Tiktok Scraper: 30x Performance Improvement avatar

Tiktok Scraper: 30x Performance Improvement

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Tiktok Scraper: 30x Performance Improvement

Tiktok Scraper: 30x Performance Improvement


Scrapes Tiktok. 30x lower operation cost. $0.2 for 10,000 results.

Maintained by Community

30x Efficient Tiktok Scraper

There are a lot of Tiktok scrapers out there. This one offers you the same data points but it runs at least 30x cheaper than any other scrapers. With this scraper, it costs you about $0.2 to get 10,000 results. With Apify's free $5 credit, you can get about 500,000 results per month for free. If you've been scraping millions of results every day, imagine how much this scraper can save you! This actor scrapes videos on hashtag page and user page on Tiktok.

The limitation of this is that you can only get up to 30 videos on user page. If scraping all the user's video is important to you, please use the 20x scraper instead. The 20x scraper uses a different way to scrape tiktok so it has no limit for user pages (also supports hashtags). It's still efficient but it costs about 2x this scraper.

This is a paid Actor. Feel free to try the free version to experience the speed and cost savings before purchase.

Input Parameters

  • Hashtags Use any hashtags.
  • Users Use any usernames.
  • maxResults Number of results you'd like the scraper to stop scrolling for more for each hashtag/user.

How much does it cost to scrape Tiktok?

About $0.2 to get 10,000 results. Yes you read that right.

Sample Output

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