Dis Hastaliklari Ve Tedavisi (Dentistry and Treatment)",
298 "Dis Hekimi (Dentist)",
299 "Diyetisyen (Dietitian)",
300 "El Cerrahisi (Hand Surgery)",
301 "Embriyoloji Ve Histoloji (Embryology and Histology)",
302 "Endodonti (Endodontics)",
303 "Endokrinoloji Ve Metabolizma Hastaliklari (Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases)",
304 "Enfeksiyon Hastaliklari (Infectious Diseases)",
305 "Ergoterapi (Occupational Therapy)",
306 "Fitoterapi (Phytotherapy)",
307 "Fiziksel Tip Ve Rehabilitasyon (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)",
308 "Fizyoloji (Physiology)",
309 "Fizyoterapi Ve Rehabilitasyon (Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation)",
310 "Gastroenteroloji (Gastroenterology)",
311 "Gastroenteroloji Cerrahisi (Gastrointestinal Surgery)",
312 "Gelişimsel Pediatri (Developmental Pediatrics)",
313 "Genel Cerrahi (General Surgery)",
314 "Geriatri (Geriatrics)",
315 "Girisimsel Radyoloji (Interventional Radiology)",
316 "Gogus Cerrahisi (Thoracic Surgery)",
317 "Gogus Hastaliklari (Pulmonology)",
318 "Gogus Hastaliklari Ve Tuberkuloz (Pulmonology and Tuberculosis)",
319 "Goz Hastaliklari (Ophthalmology)",
320 "Halk Sagligi (Public Health)",
321 "Hematoloji (Hematology)",
322 "Ic Hastaliklari (Internal Medicine)",
323 "Immunoloji (Immunology)",
324 "Jinekolojik Onkoloji Cerrahisi (Gynecologic Oncology Surgery)",
325 "Kadin Hastaliklari Ve Dogum (Obstetrics and Gynecology)",
326 "Kalp Ve Damar Cerrahisi (Cardiovascular Surgery)",
327 "Kardiyoloji (Cardiology)",
328 "Kulak Burun Bogaz (Otorhinolaryngology)",
329 "Kupa Terapi Hacamat (Cupping Therapy)",
330 "Metabolik Cerrahi (Metabolic Surgery)",
331 "Mezoterapi (Mesotherapy)",
332 "Nefroloji (Nephrology)",
333 "Neonatoloji (Neonatology)",
334 "Noroloji (Neurology)",
335 "Nukleer Tip (Nuclear Medicine)",
336 "Odyoloji Dil Konusma Ve Ses Bozukluklari (Audiology and Speech Disorders)",
337 "Oral Implantoloji (Oral Implantology)",
338 "Ortodonti (Orthodontics)",
339 "Ortopedi Ve Travmatoloji (Orthopedics and Traumatology)",
340 "Ozon Terapi (Ozone Therapy)",
341 "Pedagoji (Pedagogy)",
342 "Perinatoloji (Perinatology)",
343 "Periodontoloji (Periodontology)",
344 "Plastik Rekonstruktif Ve Estetik Cerrahi (Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery)",
345 "Pratisyen (General Practitioner)",
346 "Proloterapi (Prolotherapy)",
347 "Protetik Dis Tedavisi (Prosthetic Dentistry)",
348 "Psikiyatri (Psychiatry)",
349 "Psikoloji (Psychology)",
350 "Psikolojik Danisma Ve Rehberlik (Psychological Counseling and Guidance)",
351 "Radyasyon Onkolojisi (Radiation Oncology)",
352 "Radyoloji (Radiology)",
353 "Restoratif Dis Tedavisi (Restorative Dentistry)",
354 "Romatoloji (Rheumatology)",
355 "Sertifikali Medikal Estetik (Certified Medical Aesthetics)",
356 "Spor Hekimligi (Sports Medicine)",
357 "Sualti Hekimligi Ve Hiperbarik Tip (Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine)",
358 "Tibbi Biyokimya (Medical Biochemistry)",
359 "Tibbi Ekoloji Ve Hidroklimatoloji (Medical Ecology and Hydroclimatology)",
360 "Tibbi Farmakoloji (Medical Pharmacology)",
361 "Tibbi Genetik (Medical Genetics)",
362 "Tibbi Mikrobiyoloji (Medical Microbiology)",
363 "Tibbi Onkoloji (Medical Oncology)",
364 "Tibbi Parazitoloji (Medical Parasitology)",
365 "Tibbi Patoloji (Medical Pathology)",
366 "Ureme Endokrinolojisi Ve Infertilite (Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility)",
367 "Uroloji (Urology)"
368 ]
369 },
370 "default": [
371 "ergoterapi"
372 ]
373 },
374 "city": {
375 "title": "Şehir (City)",
376 "enum": [
377 "adana",
378 "adiyaman",
379 "afyonkarahisar",
380 "agri",
381 "aksaray",
382 "amasya",
383 "ankara",
384 "antalya",
385 "ardahan",
386 "artvin",
387 "aydin",
388 "balikesir",
389 "bartin",
390 "batman",
391 "bayburt",
392 "bilecik",
393 "bingol",
394 "bitlis",
395 "bolu",
396 "burdur",
397 "bursa",
398 "canakkale",
399 "cankiri",
400 "corum",
401 "denizli",
402 "diyarbakir",
403 "duzce",
404 "edirne",
405 "elazig",
406 "erzincan",
407 "erzurum",
408 "eskisehir",
409 "gaziantep",
410 "gazimagusa",
411 "giresun",
412 "girne",
413 "gumushane",
414 "hakkari",
415 "hatay",
416 "igdir",
417 "isparta",
418 "istanbul",
419 "izmir",
420 "kahramanmaras",
421 "karabuk",
422 "karaman",
423 "kars",
424 "kastamonu",
425 "kayseri",
426 "kilis",
427 "kirikkale",
428 "kirklareli",
429 "kirsehir",
430 "kocaeli",
431 "konya",
432 "kutahya",
433 "lefkosa",
434 "malatya",
435 "manisa",
436 "mardin",
437 "mersin",
438 "mugla",
439 "mus",
440 "nevsehir",
441 "nigde",
442 "ordu",
443 "osmaniye",
