Tiktok Music Trend API avatar

Tiktok Music Trend API

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Tiktok Music Trend API

Tiktok Music Trend API

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1 day trial then $45.00/month - No credit card required now

Access trending music data from TikTok with our API. Get real-time insights into popular sounds, discover new artists, and fuel your music discovery applications.

This is a powerful TikTok scraper that allows you to extract various types of data from TikTok, such as trending music in your country.

🍕🍕 All in one TikTok API 🍕🍕


Since TikTok doesn't provide a good and free API, this actor should help you to retrieve data from it as an Unofficial API.

The TikTok Music Trend data API supports the following features:

  • Trending Music In Your country.

  • Music details - Get any music information.

Bugs, fixes, updates and changelog

This scraper is under active development. If you have any feature requests you can create an issue from here.

Input Parameters

The input of this scraper should be JSON containing the list of pages on Tiktok Music Trend API that should be visited. Required fields are:

limitIntegerYou can limit scraped results.
regionString2 characters region code. Ex: US.
proxyConfigurationObject\Proxy configurationEither your own proxy servers or you can use Apify Proxy.

Compute Unit Consumption

The actor optimized to run blazing fast and scrape many as listings as possible. Therefore, it forefronts all listing detail requests. If actor doesn't block very often it'll scrape 100 listings in 1 minutes with ~0.001 compute units.

TikTok Music Trend API Scraper Input example

2    "region": "US",
3    "limit": 10

During the Run

During the run, the actor will output messages letting you know what is going on. Each message always contains a short label specifying which page from the provided list is currently specified. When items are loaded from the page, you should see a message about this event with a loaded item count and total item count for each page.

If you provide incorrect input to the actor, it will immediately stop with failure state and output an explanation of what is wrong.

Tiktok Music Trend API Export

During the run, the actor stores results into a dataset. Each item is a separate item in the dataset.

You can manage the results in any language (Python, PHP, Node JS/NPM). See the FAQ or our API references to learn more about getting results from this TikTok Music Trend API actor.

Item Detail

2  {
3    "artists": null,
4    "author": "Happy New Year",
5    "author_position": null,
6    "cover_large": {
7      "height": 720,
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15    "cover_medium": {
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31      "width": 720
32    },
33    "duration": 60,
34    "external_song_info": null,
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36    "id": 7090803692152031234,
37    "id_str": "7090803692152031234",
38    "is_original": false,
39    "lyric_short_position": null,
40    "mid": "7090803692152031234",
41    "multi_bit_rate_play_info": null,
42    "offline_desc": "This song can not play offline",
43    "play_url": {
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45      "uri": "",
46      "url_list": [],
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49    },
50    "position": null,
51    "search_highlight": null,
52    "source_platform": 10033,
53    "status": 1,
54    "tag_list": null,
55    "title": "Happy New Year (Remake)",
56    "tt_to_dsp_song_infos": null,
57    "uncert_artists": null,
58    "user_count": 78426
59  }
Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 4 monthly users

  • 1 bookmark

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Nov 2024

  • Modified 3 months ago