TikTok Followers API avatar

TikTok Followers API

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TikTok Followers API

TikTok Followers API

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1 day trial then $29.00/month - No credit card required now

This API provides a list of followers for a given TikTok user. It retrieves follower information, including details like username, ID, and profile picture.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 11 Monthly users

  • No reviews yet

  • 1 bookmark

  • 93% runs succeeded

  • Created in Feb 2025

  • Modified 14 days ago

TikTok User Followers API

This API provides a list of followers for a given TikTok user. It retrieves follower information, including details like username, ID, and profile picture.

Since TikTok doesn't provide a comprehensive and publicly available API for follower data, this API acts as an unofficial solution to access this information.

The TikTok User Followers API supports the following features:

  • Follower List Retrieval: Retrieve a list of a user's followers.

For other TikTok data needs, explore these related APIs:

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#️⃣ TikTok Hashtag APITikTok Hashtag API
🛍 TikTok Shop APITikTok Shop API

Bugs, Fixes, Updates, and Changelog

This API is actively maintained. Report any issues or feature requests by creating an issue in the repository (if applicable).

Input Parameters

The API accepts a JSON payload with the following parameters:

username (default: nickiminai)String👨 Scrape by username. Ex: nike
userIdString🔢 Scrape by uid. Ex: 6714563164218679553
urlString🔗 Scrape by URL. Ex: https://www.tiktok.com/@nickiminai
idsOnlybooleanOnly retrieve TikTok user's ID. See output for example
limitinteger💯 Number of followers

Compute Unit Consumption

This API is designed for efficient scraping. Performance may vary depending on network conditions and TikTok's rate limiting.

How to Use the TikTok User Followers API

1. Retrieve Followers using Username

2  "username": "nickiminai"

2. Retrieve Followers using URL

2  "url": "[https://www.tiktok.com/@someuser](https://www.google.com/search?q=https://www.tiktok.com/%40someuser)"

2. Retrieve Followers using User ID

2  "userId": "6714563164218679553"

During the Run

The API will provide status messages during execution. These messages will indicate the progress of the follower retrieval process.

If invalid input is provided, the API will stop and return an error message.


The API returns a JSON array containing the list of followers. Each follower object will contain information such as their username, user ID, profile picture URL, and potentially other relevant details. The exact structure of the follower object may vary.

Example Output:

Only UserId:

2  {
3    "sec_uid": "MS4wLjABAAAATFbl0lBqRW9sxQQIdCoORUCt13odopf8FA9brDDALygTCe-S4I1ayPvShGD5pvFS"
4    "uid": "7026400295186596870"
5  }

Full information:

2  {
3    "accept_private_policy": false,
4    "account_labels": null,
5    "account_region": "",
6    "ad_cover_url": null,
7    "advance_feature_item_order": null,
8    "advanced_feature_info": null,
9    "apple_account": 0,
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51        "https://p16-amd-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0068/3f0889ea29ffae56fbb8ee22f2fc32dd~tplv-tiktokx-cropcenter-q:100:100:q70.heic?dr=9606\u0026idc=no1a\u0026ps=87d6e48a\u0026s=COMMON_RELATION_LIST\u0026sc=avatar\u0026shcp=65db1d19\u0026shp=30310797\u0026t=223449c4"
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