444 "rize",
445 "sakarya",
446 "samsun",
447 "sanliurfa",
448 "siirt",
449 "sinop",
450 "sirnak",
451 "sivas",
452 "tekirdag",
453 "tokat",
454 "trabzon",
455 "tunceli",
456 "usak",
457 "van",
458 "yalova",
459 "yozgat",
460 "zonguldak"
461 ],
462 "type": "string",
463 "description": "Lütfen taranacak şehri seçin(Please select the city to scan)",
464 "default": "istanbul"
465 }
466 }
467 },
468 "runsResponseSchema": {
469 "type": "object",
470 "properties": {
471 "data": {
472 "type": "object",
473 "properties": {
474 "id": {
475 "type": "string"
476 },
477 "actId": {
478 "type": "string"
479 },
480 "userId": {
481 "type": "string"
482 },
483 "startedAt": {
484 "type": "string",
485 "format": "date-time",
486 "example": "2025-01-08T00:00:00.000Z"
487 },
488 "finishedAt": {
489 "type": "string",
490 "format": "date-time",
491 "example": "2025-01-08T00:00:00.000Z"
492 },
493 "status": {
494 "type": "string",
495 "example": "READY"
496 },
497 "meta": {
498 "type": "object",
499 "properties": {
500 "origin": {
501 "type": "string",
502 "example": "API"
503 },
504 "userAgent": {
505 "type": "string"
506 }
507 }
508 },
509 "stats": {
510 "type": "object",
511 "properties": {
512 "inputBodyLen": {
513 "type": "integer",
514 "example": 2000
515 },
516 "rebootCount": {
517 "type": "integer",
518 "example": 0
519 },
520 "restartCount": {
521 "type": "integer",
522 "example": 0
523 },
524 "resurrectCount": {
525 "type": "integer",
526 "example": 0
527 },
528 "computeUnits": {
529 "type": "integer",
530 "example": 0
531 }
532 }
533 },
534 "options": {
535 "type": "object",
536 "properties": {
537 "build": {
538 "type": "string",
539 "example": "latest"
540 },
541 "timeoutSecs": {
542 "type": "integer",
543 "example": 300
544 },
545 "memoryMbytes": {
546 "type": "integer",
547 "example": 1024
548 },
549 "diskMbytes": {
550 "type": "integer",
551 "example": 2048
552 }
553 }
554 },
555 "buildId": {
556 "type": "string"
557 },
558 "defaultKeyValueStoreId": {
559 "type": "string"
560 },
561 "defaultDatasetId": {
562 "type": "string"
563 },
564 "defaultRequestQueueId": {
565 "type": "string"
566 },
567 "buildNumber": {
568 "type": "string",
569 "example": "1.0.0"
570 },
571 "containerUrl": {
572 "type": "string"
573 },
574 "usage": {
575 "type": "object",
576 "properties": {
578 "type": "integer",
579 "example": 0
580 },
582 "type": "integer",
583 "example": 0
584 },
586 "type": "integer",
587 "example": 0
588 },
590 "type": "integer",
591 "example": 0
592 },
594 "type": "integer",
595 "example": 1
596 },
598 "type": "integer",
599 "example": 0
600 },
602 "type": "integer",
603 "example": 0
604 },
606 "type": "integer",
607 "example": 0
608 },
610 "type": "integer",
611 "example": 0
612 },
614 "type": "integer",
615 "example": 0
616 },
618 "type": "integer",
619 "example": 0
620 },
621 "PROXY_SERPS": {
622 "type": "integer",
623 "example": 0
624 }
625 }
626 },
627 "usageTotalUsd": {
628 "type": "number",
629 "example": 0.00005
630 },
631 "usageUsd": {
632 "type": "object",
633 "properties": {
635 "type": "integer",
636 "example": 0
637 },
639 "type": "integer",
640 "example": 0
641 },
643 "type": "integer",
644 "example": 0
645 },
647 "type": "integer",
648 "example": 0
649 },
651 "type": "number",
652 "example": 0.00005
653 },
655 "type": "integer",
656 "example": 0
657 },
659 "type": "integer",
660 "example": 0
661 },
663 "type": "integer",
664 "example": 0
665 },
667 "type": "integer",
668 "example": 0
669 },
671 "type": "integer",
672 "example": 0
673 },
675 "type": "integer",
676 "example": 0
677 },
678 "PROXY_SERPS": {
679 "type": "integer",
680 "example": 0
681 }
682 }
683 }
684 }
685 }
686 }
687 }
688 }
689 }
DoktorTakvimi Reviews Scraper OpenAPI definition
OpenAPI is a standard for designing and describing RESTful APIs, allowing developers to define API structure, endpoints, and data formats in a machine-readable way. It simplifies API development, integration, and documentation.
OpenAPI is effective when used with AI agents and GPTs by standardizing how these systems interact with various APIs, for reliable integrations and efficient communication.
By defining machine-readable API specifications, OpenAPI allows AI models like GPTs to understand and use varied data sources, improving accuracy. This accelerates development, reduces errors, and provides context-aware responses, making OpenAPI a core component for AI applications.
You can download the OpenAPI definitions for DoktorTakvimi Reviews Scraper from the options below:
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