Glassdoor Job Scraper avatar
Glassdoor Job Scraper
Under maintenance
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Glassdoor Job Scraper

Glassdoor Job Scraper

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1 day trial then $29.00/month - No credit card required now

Unlock valuable insights with our Glassdoor scraping tool. Effortlessly gather crucial information such as company reviews, ratings, salaries, interview questions, and employee feedback. Enhance your job market analysis and decision-making with comprehensive data at your fingertips.

Number of Pages


The number of pages you want from the jobs.



The job title you want to scrape from Glassdoor.



The location of the job you want to scrape from Glassdoor

Value options:

"new-york": string"los-angeles": string"chicago": string"houston": string"phoenix": string"philadelphia": string"san-antonio": string"san-diego": string"dallas": string"san-jose": string"austin": string"jacksonville": string"san-francisco": string"indianapolis": string"columbus": string"fort-worth": string"charlotte": string"seattle": string"denver": string"washington-dc": string"boston": string"nashville": string"atlanta": string"miami": string"minneapolis": string"new-orleans": string"sacramento": string"tampa": string"cleveland": string"paris": string"united-kingdom": string"france": string"usa": string"united-states": string"china": string"italy": string"germany": string"south korea": string"spain": string"japan": string"belgium": string"india": string"sweden": string"switzerland": string"taiwan": string"london": string"brussels": string"madrid": string"barcelona": string"seoul": string"tokyo": string"luxembourg": string"singapore": string"qatar": string"ireland": string"norway": string"united-arab-emirates": string"san-marino": string"hong-kong": string"netherlands": string"new-zealand": string"south-africa": string"australia": string

Proxy configuration


Select proxies to be used by your crawler.

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 4 monthly users
  • 3 stars
  • 100.0% runs succeeded
  • Created in May 2023
  • Modified 6 days ago